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PowerPoint Presentation. Publisher The Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. Tinley Park, Illinois. Chapter 12. The Foundation Plan. Chapter 12 Overview. Introduction Preliminary Steps to Drawing a Foundation Plan Drawing a Foundation Plan The Basement/Foundation Plan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PowerPointPresentation PublisherThe Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.Tinley Park, Illinois 1

  2. Chapter 12 The Foundation Plan 2

  3. Chapter 12 Overview • Introduction • Preliminary Steps to Drawing a Foundation Plan • Drawing a Foundation Plan • The Basement/Foundation Plan • Procedure for Drawing a Basement Plan Manually • Drawing a Foundation/Basement Plan Using CADD 3

  4. Learning Objectives • Identify the primary features included in a foundation plan. • Discuss the difference between a foundation plan and a basement plan. • Design and draw a foundation plan for a typical residential structure using traditional or CADD methods. 4

  5. The Foundation Plan • The foundation plan is a plan view drawing in section. • Shows the location and size of footings, piers, columns, foundation walls, and supporting beams. • Usually drawn after the floor plan and elevations have been roughed out. 5

  6. Simple Foundation Plan • This foundation plan provides the necessary information. 6

  7. Foundation Plan Features • The following features are shown on a foundation plan: • Footings for walls, piers, and columns. • Foundation walls. • Piers and columns (posts). • Dwarf walls. • Partial walls, doors, and bath fixtures (basement). • Openings in foundation wall. (continued) 7

  8. Foundation Plan Features • Beams and pilasters. • Direction, size, and spacing of floor joists or trusses. • Drains and sump (if required). • Details of foundation and footing construction. • Complete dimensions and notes. • Scale of drawing. 8

  9. Basement/Foundation Plan 9

  10. Foundation Plan Symbols 10

  11. Preliminary Steps • Study information presented on the preliminary floor plan, plot plan, and elevation. • Use the floor plan as an underlay. • Reduces time and errors. 11

  12. Preliminary Steps • Determine the type of exterior wall specified. • Foundation size depends on wall type. • 4" brick ledge required for brick veneer house. • Plot plan information. • Stepped footings, retaining walls, and grade problems. • Refer to building code. 12

  13. Foundation Wall Types 13

  14. Existing Grade 14

  15. Soil Test 15 (K&S Testing and Engineering, Inc )

  16. Drawing a Foundation Plan • Follow these steps: • Select the scale (usually 1/4" = 1'-0"). • Locate the outline of foundation walls. • Draw the foundation walls, piers, and pilasters. • Draw the foundation for fireplace and chimney. • Indicate breaks in the wall for windows, doors, access holes, vents. (continued) 16

  17. Drawing a Foundation Plan 17

  18. Drawing a Foundation Plan • Lay out and draw wall footings. • Draw footings for piers and columns. • Draw footings for fireplace and chimney. • Locate and draw the supporting beam. • Show size, spacing, and direction of joists or trusses. • Identify location of sections. (continued) 18

  19. Drawing a Foundation Plan 19

  20. Drawing a Foundation Plan • Draw and dimension the necessary sections. 20

  21. Drawing a Foundation Plan • Identify dimensions needed to show size and location. • Draw the dimension lines. • Add necessary notes. • Shade the foundation walls with material symbols or hatch patterns. • Add title block, scale, and drawing name. • Check over the drawing. 21

  22. Drawing a Foundation Plan • Completed foundation plan. 22

  23. Basement/Foundation Plan • Basements are popular where frost penetration is several feet deep. • Basements provide usable space at less cost. • The basement plan is a combination foundation and floor plan. • A split-level house is an example of where a basement plan would be drawn. 23

  24. Basement Plan • Completed basement/foundation plan. 24

  25. Drawing a Basement Plan • Follow these steps: • Similar to drawing a foundation plan. • Select the scale (usually 1/4" = 1'-0"). • Draw exterior foundation walls using the floor plan as an underlay. • Draw the footings for walls, fireplace, and columns. • Locate and draw the beam and supports or bearing wall partitions. 25 (continued)

  26. Drawing a Basement Plan • Partially completed basement plan. 26

  27. Drawing a Basement Plan • Design room layout in the basement. • Indicate breaks in basement walls for windows and doors. • Locate and draw stairs. • Show size, spacing, and direction of joists or trusses. • Identify the location of sections required to provide additional information. (continued) 27

  28. Drawing a Basement Plan • Walls, doors, windows, etc., are added. 28

  29. Drawing a Basement Plan • Draw the necessary sections and dimension them. 29

  30. Drawing a Basement Plan • Locate and draw bath fixtures. • Locate furnace, water heater, storage tank, etc. • Determine the location of dimensions to show all features. • Draw the dimension lines with distances. • Letter any notes. (continued) 30

  31. Drawing a Basement Plan • Show electrical switches, outlets, and fixtures. • Shade the foundation walls with proper material symbols or hatch patterns. • Add title block, scale, and the name of the drawing. • Check the drawing. 31

  32. Drawing a Basement Plan • The completed basement plan. 32

  33. Drawing a CADDBasement Plan • Preliminary Steps • Study the rough floor plan. • Study the site plan. • Study the rough elevation. • Identify special footings. • Identify grade problems. 33

  34. CADD Drawing Procedure • Follow these steps: • Call up a copy of the floor plan to use as an underlay. • Locate the outline of the foundation walls, footings, and piers. • Locate chimney and its footing, if applicable. (continued) 34

  35. CADD Drawing Procedure • First steps of drawing a basement plan with CADD. 35

  36. Using CADD Layers • Plan the use of layers. • Foundation walls need a layer. • Footings need a layer. • Windows need a layer. • Dimensions need a layer. • Fireplace needs a layer. • Use layers for convenience and clarity. 36

  37. CADD Drawing Procedure • Draw the interior walls with openings for windows, and doors. • Draw the stairs. • Turn off the floor plan underlay. • Draw all interior walls and insert window and door symbols into the plan. • Add joist direction, window wells, etc. (continued) 37

  38. CADD Drawing Procedure • Stairs are added. 38

  39. CADD Drawing Procedure • Dimension the drawing using the DIMENSION commands. • Add interior features. • Add appliances, fixtures, furnace, and room names and sizes. • Add cutting-plane lines. • Add the scale and title. • Look over the plan. 39

  40. CADD Drawing Procedure • Basement plan completed with CADD. 40

  41. CADD Application • This residential structure has a complex foundation. 41 (Sater Design Collection, Inc.)

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