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Gain insight into the fiscal context and key strategic issues of revenue management in the current economic environment. Learn essential measures to maximize revenue sources and navigate the challenges of uncertainty and volatility.
2018 REVENUE MANAGEMENT MASTER CLASSOverview of fiscal context and key strategic issues • Mr HC Malila: DDG-Fiscal & Economic Services
Sustainability Model – Developmental Local Government • Section 152 of the Constitution of South Africa • Part B of Schedule 4 and Part B of Schedule 5 of the Constitution of South Africa Overview of fiscal context and key strategic issues
Navigating and developing a shared purpose - “globally connected, locally relevant approach”
It’s a VUCA World • Uncertainty • Surprises • Unpredictability • Unknown outcomes • Volatility • Risk • Instability • Flux • Within this VUCA state, economic intelligence provides credible, reliable and robust data and information in the area of economics and socio-economics for well-informed decisions to be made Vision Understanding Clarity Agility • Ambiguity • Doubt • Distrust • Complexity • Dualities • Unproductive Overview of fiscal context and key strategic issues
Good Governance Drivers An integrated value-based financial governance approach is followed towards achieving: • The mobilisation of sufficient resources to sustainably finance developmental goals; • The implementation of policies and related priorities effectively utilising budget; and • Effective financial oversight • Key drivers identified to ensure sound financial governance practices and optimal service delivery to communities are: • Governance • Ethical and Effective Leadership – Strategic Policy Direction and Oversight • Integrated thinking and reporting - linking performance to governance thereby improving value • Integrated capacity development to develop and empower a corps of competent and committed high-performance employees • Data and systems enablement - creating operational efficiency and enabling informed decision and problem identification and resolution Overview of fiscal context and key strategic issues
2018/19 Economic and Fiscal Environment • South Africa’s GDP in the first quarter of 2018 fell by 2.2 per cent following an increase of 3.1 per cent in the 4th quarter of 2017 • The IMF maintained its GDP growth projections of 1.5 per cent 2018 and 1.7 per cent for 2019 • The IMF continues to caution that South Africa faces significant fiscal risks • According to the National Treasury, the national economic outlook is unlikely to improve • Economic growth in the WC is estimated to have remained largely flat in 2017, with a contraction in growth predicted for 2018 – impact of the drought • Risks to the National Fiscal Framework remains elevated: • Despite years of fiscal consolidation government still borrows approximately R160 billion per year • Debt to GDP ratio is under threat due to large spending pressures • The gap between revenue and expenditure reflects policy decisions (e.g. high wage settlements) and declining growth (i.e. revenue shortfalls) • Despite the recent VAT increase and budget reductions measures of fiscal consolidation and tough budget decisions will continue to bridge the gap between revenue and expenditure – affecting both province and municipalities Overview of fiscal context and key strategic issues
Provincial and Municipal risks and issues • Increased service load pressures, particularly in the social sector, due to increasing population and heightened levels of poverty and unemployment • Extent of crime • Risks to infrastructure delivery, including reductions to funding, bulk infrastructure and maintenance backlogs and shortage of professional staff • Drought, water crisis, disasters and other issues relating to climate change • Current economic pressures as well as resource capacity and governance constraints across province and municipalities • Downward revision to conditional grant allocations to municipalities impacts on revenue raising capacity • Financing capacities of municipalities - which are shrinking owing to the difficulty in obtaining loans and the increase in the cost of money • Impact of Public Transport challenges in the City of Cape Town Overview of fiscal context and key strategic issues
Debtors’ 5-year trend – 3 Major categories Overview of fiscal context and key strategic issues
Responding to the economic and fiscal context • Principles that need to be considered: Rule of Law Evidence-based Public value Policy principles underpinning the WCG planning and budgeting process Constitu-tionalism Partnerships Citizen centric Whole of Society Approach Overview of fiscal context and key strategic issues
Essential measures to maximise the potential of existing revenue sources include amongst others • The billing system must correctly reflect all billing data and customer data that are required to issue an accurate invoice on time to the relevant customer • All properties within the municipality’s area of jurisdiction must be correctly valued whether in the General Valuation Roll or Supplementary Valuation Rolls; and the billing system must be updated with any change in property ownership. This is necessary to grow and protect the municipality’s property rates base • Effective business processes to ensure that new property development and improvements to existing properties are valued as required and that billing records are updated accordingly; this requires good working relations between the municipality’s town planning, valuations and revenue management functions • Correct categorisation of properties in terms of the Municipal Property Rates Policy; this impacts usage and property rates tariffs applied to the properties Overview of fiscal context and key strategic issues 10
Concluding Remarks • The Revenue Management Master Class is part of the WCPT integrated capacity building strategy and assists with evidence-based methodology in respect of revenue planning, budgeting and implementation • Provides for “Consolidation of efforts for maximum service delivery impact” - a sustainable local government fiscal path that enables delivery on policy priorities and managing economic and fiscal risks • Assist with strengthening and enhancement of existing strategies and practices that contributes towards sustainable local government • Presents opportunities for peer learning and sharing of best practices amongst municipalities Overview of fiscal context and key strategic issues