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Learn how to use loops and branches in programming to draw cool pictures using variables, arithmetic, functions, and building your own functions. Explore the concepts of absolute and relative positioning, complex patterns, and repetition with loops.
Loops and BranchesCh 21 and Ch18 And how you can use them to draw cool pictures!
5 Programming Concepts… • Variables and Arithmetic • Branches • Using Functions • Building your own Functions • Loops to repeat (Today) …and Branches again (Today)
Review:1) Variables and Arithmetic n = 4; y = 2; x = n + y; y = n * 2; document.write(“x=” + x + “, y=” + y);
3) Using Functions Function calls Math Functions: x = Math.sqrt(81); y = Math.sqrt(x); document.write(“x=” + x + “, y=” + y); Turtle Functions:forward(20); left(90); forward(20); right(135); backward(40); x=9, y=3 arguments
Absolute vs Relative Positioning • Relative Position: • forward, backward, left, right • keeps track of where you areand makes adjustments from your current position • Absolute motion: • moveTo, turnTo • Lets you specify exactly where or what angle • Using Cartesian geometry…a little refresher may help
4) Building your own functions • Lets you “abstract” a collection of moves • For example, these lines make a square: forward(20); right(90); forward(20); right(90); forward(20); right(90); forward(20); right(90);
If you want to draw a lot of squares, put this at the top of your script… function square(n) { forward(n); right(90); forward(n); right(90); forward(n); right(90); forward(n); right(90); }
Now you can ‘call’ your square function square(20); -------------------- left(30); square(20); left(180); square(20); moveTo(-300, -100); left(30); square(20); left(180); square(20);
Functions help manage complexity • You can do interesting patterns without a lot of repetition of code • They save time and effort • Functions can use other functions
Functions allow “vertical structure” • Top Down Programming: • A city consists of several subdivisions • A subdivision consists of many blocks of houses • A block of houses is based on a single house • Most software is designed in this way
Function Quiz: • Write a function that draws a triangle of size n: function triangle(n) { }
Function Quiz, Part II • Now write code that draws this: (start here)
5) Loops repeat blocks of code Try this: for (i=1; i<=5; i=i+1) { square(20);right(72); } Instead of this: square(20); right(72); square(20); right(72); square(20); right(72); square(20); right(72); square(20); right(72);
Syntax of a loop Start counting at 1 Add 1 to i after each cycle through for( i=1; i<=5; i=i+1 ) { STATEMENTS TO REPEAT; } Stop when you pass 5
Flow chart of a loop i = 1; Statements to repeat: square(40); right(72); true i < = 5 i = i+1; false Finish, go to next statement
World Famous Iteration (C, C++, Java) Start counting at 0 Add 1 to i after each cycle through for( i=0; i<5; i++ ) { STATEMENTS TO REPEAT; } Stop when you reach 5
Advanced: you can use the counter to represent real values like angles for (ang=0; ang<=360; ang=ang+72) { turnTo(ang); square(20); }
Application: Drawing arcs and circles for (i=0; i<180; i++) { forward(1); right(1); } for (i=0; i<360; i++) { forward(1); right(1); }
Loop and Function Quiz: We want to draw this: Naturally we decide to • Abstract a circle function • Use a loop to repeat circles
Solve the previous problem Remember, these go in 2 different places: Function defn’s go in 1st <script> block, other code in 2nd
Application: Drawing a row of triangles Use the Hex Color Code Pallete To choose colors width(10); color("#00FF33"); jumpTo(-350, 0); turnTo(0); for (i=0; i<7; i++) { triangle(50); jumpFwd(100); } <body bgcolor="#FFCCFF">
Application: Drawing a lot of random sized squares in random locations width(5); color("#993399"); for (i=0; i<100; i++) {randX=rand(-400,400); randY=rand(-300,200); jumpTo(randX, randY); size=rand(10,100); square(size); } Great idea for a function
Abstraction Again!Programmers keep an eye out for useful tasks to turn into functions: function jumpRandom( ) {var randX=rand(-400,400); var randY=rand(-300,200); jumpTo(randX, randY); }
Previous Application Simplified using new function: width(5); color("#993399"); for (i=0; i<100; i++) {jumpRandom( ); size=rand(10,100); square(size); } You can now easily use this in other places too
5) Branches give you variety What if you want a square or triangle chosen at random? choice=rand(1,2); if (choice= = 1) triangle(50); if (choice= = 2) square(50); First Try Refresh (perhaps several times)
if statement syntax if (condition) statement ; Condition – is a logical expression like score == 100 x+y>10 Statement – is any executable statement like forward(20); OR square(50);
If Statement Flowchart true choice==1 triangle(50); false Next statement
Application: Row of random squares & triangles What if you want a row of squares and triangles chosen at random? width(10); color("#00FF33"); jumpTo(-350,180); turnTo(0); for (i=0; i<7; i++) { choice=rand(1,2); if (choice= =1) triangle(50); if (choice= =2) square(50); jumpFwd(100); } First Try Refresh
Application: set line to a randomly selected color function randColor() { c=rand(1,4); if (c= =1) color("red"); if (c= =2) color("blue"); if (c= =3) color("yellow"); if (c= =4) color("green"); } width(10);for (i=0; i<9; i++){ randColor(); right(40); square(50);}
WARNING • Use { } if you want to do more than one thing: • if (choice= = 1) { triangle(50); forward(100); }
Capture your images in a “screen shot” • Press Alt and PrtScr at same time • Open Paint • Edit/Paste • You can chop out image using select tool • Dotted line box • Then paste into Microsoft Word • Or save as a .jpg file (project 2)
Additional Functions defined in Lab 4.4(plus you can use all the regular turtle functions) • square(n) – draws square of size n • triangle(n) – draws triangle of size n • jumpTo(x,y) – jumps to coordinate x, y • jumpFwd(x) – jumps forward x units • jumpBwd(x) – jumps backwards x units • randColor( ) – change the color randomly