England's Settlements Why It Matters:The Atlantic coast remained open to the English during the 1580’s. The first attempt at Roanoke failed but in 1607 they succeeded in founding Jamestown, which becomes part of the colony of Virginia. By 1732, four more colonies had been established: Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
1st promoters of English colonies: wealthygentlemen from southwestern England. • Sir Walter Raleigh • English patriots • Devout Protestants • Men looking to seek fortune and power • They assumed an American colony could solve England’s problems. • Growing population • Increased poverty due to a stagnanteconomy • Supporters suggested shipping the poor across the Atlantic to work and establish the new colonies. • They could mine for gold and silver, raise crops • Generate more money to send back home
To Establish a Colony: Roanoke Fails • Raleigh tried several times to get this colony started. • Ships struggled to land supplies because of the sandy areas on the coast. • Sandy, infertile soil produced bad crops. • What happened to them??? • Charter-certificate of permission from the king • Form a joint-stock company- a business venture founded and run by a group of investors who would share in the colony’s profits and losses.
Virginia Company • Corporation of merchants from London • 1607- colonists traveled to Chesapeake Bay • North of Roanoke • Offered good harbors, fertile land • Powerful Indians • Region had 30 tribes, 24,000 Indians who spoke and Algonquian language • Their ruler was Powhatan. He was in his 60’s, smart, and strong build. • He wanted to trade with them • He didn’t want to confront colonists and risk a fight • Instead, he wanted to contain them and use them against his own enemies.
Colonists wanted Indian lands and didn’t want to recognize their ownership and ties to their lands. • CaptainJohn Smith emerged as a strong leader and wanted to improve the Indian’s “wilderness” into profitable farmland. VS Overcoming Hardships • The name Jamestown came from KingJames I. • It was surrounded by many swamps which acted as a defense from attack but they were full of mosquitoes. • Mosquitoes carry malaria and killed many. • Starvation was also an issue because people were too sick to farm.
Native American Conflicts • In 1609, war broke out between the starving and the Indians. • In 1613, the king’s daughter, Pocahontas was captured. • She converted to Christianity and married a colonist named John Rolfe. • Powhatan eventually made peace after growing tired of war. • He died a few years later and passed his power on to his brother who didn’t like the Englanders. VS
Tobacco Saves Jamestown • By 1616, Jamestown did not have much to show for itself. • Sick colonists had barely any money. • The Virginia company allowed colonists to own and work land as their private property. • As farmer/owners, rather than company employees, they worked harder to grow crops and this prolonged their survival. • The profit came from a commercial crop- Tobacco • Needed a long, hot, humid climate. Better in Virginia instead of Europe. • John Rolfe led the colonists and began teaching them how to cultivate the tobacco crop. • Smoking was increasing in Europe. • Colonists shipped 1.5 million lbs. to Europe in 1640. More Europeans wanted to come to America to cash in on tobacco.
House of Burgesses Free Land • Virginia Co. granted political reforms. • It allowed the planters to create the House of Burgess- first legislative body in colonial America. • Male landowners over 17 years old voted for 2 Burgesses to represent their settlement. • They had the power to make laws and raise taxes. • This began a representative government. • Headright System-anyone who paid for passage to Virginia or who paid for another person’s voyage received 50 acres of land. • Wealthy colonists could acquire large plantations and imported workers from New England. • Indentured Servants
The English monarchy eventually took over the Virginia colony making it the 1st royal colony. • The English developed two types of colonial government: • Royal- belonging to the crown. • Proprietary- belonging to powerful individuals or companies. Effects of Expansion in Virginia • Increasing demand for tobacco • More land was needed • Land was taken from Indians • Indians became enraged
Fighting with Indians • Algonquin Indians burned plantations and killed colonists. • Colonists staged counterattacks destroying Indian villages and crops, which left people in those villages without food. • Colonists continued to spread west to the Potomac River. • Disease and war reduced Algonquin Indian populations from 24,000 to 2,000 in 60years. • They were left in small villages that were surrounded by colonists • Colonist populations reached 41,000 in 60 years.
Bacon’sRebellion • Settler’s moved onto interior lands and away from the more fertile lands they were used to near the Atlantic coast. • Moving further in meant it cost more to transport crops back and forth. • They also faced danger traveling near Indian villages. • The royal governor, William Berkeleylevied taxes on planters and used the extra money to reward his favorite wealthy friends from the House of Burgesses. • 1676- another fight broke out between colonists and Indians in the Potomac Valley. • Berkeley hesitated on the idea of completely exterminating the Indians. • Settlers looked for leadership in Nathanial Bacon.
Bacon led a slaughter of Indians, even those who were not fighting. • Bacon and his followers went into Jamestown and began a revolt against Berkeley. • They drove him out and burned part of the town. • Bacon’s rebellion showed: • Poor farmers would not tolerate a government that only catered to the wealthy • Eventually taxes were reduced • Improved access to interior land