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Your Ambulance Service

Your Ambulance Service. Foundation Trust Consultation. About North West Ambulance Service. Largest ambulance service in the country Provides the following services: 24 hour emergency service Patient Transport Services Major incident management Event Support.

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Your Ambulance Service

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Your Ambulance Service Foundation Trust Consultation

  2. About North West Ambulance Service • Largest ambulance service in the country • Provides the following services: • 24 hour emergency service • Patient Transport Services • Major incident management • Event Support

  3. About North West Ambulance Service • 7 million population over 5,400 square miles • Employ over 5,100 staff • Annual income of £250 million • 1.1 million 999 calls a year and over 900,000 responses (09/10) • 2 million patient transport journeys • 3 Emergency Control Centres • 114 Ambulance Stations, 1000 vehicles • 1 HQ in Bolton • 4 area offices - Carlisle, Liverpool, Manchester and Preston • Central emergency service support centre

  4. Our Vision Our Aims The Wheel

  5. Our Values • Patient Focus • Treating people with honesty and respect • Listening organisation • Professional • Protect confidentiality • Treat staff fairly and consistently • Learn and share knowledge • Challenge our own views • Accept responsibility for successes and shortcomings • Promote self awareness and feedback

  6. Where are we now?Our Challenges • Continual increasing demand for services • Ensuring our buildings and their locations are fit for purpose to meet our staff, patient and communities’ needs • Challenging financial environment • Addressing the implications of changes to the wider NHS e.g. Commissioning arrangements • Implementation of eligibility criteria for patient transport services • New performance criteria from April 2011

  7. Where are we now?Well prepared We are: • A patient centred and clinically focused organisation • An organisation with strong community links • An organisation with a clear vision • Well managed with a record of sound financial management • Resilient with robust technology and business continuity plans • We have dedicated and skilled staff We believe we are fit for purpose to become a Foundation Trust

  8. What is a Foundation Trust? Part of the NHS Freedom from central control Membership organisation Directly accountable to local people and staff

  9. What will change when NWAS becomes a Foundation Trust?

  10. Greater local accountability • through members & Council of Governors • Greater organisational planning & financial freedoms • Greater clarity about the future • Trust will be regulated by an independent organisation - Monitor

  11. How will our staff benefit? • Membership • Longer term planning enables greater stability • Greater involvement • Help deliver high quality services that are locally relevant to patients and the public

  12. Our Future Plans • Monitoring and achieving high standards and outcomes of clinical care • Ensuring our staff have the right skills to treat all our patients needs • Ensuring our response time and type meets the patient’s clinical needs • Providing more flexible and timely patient transport services • Working in partnership with others to ensure seamless emergency care for patients • Strengthen our major incident management even further

  13. How we will be run as an FT • Membership • Council of Governors • Board of Directors

  14. Membership Helps shape the services for the future Vote in the Council of Governor elections Stand for election to the Council of Governors Reflect public opinion on Trust services Participate in surveys, consultations and discussions Raise awareness of the Trust and its services Be a volunteer

  15. Sign up • We aim to develop a representative membership with initial aim to recruit 8,000 members • We want as many people as possible to sign up • Membership forms are in the consultation document and can be returned by FREEPOST or handed over today • Online at www.nwas.nhs.uk • Email: membership@nwas.nhs.uk

  16. Council of Governors

  17. Council of Governors - role • Appoint the Chairman and Non-Executive Directors • Approve the appointment of the Chief Executive • Represent members’ interests • Promote public involvement and plan membership activities • Hold the Board of Directors to account for Trust performance • Be consulted on the Trust’s annual plan and receive the annual report and accounts

  18. Board of Directors • 1 non-executive Chairman • 5 executive directors • 5 non-executive directors • Responsible for the leadership and management of the Trust • Set strategy, plans and budget • Hold financial and legal responsibilities • Ensure clinical quality is maintained

  19. How to have your say • Comprehensive consultation document has all the information, feedback form and address details • Today in person • By letter at FREEPOST address • Email: communications@nwas.nhs.uk • Telephone no: 0845 112 0 999 • Online at www.nwas.nhs.uk

  20. Any Questions?

  21. Community Involvement • The Trust is very active in the community through • Community First Responders • Volunteer Car Drivers • Critical Friends Network • Public health initiatives such as Heart Start, Chain of Survival, Defibrillator schemes • Community events and presence

  22. Chain of Survival Community Resuscitation Team demonstration

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