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University Responsibility and Sustainability in Social-Economic Regional Development

This article explores the University of Appl.. Sci.. Zittau/Goerlitz's commitment to sustainable development in social-economic regional development. It showcases best practice examples and emphasizes the role of educational networking and SME-oriented management in stimulating regional growth and countering negative demography.

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University Responsibility and Sustainability in Social-Economic Regional Development

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  1. University Responsibility and Sustainability in Social-Economic Regional Development Bernd Delakowitz, Anke Hoffmann

  2. The University of Appl. Sci. Zittau/Goerlitz and its SD Committment Best Practice Examples to stimulate regional growth and social-economic SD

  3. Location Zittau Goerlitz

  4. The Zittau/Goerlitz Committment to SD Profile Sustainable Development Core Competences (embedded in individual faculties) Best Practice Examples EMS Networking Research Energy Efficiency Management / IMS RC Techniques Surface Chem. & Biotech

  5. 1995 Senate Decision 1997 EM Team Dec. 1998 Validation Audit 3rd Validation Audit: EG 761/2001 - January 2005 EMS The Environmental Management • EG 1836/93 (EMAS) - March 1999 • EG 761/2001 (EMAS II) - March 2002 • External Supervisory Audit - March 2003 • External Supervisory Audit - March 2004

  6. EMS Organisation

  7. EMS Example: Heat Energy Consumption

  8. EMS Former Military Facilities now used as Laboratories - Before and after Reconstruction

  9. Networking Neisse University I www.neisse-uni.org

  10. Networking Neisse University II New MSc Course „EHS & Risk Management“ 1st Semester Poland 2nd Semester Czech Republic 3rd Semester Germany 4th Semester Industrial Placement (FRG/PL/CZ) and Master Thesis Fundamentals Management and Governance Natural Sciences / Technical Issues European Environm. Law / National Standards Languages

  11. Networking Baltic University Programme • Contribution to EMS-module • Integration of BUP-modules in regular courses • Organization of International Conference „Sustainable Chemistry and Biotech-nology“, February 2005; module develop. • Zittau SD seminars 2004/2005 (Prof. Walter Leal)

  12. Research Energy Efficiency I Management RC-Techn. Surface Chemistry… Zittau: 5.000 m² labs/lect. halls under construction Partly earth-bound air-conditioning Savings vs. convent.: 13 T€ p.a. (or 16%); 55 t CO2 p.a.

  13. Research Energy Efficiency II Management RC-Techn. Surface Chemistry… Earth bound cooling of industrial process heat; Feasabibilty concept and pilot operation in a SME

  14. Eco-Controlling; Eco-Efficiency Kraftverkehrsgesellschaft Dreiländereck mbH EMS; Health & Safety; IMS Techno–Coat Oberflächentechnik GmbH Cloyes Europe GmbH EMS; QMS; IMS Management (EM, QM, H&S, IMS) Research Energy efficiency RC-Techn. Surface Chemistry…

  15. Auflegen des Sortiergutes auf eine beheizte Oberfläche • Anhaften des Stoffes mit dem niedrigeren Erweichungspunkt • Ablösen des haftenden Stoffes • Entfernen des nichthaftendenStoffes, z. B. mittels Schwerkraft Wärme Wärme Research Waste Management; RC-Techniques Energy efficiency RC-Techn. Separation of plastics according to thermal properties Surface Chemistry… • Problem • No recycling process for fine-particulate plastic waste • To prevent downcycling-effects a high degree of purity is needed • Necessary: R&D on innovative sorting and classification processes • R&D Focus: • Definition of adhesion characteristics • Validation of processing parameters and development of sorting machines

  16. Research Surface Chemistry and Biotechnology Energy efficiency RC-Techn. Management Development of diffusion blocking and bio-compatible hard material surface coating for keyhole (minimal-invasive) surgery

  17. Conclusion SD have different meanings due to different regional situations and needs and, thus, requires specific responses Institution of HE are particularly responsible to assist in social-economic and structural regional SD Suiteful tools to achieve the above goal may be educational networking and SME-oriented management / R&D Best practice innovation performed by institutions of HE may help to stimulate regional growth by providing start-up conditions and may counteract negative demography and out-migration. This may be considered sustainable development.

  18. Thank you for your attention

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