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THE UNITED NATIONS . INTRODUCTION OF UN . UN. Charter. 193. UN EMBLEM . UN HEADQUARTER AT NEW YORK . UN FLAG . Principal Organs of the United Nation Organization . GENERAL ASSEMBLY . The General Assembly. It is like a world parliament.

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  2. INTRODUCTION OF UN UN Charter 193



  5. UN FLAG

  6. Principal Organs of the United Nation Organization


  8. The General Assembly • It is like a world parliament. • It consist of representatives of all member nations. • All the member states are represented in the General Assembly, each having one vote. The main functions of the General Assembly are- • To discuss the powers and functions of other organs. • It can discuss any matter such as peace and security, money matters and admission of new members. • To elect the Judges of the ICJ • To appoint secretary General • The General Assembly meets once a year for a period of three months.

  9. THE SECURITY COUNCIL The General Assembly

  10. The Security Council • It is mainly responsible for ensuring peace in the world • It is composed of 15 members of which 5 are permanent members and 10 are elected by the General Assembly • The five permanent members are the USA, the UK, Russia,China,and France. • The 10 permanent members are elected by the General Assembly for two years and are not eligible for immediate re-election • Each member of the security council has one vote. • VETO-The approval of all the permanent members is necessary on important matters. If any permanent member casts a “veto”to show its disagreement then no decision can be taken

  11. The Economic and Social council

  12. The Economic and Social council • The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is the UN’s welfare council, which coordinates the economic and social activities. • It seeks to build a world of greater prosperity, stability and justice. • It organizes major international conferences and prepares draft. • The ECOSOC is composed of 54 members. • Each year the General Assembly elects, its one-third, that is 18 members for a period of 3 years. • It deals with the economic issues like trade , transport, Industrialization and social issues. • It promotes respect for human rights and freedom for all.

  13. The Trusteeship Council

  14. The Trusteeship Council • The Trusteeship Council of UN may be called the “Protector of Dependent Peoples” who are not yet able to govern themselves. • Such territories are to be administered under the Trusteeship Council system by the member states. • By the end of 1994 ,all the original 11 trust territories of the Trusteeship Council have become independent.

  15. The International Court of Justice

  16. The International Court of Justice • It is the main judicial organ of the UN • The International Court of Justice popularly known as the “World Court” is the principal judicial organ of the UN • The Court is not open to private persons and parties. • It settles legal disputes between states and gives advisory opinion to the UN. • The Court comprises 15 judges who are elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council • No two judges can be appointed from one country at a time • The judges serve a 9 year term and may be re-elected • The seat of the International Court of Justice is at the Hague in the Netherlands.

  17. The Secretariat

  18. The Secretariat • The secretariat performs all the day-to-day functions of the UN. • It administers the programmes and policies laid down by various organs of the UN. • It keeps all records. • Its chief Administrative Officer is the Secretary General. • He is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of five-year term, which is renewable. • The Secretariat known as the UN office, has its headquarters in New York, USA. • Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish are the six official languages of the UN.

  19. Secretaries General of the UN

  20. Specialized Agencies of The UN


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