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Discover the significance of Jesus as the Good Shepherd in John's Gospel. Explore the context and background of this claim, reflecting on God's role as Shepherd in the Old Testament. Understand the sacrificial nature of Jesus' role as the Good Shepherd and the profound impact of His death on His sheep. Unravel the unique qualities that set Jesus apart as the ideal Shepherd among spiritual leaders.
Study in John’s Gospel Presentation 34
I Am The Good Shepherd Chap 10:11-21 Presentation 34
Introduction When we read this gospel, we discover with striking regularity that Jesus turns the searchlight of his gaze upon the human heart. He exposes man's deepest need and invariably responds by saying, “I am uniquely equipped to deal with that need. I alone am the answer to your problem”. Now, many in Israel were wandering around looking for some spiritual direction. Understandably, many people wanted to find God, to experience spiritual security and to enjoy God’s smile upon their lives. Some had experiences of spiritual leaders who seemed intent upon fleecing their flock, of enriching themselves at their followers’ expense. It is in this context that we are to understand Jesus’ claim, “I am the Good Shepherd.” Presentation 34
Background To The Claim Why did Jesus describe himself as the Good Shepherd? In order to understand this important designation we must first turn to the O.T. where God is described as the ‘Shepherd of Israel’ cf. Psalm 23. This marvellous term speaks of a caring God, who among other things makes provision for his people’s need, restores those who wander, gives definite guidance and leadership, and is the source of his people’s security. Presentation 34
Background To The Claim The first person who ever described God as a Shepherd was Jacob in Gen. 49v24. As Jacob lay on his deathbed, he would have remembered that for much of his early life he had stumbled about in the dark. He had wilfully complicated his life and placed it in danger. But God had searched out this rouge sheep and brought him back to a place of blessing, provision and security. Reflecting upon God’s past dealings with him, Jacob says, ‘God has been a Shepherd-God to me!’ Presentation 34
Background To The Claim Now although God was ‘The Shepherd of Israel’, he had placed men in positions of spiritual leadership to be ‘under-shepherds’. These shepherd-leaders were under God and responsible for the provision, restoration, guidance and security of his sheep. Sadly, many of these men proved to be false shepherds for they abused and neglected their position. God vents his anger against such shepherds in Jer.50v6 and Ezek.34v1-4. It was quite clear that they were shepherds in name but not in practice. Presentation 34
Background To The Claim Six hundred years later Jesus described the people of Israel as “sheep without a shepherd” Mk.6v34. The Scribes and Pharisees, the spiritual leaders of that day, were more caught up with their own religious life and status than with the needs of others. As a result many in Israel were without spiritual direction. When direction was given it was misdirection which earned these leaders the title of, “blind leaders of the blind” Matt.15v14. Against this failure of the spiritual leadership Jesus said, "I am the Good Shepherd". This word ‘good’ carries the meaning of ‘beautiful, excellent and ideal’. And in this regard Jesus is unique. Are we surprised that the common people heard him gladly? Presentation 34
Background To The Claim Today, many people ask, why are the religious sects and cults like the Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons growing, when church numbers in some parts of the western world are falling? Surely, a portion of the blame lies with those in positions of spiritual leadership? Have some leaders failed to give spiritual direction to their congregations, while at the same time starving them of the Word of God? Would Jesus say of those living in the ‘so-called’ Christian West, 'they are like sheep without a shepherd?' Presentation 34
The Explanation of His Claim Jesus then goes on to explain what he means by ‘Good Shepherd’. In v11we read, "the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep". Imagine how this would have startled his hearers! Normally the safety of the sheep is dependent upon the well-being of the shepherd. If the shepherd loses his life are not the sheep in much greater danger? Notice also that Jesus does not say there is a chance that he might have to risk his life, or that he could be killed against his will. Rather he describes his death as part of the ‘shepherd-mission’ he had chosen to fulfil v13. Jesus is saying, “It is my death that lies at the very heart of my shepherding work”.Why? Presentation 34
The Explanation of His Claim When Jesus speaks of laying down his life for his sheep, he is using the language of substitution. He is saying, ‘I am dying in the place of my sheep. I am dying the death they deserve to die’. In his death Jesus effected a great exchange. Standing in his sheep's stead, he was clothed with all their sin in order that they might be clothed with his perfect righteousness. This death would satisfy the justice of God and therefore, the safety of the sheep would be secure. The sin of his sheep Jesus’ righteousness Presentation 34
The Explanation of His Claim Through this death, Jesus’ rebel sheep would be restored and reconciled to God. By this death, Jesus earned the right to lead his sheep from the dark kingdom of sin and death into the glorious light of the kingdom of God. Someone has rightly said, “All the blessings that come to the sheep come by way of the cross". Recognising this helps us to understand the remarkable uniqueness of Jesus’ claim! He is the only shepherd of his kind. Presentation 34
The Explanation of His Claim Jesus further qualifies the uniqueness of his shepherding role saying, "I know my sheep” v14.Have you ever cried out in exasperation, “No one understands me”?When Jesus speaks of ‘knowing his sheep’ he is describing an intimate knowledge of them and their needs. It was said of Martin Luther's preaching that 'he spoke as if he had been inside a man'. To a far greater degree Jesus, ‘spoke as if he had been inside a man’ nothing is hidden from him. Jesus knows the depths of our hearts and souls and he owns the key which enables him to look inside. Presentation 34
The Explanation of His Claim When Nicodemus came to Jesus by night we read that, "Jesus answered Nicodemus” Jn.3v3.But notice Nicodemus hadn't begun to ask his question. But Jesus knew what it was that weighed most heavily on Nicodemus’ mind and heart. His big question was, 'How can I get into the kingdom of God?' And Jesus understood that! Similarly in Jn.4, when Jesus began to speak to the Samaritan woman at the well, he knew that the great longing of her heart was for spiritual satisfaction. Therefore he could structure his conversation to address her need. Presentation 34
The Explanation of His Claim To be ‘known’ in this way by Jesus can be uncomfortable. The masks and disguises we wear before others dissolve before Jesus’ gaze. We may appear self-contained before others but Jesus says, "I know what you are like." He exposes in order to heal and so his knowledge of us should not terrify but comfort to us. We are not a part of an anonymous flock but precious, individual sheep with particular needs. Some sheep need to be carried for a while, others corrected, others dealt with gently…etc. cf. Is. 40v11. Jesus does not despise the weak, or crush the sensitive. Because he knows his sheep he is able to give them his individual attention. Presentation 34
The Effect of The Claim The first effect of Jesus’ claim to be his people’s Shepherd is to see that they belong to one flock v16. Wesley rightly said, 'the Bible knows nothing of solitary Christianity'. Because we belong to the Good Shepherd, we are part of his flock and so we belong to one another. It is not ultimately culture, social status, or personality that divides men but covetousness, oppression, self-centredness… etc. Men and women are alienated from one another because of their sin, which also alienates them from God. Through the death of the Good Shepherd men are not only reconciled to God but also to one another. Cf. Eph. 2.13-18 Presentation 34
The Effect of The Claim We need to grasp that if we belong be the Good Shepherd, then we also belong to one another. For this reason discord and division should be foreign to the flock of God. We rightly think it natural for wolves to trouble the lambs but it is strange and unnatural for one lamb to harm another? It is only when outsiders see the mutual love, care and acceptance of Christians for one another that they will be drawn towards Jesus. How do you shape up in this regard as a part of your church fellowship? Presentation 34
The Effect of The Claim However, the immediate effect of Jesus’ claim was to divide his hearers. We read in v19 that some thought him ‘mad’, a charge often hurled when people are confronted with something they simply cannot accept or understand. ‘How can one man's death reconcile men to God and to one another?’ Now those, who adamantly refused to believe that Jesus was their Good Shepherd, clearly demonstrated that they were not Jesus’ sheep v26. On hearing this perhaps some in the crowd heaved a sigh of relief and thought, ‘I believe, therefore I must be safe’. We can sometimes be too hasty in jumping to that conclusion. Presentation 34
The Effect of The Claim For this reason Jesus does not leave the matter there. He goes on to qualify what he means by belief in v27 "They listen to my voice ...and follow..." It is not enough to say at a mere intellectual level, “I believe that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and have understood the necessity and significance of his death”. The gospel message is not simply something to be believed but something that must be obeyed. In another place Jesus asks, “Why do you call me Lord, Lord and do not do the things that I say?” Lk.6v46 Presentation 34
Conclusion As the Good Shepherd, Jesus confronted the disorientated society of his day with the words, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost”Lk.19v10. By doing so, he showed a genuine care and concern. By his death, he brought lost men and women back to God and as a result their broken relationships with one another were also healed. The same Good Shepherd confronts society today, primarily through his church. As his flock demonstrate costly love and care for one another they will arrest the attention of many unbelievers and point them to Jesus. Christ's sheep must bear the mark of obedience. We will not be able to influence others without it. Do you bear this mark? If so then you will enable Jesus to reach his objective? Presentation 34