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Unit Commissioning of “ Belene ” NPP ( Bulgaria ) Moscow, 20 th of May, 2009. 1. Principles of NPP commissioning. Necessary permissive documents :
Unit Commissioning of “Belene” NPP (Bulgaria) Moscow, 20 th of May, 2009
1. Principles of NPP commissioning • Necessary permissive documents: • Permission from the relevant Nuclear Regulatory Bodies of the Bulgarian Republic and other competent state bodies for the implementation of the Commissioning Program • Valid rules, norms and standards, as specified in the Contract • «Power Unit Commissioning Program” Program shall comply with the requirements concerning the execution of procedure of licensing and authorization for safe use of nuclear energy • Main categories of activities at NPP unit completion of construction and • in Commissioning period erection works, commissioning works, operation of the accepted objects 2
1. Principles of NPP Commissioning (continuation) • Commencement of Activities- Construction and erection readiness • of buildings, systems and NPP Units • Completion - Integrated Tests of power units • Activities performed - Individual tests of the installed equipment • Functional tests and Integrated Tests of the systems and equipmentя systems and equipment • First criticality • power start-up and design power development освоение проектной Integrated tests of the unit equipment • Конечная цель Confirmation, that the systems (components) of power unit and a unit as a whole are implemented and operate in compliance with • the design and deficiencies are corrected. 3
2. Phases of NPP Commissioning Phase А0 Preparatory Phase Phase А Pre-commissioning adjustment works Phase B0 Receipt and initial storage of nuclear fuel at NPP site Phase B1 Initial core loading with nuclear fuel and tests in sub-critical state Phase B2 First criticality and tests at the minimum controllable power level; Phase C1 Power start-up,power development to 50 % and unit handover to experimental operation Phase C2Experimental operation of the powerunit, including development of nominalthermal power and integrated tests of the power unit. 4
3. Phase А0 «Preparatory Phase» Activities at Phase А0 «Preparatory activities» • Preparatory phase covers the activities making provisions for the subsequent NPP power unit commissioning phase: • organizational support of the subsequent commissioning phases; • technical support of the subsequent commissioning phases; • material support of the subsequent commissioning phases; • adjustment works with temporary power supply of the systems and equipment providing for erection and adjustment works at Phase A “Pre-commissioning adjustment works”. 5
3. Phase А – «Pre-commissioning adjustment works» The structure of Phase А «Pre-commissioning adjustment works» • Phase А «Pre-commissioning adjustment works», based on the requirement of commissioning safety assurance and/or optimization of NPP commissioning technology, a power unit commissioning Phase A “Pre-commissioning adjustment works” is divided into stages, in its turn Phase А3 is split in two phases А3-1 and А3-2 • Stage А1 – «Individual and functional tests of the power unit equipment and systems»; • Stage А2 – «Tests of hermetic enclosure system»; • Stage А3 – «Cold-hot run-in of Reactor Plant”; • Stage А4 – «Inspection of the main equipment of Reactor Plant”. • Phase А-3.1 stage А3 – Hydrostatic tests of the primary and secondary circuit, circulation flushing of the primary system and cold run-in of the Reactor Plant; • Phase А-3.2 stage А3 – «Hot run-in of Reactor Plant equipment”. 6
3. Phase А – «Pre-commissioning adjustment works» The structure of Phase А activities «Pre-commissioning adjustment works» • 1 «Cold tests, including: • Stage А1 – Individual and functional tests of the power unit equipment and systems, including adjustment works on the first-priority and supporting systems; • Stage А2 – Tests of hermetic enclosure system; • Stage А3 Phase А3-1 – Hydrostatic tests of the primary and secondary systems for strength and leak-tightness, circulation flushing of the primary system and cold run-in of the Reactor Plant. • Stage А4 – Inspection of the main equipment of Reactor Plant after hot tests at nominal primary system parameters ; • 2 «Hot» tests, including the tests of the main equipment of Reactor Plant at nominal primary system parameters- Stage A3 Phase A3-2 (hot run-in); • 3 Preparation of structures, systems and equipment for Phase B0 “Receipt and initial storage of nuclear fuel at NPP site”. 7
3. Phase А – «Pre-commissioning adjustment works» Stage A completion criteria • the scope of works defined by the phase program is completed; • inspection of the main and auxiliary equipment is completed, identified non-conformance eliminated; • refueling machine integrated tests are completed, the machine in handed- over to service; • preparation of power unit for Phase B1 – Initial core loading with nuclear fuel and tests in sub-critical state – is completed. 8
3. Phase В0 – «Receipt and initial storage of nuclear fuel at NPP site» • Objectives of Phase B0 • incoming inspection of nuclear fuel; • providing for nuclear fuel integrity; • fuel accounting and provisions for its safe storage; • integration of the initial core loading with nuclear fuel. • Completion criteria of Phase B0 • all the works determined by the requirements of the phase program are completed; • verified characteristics of the systems and equipment comply with the requirements of tactical documentation; • fresh nuclear fuel is prepared for transfer to the Reactor Building and loading into reactor in accordance with the requirements of the initial core loading program. • . 9
3. Phase В1 «Initial core loading with nuclear fuel and tests in sub-critical state» • Objectives of Phase B1 • safe initial loading of fuel assemblies into the core; • filling the primary circuit with the coolant of the quality required by the design; • reactor assembling and a complex of works on verification and putting into service of safety systems of normal operation of the power unit, including provisions for reactor plant, systems and equipment parameters’ values required before the reactor is brought to the critical state; • tests in sub-critical state in accordance with the phase program and provisions for availability for Phase B2 –”First criticality and tests at the minimum controllable power level”. 10
3. Phase В1 «Initial core loading with nuclear fuel and tests in sub-critical state” • Phase B1 completion criteria • the core is loaded with regular fuel assemblies and CPS control rods; • the reactor is assembled; • the primary circuit is filled with the coolant of the required quality; • the primary circuit is heated-up to the nominal parameters; • safety systems and systems of normal operation of the power unit tested and put into service, provisions are made to ensure that parameters of the reactor plant, systems and equipment are in line with those required before the reactor is put into critical state; • integrated tests of Reactor Control and Protection System are completed; • the tests are defined by the phase program are fulfilled in full scope. 11
3. Phase В2 «First criticality and tests at the minimum controllable power level» • Objectives of Phase B2 • make provisions for and conduct reactor start-up in a safe and prescribed manner; • determine the major physical characteristics of the reactor core; • verify the compliance of neutron-physical characteristics of the reactor core with the design specifications; • verify the compliance of reactivity-affecting systems with the design specifications; • verify the compliance of emergency reactor protection system effectiveness with the design specifications; • tests to checkup thermo-hydraulic characteristics of the Reactor Plant and validate the indications of Reactor Plant parameters’ monitoring and recording system and calibration of Neutron Flux Monitoring System. 12
3. Phase В2 «First criticality and tests at the minimum controllable power level » • Phase В2 completion criteria: • the reactor reached criticality and reactor power increased to 1% of the nominal; • tests and experiments on obtaining experimental data of neutron-physical characteristics of the reactor core defined by the phase program of the unit first criticality are implemented, and their compliance with the criteria established in the tests programs are verified; • the tests to verify the design thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the reactor plant, and validate the indications of Reactor Plant parameters’ monitoring and recording system and calibration of Neutron Flux Monitoring System by reactor thermal power have been completed. 13
3. Phase С1 «Power start-up, power development to 50% and unit handover to experimental operation» • Objectives of Phase С1 • increase of reactor power from minimum controllable power level to the power level providing for initiation of electric energy generation and successive power development to the level of 50% of the nominal; • verification of reactor core neutron and physical characteristics compliance with the design values; • verification of the actual parameters of the equipment and systems for compliance with the design specifications in steady state and transient conditions, to ensure safe and reliable operation of the power unit equipment; • identification and logging of phenomena and processes for which no provisions are made in the design and which may have impact on serviceability of power unit equipment and systems; • checkup of stable operation of the main equipment of NPP power unit at thermal power level of 50% of the nominal during 72 hours; • acceptance of NPP power unit to experimental operation. 14
3. Phase С1 «Power start-up, power development to 50% and unit handover to experimental operation” • Completion criteria of PhaseС1 • determined actual characteristics of the core, verified compliance of the said with design specifications; • verified compliance of the actual parameters and characteristics of the systems and equipment with the requirements of the manufacturing plants and design specifications; • verified safe and reliable operation of NPP power unit systems and equipment in steady state and transient conditions in compliance with the design specifications; • completed tests of the system and equipment defined by the test programs, the results meet the acceptance criteria; • successive power development of NPP unit from the minimum controllable power level to the power level of 50% of the nominal; • verified stable operation of the main power unit equipment at thermal power level of 50% of the nominal during 72 hours; • power unit is accepted to experimental operation; • NPP power unit is prepared for implementation of Phase C2 “Experimental operation of the power unit, including development of nominal thermal power and integrated tests of the power unit”. 15
3. Phase С2 «Experimental operation of the power unit, including development of nominal thermal power and integrated tests of the power unit» • Phase С2 «Experimental operation of the power unit, including development of nominal thermal power and integrated tests of the power unit» is part of the complex of Belene NPP commissioning activities and is split into the following 2 stages: • Stage С2-1 «Unit power development from 50 to 100% of the nominal power”; • Stage С2-2 «Integrated tests of power unit at nominal power» • Objectives of Stage С2-1 • at thermal power of 75 and 100% verify the compliance of the actual parameters and characteristics of the systems and equipment with the design specifications in steady-state and transient conditions of power unit to make sure of reliable and safe operation of equipment; • identify and log the phenomena and processes for which no provisions are made in the design and which may have impact on serviceability of power unit equipment and systems at power levels of 75 and 100% of the nominal • stabilization of the primary and secondary parameters. Determination of FA status by radiation-chemical analyses method. 16
3. Phase С2 «Experimental operation of the power unit, including development of nominal thermal power and integrated tests of the power unit» • Completion criteria of NPP unit power development to nominal power inclusively (Stage С2-1) • Successive unit power development to the nominal power inclusively is completed; • Actual neutron-physical characteristics of the reactor core are determined and their compliance with the design values is verified; • Actual parameters and characteristics of the unit systems and equipment are determined, their compliance with the design specifications is verified, safe and reliable operation of the unit equipment in steady-state and transient conditions in compliance with the design specifications if verified; • Experimental operation of NPP Power Unit is completed; all the tests determined in the phase Program are fulfilled. 17
3. Stage С2 «Experimental operation of the power unit, including development of nominal thermal power and integrated tests of the power unit» • Stage С2 «Experimental operation of the power unit, including development of nominal thermal power and integrated tests of the power unit» • Decision on initiation of StageС2-2 shall be taken by Commissioning Management Committee following verification and validation of the power unit availability based on : • Report of Working Committee on completion of works at the phase of normal power development of NPP unit (Stage С2-1); • Report of the Working Committee on availability of NPP. • Objectives of Stage С2-2 • Demonstrate the operation and indices of the equipment and power unit as a whole during 72 hours; • Integrated test of joint operation of power unit equipment, I&C automatic regulation, monitoring and control systems of APCS while the unit is operating at normal thermal power in base- load mode during 72 hours; • verification of reliable operation of equipment and the power unit as whole while the unit is operating at normal thermal power in base-load mode during 72 hours, in compliance with the design specifications. • Integrated tests of the power unit shall be carried out continuously during 72 hours of NPP power unit operation at nominal thermal power in a base mode. 18
33. Stage С2 «Experimental operation of the power unit, including development of nominal thermal power and integrated tests of the power unit» • Completion criteria integrated tests of NPP power unit (Stage C2-2) • Integrated tests completed in full scope as prescribed by the integrated tests program; • verified continuous reliable operation of equipment and power unit as a whole during 72 hours meeting the design specifications; • while the integrated tests of NPP power unit were conducted: • - safety limits and conditions as stated in Technical Specifications of Belene NPP Units 1 and 2 were observed; • - over total period of integrated tests at the nominal power level the primary and secondary water chemistry was in line with the normative requirements; • - the equipment and overall power unit parameters were within the authorized limits specified for power unit operation at nominal power level. 19
4. Organization of Commissioning Activities • Belene NPP commissioning activities are composed of: • Employer – National Electric Company (NEK); • Contractor – ZAO «Atomstroyexport» (ASE JSC); • ZAO ASE Subcontrcators: • Parent NPP commissioning organization – OSC ОАО «Atomtechenergo»; • Belene NPP Designer (General Designer of Belene NPP) –FSUE «Atomenergoproject»; • Reactor Plant Designer (General Designer of Reactor Plant) – OKB«Gidropress»; • Scientific Supervisor of NPP and Reactor Plant Project (Scientific Supervisor of Commissioning) – RNTs «Kurchatov Institute»; • Contractor’s s Subcontractors for construction and erection works; • equipment designers and manufactures. 20
5. Duties and responsibilities of the Parties for carrying out Unit commissioning activities • Duties and responsibilities of the Contractor • commissioning of NPP power units prior to completion of Integrated Tests of each power unit; • provision of experience and qualified personnel to fulfill the obligations regarding commissioning of Belene NPP Units 1 and 2; • supply of commissioning documentation and the appropriate reports; • organization, management and coordination of construction and erection works and adjustment works to fulfill the commissioning schedule; • handling executive and reporting documentation; • technical supervision of Employer’s operation personnel activities before the commencement of Phase B1 21
5. Duties and responsibilities of the Parties for carrying out Unit commissioning activities • Duties of the Contractor • development and coordination with the Employer of commissioning documentation, correction of “as-build” commissioning documentation at NPP site prior to commencement of commissioning activities; • conducting adjustment and tests of NPP systems, equipment and components with involvement of the Employer’s operational personnel and further making provision for maintenance and repair of NPP units systems and equipment by the Employer’s manpower; • Organization of works and technical supervision of the activities of the Employer’s operation personnel before the commencement of phase B1; • Providing technical support to the Employer’ s operation al personnel at stage B1 and at subsequent commissioning phases; • Providing technical support to the Employer in preparation of materials to obtain licences and authorizations from Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency for pipelines and equipment registration; • Dispatching of the required personnel to Belene NPP Site and participation in works 22
5. Duties and responsibilities of the Parties for carrying out Unit commissioning activities • Responsibility of the Employer • Nuclear and radiation safety of Belene NPP from the point of nuclear fuel arrival at Belene NPP site; • Determination of need and obtaining of licences and certificates from Regulatory Authorities of the Republic of Bulgaria according the Country law; organization, management, disciplinary control and coordination of operation certified personnel; • Establishment of working committees and sub-committees; • Timely review and approval of commissioning documentation submitted by the Contractor; • Inadequate performance of its staff and consequences of such inadequate actions; • Coordination of the Power unit’s operation personnel and network dispatching service personnel performance during adjustment and tests activities in power units commissioning period; • Provision of all power resources and expendables required for commissioning. 23
5. Responsibility and Obligations of the SidesDuring Commissioning of Power Unit • Obligations by the Employer • Providing to the Contractor of the operational and maintenance personnel, which is qualified, certified and has permit to work, to operate under technical guidance and with technical support of the Contractor; the working place of the personnel shall be equipped with everything required; • Providing the Contractor (from pre-commissioning stage till complex test of the power units), at his request, with everything required for fulfillment of the Contractor’s obligations; • Providing the Contractor’s specialists at NPP Site with shopfloors and laboratory facilities required for work; providing of the premises with all communal services to be ensured under the Contract; • Ensuring operation of the laboratories for metal control, radiochemical laboratories, water-chemical laboratories, and fulfillment of medium chemical analyses during putting of NPP units into operation. 24
6. Documentation Required for Power Unit Commissioning • «Guide on Organization of Commissioning Activities» and schedule for commissioning, along with a list of activities, executors, and dates of work fulfilment; • Lists of commissioning documentation, operation and maintenance instructions, technical-organizational procedures for commissioning; • Technical-organizational procedures for commissioning; • Commissioning programs; • Power unit commissioning schedules; • Programs of post-erection cleansing and individual tests; • Commissioning documentation in accordance with the approved list; • Operational and maintenance instruction in accordance with the approved list; • Quality Assurance Programs for NPP Commisioning(POKAS- C); • Quality Assurance Programs for NPP Operation (POKAS ‑ O). 25
7. Quality Assurance for Commissioning Activities • General Principles of Control Organization • The Employer (Belene NPP Enterprise) carry out control over commissioning activities. • In case the activities performed by the Contractor do not comply with the Contractor’s Quality Assurance Program, the Employer is entitled to suspend the activities till the non-conformity is eliminated. • Quality Control • Aids for Quality Control of the commissioning activities: • Approval of the commissioning documentation, including POKAS-CandPOKAS-O, the documents registering installation readiness of equipment and systems for pre-commissioning, the documents related to completion of pre-commissioning activities at equipment and systems; • Quality inspections at control points envisaged by the agreed Quality Plants; • QA audits of the divisions fulfilling the activities; • Review and discussion of commissioning progress at the meetings and decision-making. 26
The sequence of stages of power units commissioninghe sequence of stages of power units commissioning