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NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups

NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups. Alan Campbell – NHS Salford. Introduction. NHS Commissioning Development Clinical Commissioning Groups Authorisation process Commissioning Support Services PCT workforce risks. Health Bill through Commons Stage > Lords Oct /Nov

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NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups

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  1. NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups Alan Campbell – NHS Salford

  2. Introduction • NHS Commissioning Development • Clinical Commissioning Groups • Authorisation process • Commissioning Support Services • PCT workforce risks

  3. Health Bill through Commons Stage > Lords Oct /Nov GM level management by ‘Cluster’ since May Establishment of Commissioning Support Services Establishment of Clinical Commissioning Board at GM level Collaboration across GM but not formal governance changes NHS – Commissioning Development

  4. Shadow form until April 2013 Appointed leadership in interim period Dr Hamish Stedman - Chairman Inter Practice Agreement Annual ‘contract’ Operational Management through QIPP/ Clinical services GP Partnership Board Representatives Extending Involvement and Engagement with partners Development of Clinical Commissioning Groups

  5. Authorisation Process GPs encouraged by their profession to get through this 90% are in ‘pathfinders’ now NHS Commissioning Board Authorises 6 domains Clinical Focus/added value analysis Public Engagement Clear plan to deliver clinical quality Financial control/ capability - QIPP Collaborative arrangements with strategic partners Effective Leadership Over 70% of budgets delegated to CCG (over £300m in Salford) Consortia complete a self assessment readiness diagnostic test

  6. Development of Commissioning Business support ‘at scale’ Build at GM level exploring bigger footprints Initial shared work HR, IM&T, Continuing Care, Effective Use of Resources Governed by management cost constraint – ‘Ready Reckoner’ Target c£20 per patient. Current system costs £50 per patient Risk of Clinician ‘buy in / ownership Outsourcing in future ? Commissioning Support Services

  7. Lack of clarity about the future Local GP support for Salford workforce Good relationship/track record with Council Different destinations Clinical Commissioning Groups Commissioning Support Services LA Public Health related NHS Commissioning Board Market Test outsourcing possibility Keeping eyes on the current tasks PCT Workforce Risks

  8. Interim Governance - > April 2013Sub Committee of GM Cluster BoardShadow Clinical Commissioning Group for 2013Extended Stakeholder membership 4 Clinical Commissioners Elected Member & Director NHS Non Executive Co-Chairs Reduced NHS Executive MembershipMeeting in Public

  9. Summary & Questions

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