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?-Decay. Class includes any radioactive decay process in which A remains unchanged, but Z changes?- decay, electron capture, ? decayenergetic conditions for decay:?- decay: MZ ? MZ 1Electron capture: MZ?MZ-1,? decay: MZ ? MZ-1 2me? decay needs to exceed 1.02 MeVBelow 1.02 MeV EC dominates
1. Beta Decay Readings: Nuclear and Radiochemistry: Chapter 3, Modern Nuclear Chemistry: Chapter 8
Neutrino Hypothesis
Derivation of Spectral Shape
Kurie Plots
Beta Decay Rate Constant
Selection Rules
Majority of radioactive nuclei are outside range of alpha decay
Beta decay
Second particle found from U decay
Negative particle
Distribution of energies
Need another particle to balance spin
Parent, daughter, and electron
Need to account for half integer spin
Beta decay half-life
few milliseconds to ~ 1016 years
How does this compare to alpha decay?
2. ?-Decay Class includes any radioactive decay process in which A remains unchanged, but Z changes
?- decay, electron capture, ?+ decay
energetic conditions for decay:
?- decay: MZ ? MZ+1
Electron capture: MZ?MZ-1,
?+ decay: MZ ? MZ-1+2me
?+ decay needs to exceed 1.02 MeV
Below 1.02 MeV EC dominates
?+ increases with increasing energy
Decay energies of ? -unstable nuclei rather systematically with distance from stability
Predicted by mass parabolas
Energy-lifetime relations are not nearly so simple as in alpha decay
? -decay half lives depend strongly on spin and parity changes as well as energy
3. Beta Decay For odd A, one ?-stable nuclide; for even A, at most three ?-stable nuclides
Information available from mass parabolas
Odd-odd nuclei near the stability valley (e.g., 64Cu) can decay in both directions
Form even-even nuclei
Beta particle energy not discrete
Continuous energy to maximum
4. The Neutrino Solved problems associated with ?-decay
Zero charge
neutron -> proton + electron
Small mass
Electron goes up to Q value
Account for creation of electron particle
spin of and obeys Fermi statistics
couple the total final angular momentum to initial spin of h,
n?p+ + e- is not spin balanced, need another fermion
5. Neutrino Carries away the appropriate amount of energy and momentum in each ? process to conserve these properties
Nearly undetectable due to its small rest mass and magnetic moment
observed by inverse ? processes
Antineutrinos emitted in ?- decay; neutrinos emitted in ?+ decay
indistinguishable properties, except in capture reactions
created at the moment of emission
n ? p + ?- +
p ? n + ?+ + ?
Spin of created particles are key in assigning decay
Spin up and spin down
6. Spin in Beta Decay Spins of created particles can be combined in two ways
still couple to the initial spin
spins of the created particles
S?=1 in a parallel alignment
S?= 0 in an anti-parallel alignment
combine with S=1/2 of the neutron for resultant vector of 1/2
two possible relative alignments of the "created" spins
Fermi (F) (S?=0)
Gamow-Teller (GT) (S? =1)
A source can produce a mixture of F and GT spins
7. Spin in Beta Decay Decay of even-even nuclei with N=Z (mirror nuclei)
neutron and protons are in the same orbitals
0+ to 0+ decay can only take place by a Fermi transition
Heavy nuclei with protons and neutrons in very different orbitals
GT is main mode, need to account for spin difference
Complex nuclei
rate of decay depends on overlap of the wave functions of ground state of parent and state of the daughter
final state in daughter depends on the decay mode
(spin and parity state)
Half life information can be used to understand nuclear states
Decay constant can be calculated if wave functions are known
Observed rate indicates quantum mechanical overlap of initial and final state wave functions
8. Energetics (Review) Beta decay
electron can be combined with the positive ion to create a neutral atom
release of very small binding energy
use neutral atoms to calculate the Q value
assuming that the mass of the antineutrino is very small
Consider beta decay of 14C
14C?14N+ + - +antineutrino + energy
Energy = mass 14C mass 14N
Positron decay
2 extra electrons (daughter less Z, emission of positron)
Electron Capture
9. Q value calculation Find Q value for the Beta decay of 24Na
1 amu = 931.5 MeV
M (24Na)-M(24Mg)
0.005921 amu
5.5154 MeV
From mass excess
-8.4181 - -13.9336
5.5155 MeV
Q value for the EC of 22Na
M (22Na)-M(22Ne)
0.003051 amu
2.842297 MeV
From mass excess
-5.1824 - -8.0247
2.8432 MeV
Q?- are ~0.5 2 MeV, Q ?+ ~2-4 MeV and QEC ~ 0.2 2 MeV
What about positron capture instead of EC?
10. Positrons Postulated in 1931
Relativistic equations could be solved for electrons with positive energy states
Require energies greater than electron mass
Creation of positive hole with electron properties
Pair production process involves creation of a positron-electron pair by a photon in nuclear field
Nucleus carries off some momentum and energy
Positron-electron annihilation
Interaction of electron into a whole in sea of electrons of negative energy
simultaneous emission of corresponding amount of energy in the form of radiation
Responsible for short lifetime of positrons
No positron capture decay
Annihilation radiation
energy carried off by two ? quanta of opposite momentum
Annihilation conserves momentum
Exploited in Positron Emission Tomography
11. Weak Interaction: Model of Beta Decay Fermi's theory of beta decay based on electromagnetic theory for light emission
Electromagnetic interaction characterized by electron charge
Needs to be replaced for beta decay
Fermi constant (g)
Value determined by experiment
10-3 of the electromagnetic force constant
Used to determine emitted electron momentum range per unit time P(pe) dpe;
12. Weak Interaction P(pe)dpe probability electron with momentum pe+dpe
?e electron wave function
?n neutrino wave function
??e(0)?2 and ??n(0)?2 probability of finding electron and neutrino at nucleus
Mif is matrix element characterizing the transition from the initial to the final nuclear state
?Mif?2 a measure of the amount of overlap between the wave functions of initial and final nuclear states
dn/dEo is the density of final states with the electron in the specified momentum interval
number of states of the final system per unit decay energy
Fermi constant (g) governs other interactions in addition to beta decay
m-meson decay, p-meson decay, neutrino-electron scattering
Weak interactions
13. Weak Interaction Integration over all electron momenta from zero to maximum possible to evaluate spectrum should provide transition probabilities or lifetimes
Variations in number of electrons at a given energy
Classically allowed transitions both have electron and neutrino emitted with zero orbital angular momentum
Allowed have s orbital angular momentum
Relatively high probabilities for location of electron and neutrino at nuclear for s wave compared to higher l
p,d,f, etc.
???2 of allowed transitions ? ???2 of forbidden transitions
Magnitudes of ???(0)? and ?Mif? are independent of division of energy between electron and neutrino
14. Weak Interaction Spectrum shape determined entirely by ??e(0)? and dn/dEo
dn/dEo density of final states with electron momentum
Coulomb interaction between nucleus and emitted electron (??e(0)?) neglected
Reasonable for low Z
Density of final states determined from total energy W
W is total (kinetic plus rest) electron energy
Wo is maximum W value
Dn/dEo goes to zero at W = 1 and W = Wo
Yields characteristic bell shape beta spectra
15. Coulomb Correction Agreement of experiment and modeling at low Z
At higher Z need a correction factor to account for coulomb interaction
Coulomb interaction between nucleus and the emitted electron
decelerate electrons and accelerate positrons
Electron spectra has more low-energy particles
Positron spectra has fewer low-energy particles
Treat as perturbation on electron wave function ?e(0)
Called Fermi function
Defined as ratio of ??e(0)?2Coul /??e(0)?2free
perturbation on ?e(0) and spectrum multiplied by the Fermi function
Z daughter nucleus
v beta velocity
+ for electrons
- for positron
16. Kurie Plot Comparison of theory and experiment for momentum measurements
Square root of number of beta particles within a certain range divided by Fermi function against beta-particle energy
Linear relationship designates allowed transition
17. Fermi Golden Rule Treat beta decay as transition that depends upon strength of coupling between the initial and final states
Decay constant given by Fermi's Golden Rule
matrix element couples initial and final states
phase space factor which describes volume of phase space available for the outgoing leptons
Electron is charged lepton
electron, muon, and tau
Neutral lepton is neutrino
Small system perturbation
Contained within M
E is Q value
Rate proportional to the strength of coupling between initial and final states factored by the density of final states available to system
18. Comparative Half Lives Based on probability of electron energy emission coupled with spectrum and Coulomb correction fot1/2
comparative half life of a transition
Assumes matrix element is independent of energy
true for allowed transitions
Yields ft (or fot1/2), comparative half-life
may be thought of as half life corrected for differences in Z and W
W is total kinetic energy
fo can be determine when Fermi function is 1 (low Z)
Rapid estimation connecting ft and energy
19. Comparative half-lives Z is daughter and Eo is maximum energy in MeV (Q value)
Log ft = log f + log t1/2
t1/2 in seconds
20. Logft calculations 14 O to 14N
positron decay
Q=1.81 MeV
T1/2 =70.6 s
Log fb+ = 1.83, log t = 1.84
Log ft=3.67
21. Log ft calculation 212Bi beta decay
Q = 2.254 MeV
T1/2 = 3600 seconds
64 % beta branch
lb =1.22E-4 s-1
T1/2Beta =5625 seconds
Log f=3.73; log t=3.75
Log ft=7.48
22. Log ft data What drives the changes in the log ft values for 205Hg?
24. Capture-to-positron ratio ( ) measures competition between electron capture and positron emission
ratio increases with decreasing decay energy
Can be evaluated with f values
K/L ratio
when energetically possible, capture of K(1s) electrons predominates over capture of electrons with higher principal quantum number
at decay energies below binding energy of K electrons, EC is possible only from the L(2s+2p), M(3s,3p,3d), ...
Near K-binding energy neutrino energy ratio differs appreciably from unity
measurement of the L- to K -capture ratio permits an estimation of the decay energy
Z of parent Useful Ratios
25. Extranuclear Effects of EC If K-shell vacancy is filled by L electron, difference in binding energies emitted as x-ray or used in internal photoelectric process
Auger electrons are additional extranuclear electrons from atomic shells emitted with kinetic energy equal to characteristic x-ray energy minus its own binding energy
Fluorescence yield is fraction of vacancies in shell that is filled with accompanying x-ray emission
important in measuring disintegration rates of EC nuclides
radiations most frequently detected are x-rays
26. Selection Rules Allowed transitions are ones in which the electron and neutrino carry away no orbital angular momentum
largest transition probability for given energy release
If the electron and neutrino do not carry off angular momentum, spins of initial and final nucleus differ by no more than h/2? and parities must be the same
If electron and neutrino emitted with intrinsic spins antiparallel, nuclear spin change (?I )is zero
If electron and neutrino spins are parallel, ?I may be +1, 0, -1
27. Selection Rules All transitions between states of ?I=0 or 1 with no change in parity have the allowed spectrum shape
Not all these transitions have similar fot values
transitions with low fot values are favored or superallowed
found among ? emitters of low Z and between mirror nuclei (one contains n neutrons and n+1 protons, the other n+1 neutrons and n protons)
Assumption of approximately equal ?Mif?2 values for all transitions with ?I=0, ?1 without parity change was erroneous
28. Forbidden Transitions When the transition from initial to final nucleus cannot take place by emission of s-wave electron and neutrino
orbital angular momenta other than zero
l value associated with given transition deduced from indirect evidence
ft values, spectrum shapes
If l is odd, initial and final nucleus have opposite parities
If l is even, parities must be the same
Emission of electron and nucleus in singlet state requires ?I ? l
Triple-state emission allows ?I ? l+1
29. Transitions
30. Other Beta Decay Double beta decay
Very long half-life
130Te and 82Se as examples
Can occur through beta stable isotope
76Ge to 76Se by double beta
76Ge to 76As
Q= -73.2130- (-72.2895)
Q= -0.9235 MeV
Beta delayed decay
Nuclei far from stability can populate unbound states and lead to direct nucleon emission
First recognized during fission
1 % of neutrons delayed
87Br is produced in nuclear fission and decays to 87Kr
decay populates some high energy states in Kr daughter
51 neutrons, neutron emission to form 86Kr
31. Topic Review Fundamentals of beta decay
Electron, positron, electron capture
Neutrino Hypothesis
What are the trends and data leading to neutrino hypothesis
Derivation of Spectral Shape
What influences shape
Particles, potentials
Kurie Plots
Beta Decay Rate Constant
Selection rules
Log ft
How do values compare and relate to spin and parity
Other types of beta decay
32. Homework questions For beta decay, what is the correlation between decay energy and half life?
What is the basis for the theory of the neutrino emission in beta decay.
In beta decay what are the two possible arrangements of spin?
What is the basis for the difference in positron and electron emission spectra?
What log ft value should we expect for the ?-decay to the 1- state of 144Pr?
Why is there no ? decay to the 2+ level?
Calculate and compare the logft values for EC, positron and electron decay for Sm isotopes.
33. Pop Quiz Calculate the logft for the b- decay of 241Pu. What type of transition is this?