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Physiology Review. A work in Progress. National Boards Part I. Physiology section Neurophysiology (23%) Membrane potentials, action potentials, synpatic transmission Motor function Sensory function Autonomic function Higher cortical function Special senses. National Boards Part I.
Physiology Review A work in Progress
National Boards Part I • Physiology section • Neurophysiology (23%) • Membrane potentials, action potentials, synpatic transmission • Motor function • Sensory function • Autonomic function • Higher cortical function • Special senses
National Boards Part I • Physiology (cont) • Muscle physiology (14%) • Cardiac muscle • Skeletal muscle • Smooth muscle • Cardiovascular physiology (17%) • Cardiac mechanisms • Eletrophysiology of the heart • Hemodynamics • Regulation of circulation • Circulation in organs • Lymphatics • Hematology and immunity
National Boards Part I • Physiology (cont) • Respiratory physiology (10%) • Mechanics of breathing • Ventilation, lung volumes and capacities • Regulation of respiration • O2 and CO2 transportation • Gaseous Exchange • Body Fluids and Renal physiology (11%) • Regulation of body fluids • Glomerular filtration • Tubular exchange • Acid-base balance
National Boards Part I • Physiology (cont) • Gastrointestinal physiology (10%) • Ingestion • Digestion • Absorption • Regulation of GI function • Reproductive physiology (4%) • Endocrinology (8%) • Secretion of hormones • Action of hormones • Regulation • Exercise and Stress Physiology (3%)
Weapons in neurophysiologist’s armory • Recording • Individual neurons • Gross potentials • Brain scans • Stimulation • Lesions • Natural lesions • Experimental lesions
Neurophysiology • Membrane potential • Electrical potential across the membrane • Inside more negative than outside • High concentration of Na+ outside cell • High concentration of K+ inside cell • PO4= SO4= Protein Anions trapped in the cell create negative internal enviiornment
Membrane physiology • Passive ion movement across the cell membrane • Concentration gradient • High to low • Electrical gradient • Opposite charges attract, like repel • Membrane permeability • Action potential • Pulselike change in membrane permeability to Na+, K+, (Ca++)
Membrane physiology • In excitable tissue an action potential is a pulse like in membrane permeability • In muscle permeability changes for: • Na+ • at onset of depolarization, during repolarization • Ca++ • at onset of depolarization, during repolarization • K+ • at onset of depolarization, during repolarization
Passive ion movement across cell • If ion channels are open, an ion will seek its Nerst equilibrium potential • concentration gradient favoring ion movement in one direction is offset by electrical gradient
Resting membrane potential (Er) • During the Er in cardiac muscle, fast Na+ and slow Ca++/Na+ are closed, K+ channels are open. • Therefore K+ ions are free to move, and when they reach their Nerst equilibrium potential, a stable Er is maintained
Na+/K+ ATPase (pump) • The Na+/K+ pump which is energy dependent operates to pump Na+ out & K+ into the cardiac cell at a ratio of 3:2 • therefore as pumping occurs, there is net loss of one + charge from the interior each cycle, helping the interior of the cell remain negative • the protein pump utilizes energy from ATP
Ca++ exchange protein • In the cardiac cell membrane is a protein that exchanges Ca++ from the interior in return for Na+ that is allowed to enter the cell. • The function of this exchange protein is tied to the Na+/K+ pump • if the Na+/K+ pump is inhibited, function of this exchange protein is reduced & more Ca++ is allowed to accumulate in the cardiac cell contractile strength.
Action potential • Pulselike change in membrane permeability to Na+, K+, (Ca++) • Controlled by “gates” • Voltage dependent • Ligand dependent • Depolarization • Increased membrane permeability to Na+ (Ca++) • Na+ influx • Repolarization • Increased membrane permeability to K+ • K+ efflux
Refractory Period • Absolute • During the Action Potential (AP), cell is refractory to further stimulation (cannot be restimulated) • Relative • Toward the end of the AP or just after repolarization a stronger than normal stimulus (supranormal) is required to excite cell
All-or-None Principle • Action potentials are an all or none phenomenon • Stimulation above threshold may cause an increased number of action potentials but will not cause a greater action potential
Propagation • Action potentials propagate (move along) as a result of local currents produced at the point of depolarization along the membrane compared to the adjacent area that is still polarized • Current flow in biologic tissue is in the direction of positive ion movement or opposite the direction of negative ion movement
Conduction velocity • Proportional to the diameter of the fiber • Without myelin • 1 micron diameter = 1 meter/sec • With myelin • Accelerates rate of axonal transmission 6X and conserves energy by limiting depolarization to Nodes of Ranvier • Saltatory conduction-AP jumps internode to internode • 1micron diameter = 6 meter/sec
Synapes • Specialized junctions for transmission of impulses from one nerve to another • Electrical signal causes release of chemical substances (neurotransmitters) that diffuse across the synapse • Slows neural transmission • Amount of neurotransmitter (NT) release proportional to Ca++ influx
Neurotransmitters • Acetylcholine • Catacholamines • Norepinephrine • Epinephrine • Serotonin • Dopamine • Glutamate • Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) • Certain amino acids • Variety of peptides
Neurons • May release more than one substance upon stimulation • Neurotransmitter like norepinephrine • Neuromodulator like neuropeptide Y (NPY)
Postsynaptic Cell Response • Varies with the NT • Excitatory NT causes a excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) • Increased membrane permeability to Na+ and/or Ca++ influx • Inhibitory NT causes an inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) • Increased membrane permeability to Cl- influx or K+ efflux • Response of Postsynpatic Cell reflects integration of all input
Response of Postsynaptic Cell • Stimulation causing an AP • EPSP > IPSP > threshold • Stimulation leading to facilitation • EPSP > IPSP < threshold • Inhibition • EPSP < IPSP
Somatic Sensory System • Nerve fiber types (Type I, II, III, IV) based on fiber diameter (Type I largest, Type IV smallest) • Ia - Annulospiral (1o) endings of muscle spindles • Ib - From golgi tendon organs • II • Flower spray (2o) endings of muscle spindles • High disrimination touch ( Meissner’s) • Pressure • III • Nociception, temperature, some touch (crude) • IV- nociception and temperature (unmyelinated) crude touch and pressure
Transduction • Stimulus is changed into electrical signal • Different types of stimuli • mechanical deformation • chemical • change in temperature • electromagnetic
Sensory systems • All sensory systems mediate 4 attributes of a stimulus no matter what type of sensation • modality • location • intensity • timing
Receptor Potential • Membrane potential of the receptor • A change in the receptor potential is associated with opening of ion (Na+) channels • Above threshold as the receptor potential becomes less negative the frequency of AP into the CNS increases
Labeled Line Principle • Different modalities of sensation depend on the termination point in the CNS • type of sensation felt when a nerve fiber is stimulated (e.g. pain, touch, sight, sound) is determined by termination point in CNS • labeled line principle refers to the specificity of nerve fibers transmitting only one modality of sensation • Capable of change, e.g. visual cortex in blind people active when they are reading Braille
Adaptation • Slow-provide continuous information (tonic)-relatively non adapting-respond to sustained stimulus • joint capsul • muscle spindle • Merkel’s discs • punctate receptive fields • Ruffini end organ’s (corpusles) • activated by stretching the skin
Adaptation • Rapid (Fast) or phasic • react strongly when a change is taking place • respond to vibration • hair receptors 30-40 Hz • Pacinian corpuscles 250 Hz • Meissner’s corpuscles- 30-40 Hz • (Hz represents optimum stimulus rate)
Sensory innervation of Spinal joints • Tremendous amount of innervation with cervical joints the most heavily innervated • Four types of sensory receptors • Type I, II, III, IV
Types of joint mechanoreceptors • Type I- outer layer of capsule- low threshold, slowly adapts, dynamic, tonic effects on LMN • Type II- deeper layer of capsule- low threshold, monitors joint movement, rapidly adapts, phasic effects on LMN • Type III- high threshold, slowly adapts, joint version of GTO • Type IV- nociceptors, very high threshold, inactive in normal joint, active with swelling, narrowing of joint.
Stereognosis • The ability to perceive form through touch • tests the ability of dorsal column-medial lemniscal system to transmit sensations from the hand • also tests ability of cognitive processes in the brain where integration occurs • The ability to recognize objects placed in the hand on the basis of touch alone is one of the most important complex functions of the somatosensory system.
Receptors in skin • Most objects that we handle are larger than the receptive field of any receptor in the hand • These objects stimulate a large population of sensory nerve fibers • each of which scans a small portion of the object • Deconstruction occurs at the periphery • By analyzing which fibers have been stimulated the brain reconstructs the pattern
Mechanoreceptors in the Skin • Rapidly adapting cutaneous • Meissner’s corpuscles in glabrous (non hairy) skin- (more superficial) • signals edges • Hair follicle receptors in hairy skin • Pacinian corpuscles in subcutaneous tissue (deeper)
Mechanoreceptors in the Skin • Slowly adapting cutaneous • Merkel’s discs have punctate receptive fields (superficial) • senses curvature of an object’s surface • Ruffini end organs activated by stretching the skin (deep) • even at some distance away from receptor
Somatic Sensory Cortex • Receives projections from the thalamus • Somatotopic organization (homunculus) • Each central neuron has a receptive field • size of cortical representation varies in different areas of skin • based on density of receptors • lateral inhibition improves two point discrimination
Somatosensory Cortex • Two major pathways • Dorsal column-medial lemniscal system • Most aspects of touch, proprioception • Anterolateral system • Sensations of pain (nociception) and temperature • Sexual sensations, tickle and itch • Crude touch and pressure • Conduction velocity 1/3 – ½ that of dorsal columns
Somatosensory Cortex (SSC) • Inputs to SSC are organized into columns by submodality • cortical neurons defined by receptive field & modality • most nerve cells are responsive to only one modality e.g. superficial tactile, deep pressure, temperature, nociception • some columns activated by rapidly adapting Messiner’s, others by slowly adapting Merkel’s, still others by Paccinian corp.
Somatosensory cortex • Brodman area 3, 1, 2 (dominate input) • 3a-from muscle stretch receptors (spindles) • 3b-from cutaneous receptors • 2-from deep pressure receptors • 1-rapidly adapting cutaneous receptors • These 4 areas are extensively interconnected (serial & parallel processing) • Each of the 4 regions contains a complete map of the body surface “homonculus”
Somatosensory Cortex • 3 different types of neurons in BM area 1,2 have complex feature detection capabilities • Motion sensitive neurons • respond well to movement in all directions but not selectively to movement in any one direction • Direction-sensitive neurons • respond much better to movement in one direction than in another • Orientation-sensitive neurons • respond best to movement along a specific axis
Other Somatosensory Cortical Areas • Posterior parietal cortex (BM 5 & 7) • BM 5 integrates tactile information from mechanoreceptors in skin with proprioceptive inputs from underlying muscles & joints • BM 7 receives visual, tactile, proprioceptive inputs • intergrates stereognostic and visual information • Projects to motor areas of frontal lobe • sensory initiation & guidance of movement
Secondary SSC (S-II) • Secondary somatic sensory cortex (S-II) • located in superior bank of the lateral fissure • projections from S-1 are required for function of S-II • projects to the insular cortex, which innervates regions of temporal lobe believed to be important in tactile memory
Pain vs. Nociception • Nociception-reception of signals in CNS evoked by stimulation of specialized sensory receptors (nociceptors) that provide information about tissue damage from external or internal sources • Activated by mechanical, thermal, chemical • Pain-perception of adversive or unpleasant sensation that originates from a specific region of the body • Sensations of pain • Pricking, burning, aching stinging soreness
Nociceptors • Least differentiated of all sensory receptors • Can be sensitized by tissue damage • hyperalgesia • repeated heating • axon reflex may cause spread of hyperalgesia in periphery • sensitization of central nociceptor neurons as a result of sustained activation
Sensitization of Nociceptors • Potassium from damaged cells-activation • Serotonin from platelets- activation • Bradykinin from plasma kininogen-activate • Histamine from mast cells-activation • Prostaglandins & leukotriens from arachidonic acid-damaged cells-sensitize • Substance P from the 1o afferent-sensitize
Fast A delta fibers glutamate neospinothalamic mechanical, thermal good localization sharp, pricking terminate in VB complex of thalamus Slow C fibers substance P paleospinothalamic polymodal/chemical poor localization dull, burning, aching terminate; RF tectal area of mesen. Periaqueductal gray Nociceptive pathways
Nociceptive pathways • Spinothalamic-major • neo- fast (A delta) • paleo- slow (C fibers) • Spinoreticular • Spinomesencephalic • Spinocervical (mostly tactile) • Dorsal columns- (mostly tactile)
Peripheral Gating theory involves inhibitory interneruon in cord impacting nocicep. projection neurons inhibited by C fibers stimulated by A alpha & beta fibers TENS Central Direct electrical + to brain -> analgesia Nociceptive control pathways descend to cord Endogenous opiods Pain Control Mechanisms