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Knowsley Approach to Dance Key Stages 1 & 2. Introduction. Welcome to the Knowsley approach to dance for Key Stages 1 & 2. I hope you will enjoy using the scheme and that dance will become a fun area of PE to teach.
Knowsley Approach to Dance Key Stages 1 & 2
Introduction Welcome to the Knowsley approach to dance for Key Stages 1 & 2. I hope you will enjoy using the scheme and that dance will become a fun area of PE to teach. This project has been devised and written by Rebound Dance & Health CIC as a guide for teachers delivering dance in the curriculum at primary level key stages 1&2. The overall aim is to provide essential information along with schemes of work to make dance in the curriculum more achievable to a none dance specialist. The Scheme The lesson plans will follow a basic structure of make – do- show or Plan - Perform – Evaluate. Each year group has 6 session plans. Session plan means that they should take more than one lesson to complete. They have suggested learning objectives, tips for success (teaching points), assessment pointers and an indicator of how the lesson splits up according to a multi-abilities framework (the green boxes). You may decide to use a few leaning objectives from one session in one lesson and cover the rest in the next lesson. They are not set in stone so be creative too! STEP – Space, Task, Equipment, People Each card also has STEP suggestions. These will help extend the lesson from one to the next, challenge more able students and give new ideas. When using STEP follow the format of the ‘Activities’ section using the ideas presented as the instructions. Multi-abilities These session plans incorporate the multi-ability framework to encourage an holistic physical education environment that caters for a full range of pupils' talents. The multi-ability framework supports inclusive opportunities for all pupils to be recognised and achieve within a range of physical education contexts. For example: Physical ability is pupil’s competence and fitness to perform a range of physical abilities. Social ability is exhibited in social contexts, and is the basis of leadership, teamwork Cognitive (thinking) ability is shown in planning and compositional settings Creative ability is evidenced when learners respond to challenges and tasks with fluency, originality and sensitivity to problems.
National Curriculum Requirements • For Dance • Dance at key stages 1 & 2 pupils are required to: • KS1 • Use Movements imaginatively, respond to stimuli including music and perform basic skills. To include, travelling, being still, making a shape, jumping, turning and gesturing. • Change rhythm, speed, level and direction of movement. • Create and perform dances using simple movement patterns including those from different times and cultures. • Express and communicate ideas and feelings. • KS2 • Create and perform dances using a range of movement patterns including those from a different times, places and cultures. • Respond to a range of stimuli and accompaniment. • Prepared with information available from department of education for dance in PE last revised 2011
Record of Assessment KS 1 YEAR GROUP…………………………………………Date………………. Curriculum Requirements Completed Notes or comments Teacher’s signature ……………………………………………………………………………Date………………………………………………
Record of Assessment KS 2 YEAR GROUP…………………………………………Date………………. Curriculum Requirements Completed Notes or comments Teacher’s signature ……………………………………………………………………………Date………………………………………………
SAFETY TIPS FOR DANCE • It is essential before any activity takes place to make sure the pupils are aware of safety issues relating to: • The space - The room pupils dance in needs to be clean, warm and free of any clutter. When pupils arrive for the session ask them to sit at the front and play the ‘HOT SPOT’ game where they call out to the teacher any danger spots they can see. This way you make sure the participants are fully aware of the room they are dancing in. • Personal space – when the group is ready to start moving in the room ask them to find a space on their own not to close to anyone else. Next ask them to lift their arms out to the sides at shoulder level and turn around on the spot slowly whilst being aware of other people in the room. • Suitable clothing for dance - In most cases PE kit or loose fitting clothing like a tracksuit or shorts and T shirt is best. Pumps or bare feet is advised for footwear but we suggest pupils should not be allowed to wear socks due to slippery surfaces. • Jewellery and accessories – To minimise the risk of accident and injury jewellery and watches should not be worn for dance activity.
DANCE TERMINOLOGY ACTIONS: The six skills of travel, turn, jump, stillness, gesture and fall. BALANCE: To hold the body in any shape and try to evenly distribute the weight. CANON: An overlap in the dancers movements one after another similar to a Mexican wave. COOL DOWN: A relaxing end to the class to bring the heart rate back to normal. COMPOSITION: Organising and arranging sounds, words, movements and images into a unified whole. CHOREOGRAPHY: Art of arranging movements into a finished performance. FOCUS: The dancers sight line used to increase communication with the audience. GESTURE: Movements which do not move or bear weight. IMPROVISE: Unplanned exploration of movements. MOTIF: The central movement theme of the dance which is repeated and varied. STIMULUS: The starting point for your dance and basic theme. SECTION: A large separate part of the composition. WARM UP: Muscle preparation for exercise to avoid injury.
DANCE TERMINOLOGY PHRASE: A collection of movements put together based on any given theme either on the spot or travelling. HOP: To jump up and down on one foot and landing on the same foot. JUMP: To jump off 2 feet and land on 2 feet (2 to 2) LEAP: To jump from one foot and land on the other foot (1 to1) LEVELS: There are 5 levels to be aware of: 1. on the floor 2. Low to the ground 3. Mid height 4. High above the head 5. In the air or jumping. PATHWAYS: Possible directions in which to travel in the space. TRANSITIONS: Links between movement themes, motifs, phrases or actions. TRAVEL: To move across the room using steps and movements starting at one point in the space and arriving at another. UNISON: All dancers moving at the same time in the same direction together and in time. SOLO/ DUET/ TRIO How many will dance 1,2 or 3 more than this is a small group more than 5 is a large group.
Topic, Theme or Idea Key Stage 1 Year 1 SHAPE SHIFTER Year 2 H2O Key Stage 2 Year 3 ROCK N ROLL Year 4 LINKING IN Year 5 INDIAN DANCE Year 6 HEART TO HEART
Cool Down Towards the end of each session the class should orally review/ evaluate the work they have created. In doing this we are allowing the heart rate to return to normal naturally. This section of the class is specifically for the mental and physical ‘cool down’ of the participants. The atmosphere should be peaceful and quiet. Key stages 1&2 Find a space and lay down on the floor and close your eyes Play some calm music on a low volume and: *Breathe in for 4 – hold the breath – and slowly breathe out. *Bring the breathing back to normal and try to identify any areas of tension in the body, with each breath out allow that tension to slip away. *Use this time to think about all the things learned in the class, what was enjoyed most and what needs to be remembered for the next class. *Allow the class time to recover and just relax for 1 minute. Slowly sit up, have a stretch then slowly stand and stretch out again.
Year 1 Dance Session 1: Shape Shifter • Activities • Warm up • Refer to warm up sheet for year 1 • Development • Using body parts demonstrate how to draw circles in the air. • As a group choose 4 body parts and link them together to create a phrase of movements. Try to perform them as a group to music taking 4 counts for each circle. • Composition • As a whole group practice standing still in a starting position, let the music start playing and count to 8 then begin the circle dance moving to the music slowly and the whole group moving in unison. • Ask each child to choose 2 body parts to draw a circle in the air on their own in a space and count to 4 for each circle. Link this to the circle dance. Split into 2 groups to perform and discuss. • Cool Down • Find a space on the floor and lie down. Close your eyes and then take a deep breath in for 4 counts then breath out 4 counts repeat with a big stretch 4 times then lay still for 1 minute to relax. • Tips for success • Always make sure that the task is clear • Give praise to achievements and draw attention to examples of good practice. Learning Objectives: Understand the importance of warm up and cool down. Create movements using body parts to draw circles in the air. Work alone and in a large group Dance terminology key words in red S – Safety first- hot spot game. T – talk through the aim of the session at the start and introduce the dance idea. E – Make sure children are aware of the importance of warm ups and cool downs for the body. P – Fill out tick box assessment sheets to keep track of class progress Resources: Music - download Sacred spirit by Native American music Body parts flash card • Tick box assessment sheet KS 1 - Can children: • Copy basic actions? • Use movements with imagination. • Understand change of levels, speeds, rhythm and directions. Physical Social Thinking Creativity
Year 1 Dance Session 2: Shape Shifter • Activities • Warm up • Refer to warm up sheet for year 1 • Development • Recap the work from previous week and perform to the music 3 times. • Talk about the movements the children created by themselves (pick 2 body parts and draw circles in the air) give them a moment to practice this and get it right with music taking 4 counts for each circle. • Composition • Ask children to join up with a partner and learn each others movements and link them together. Practice doing this in unison facing the front. • Split into 2 groups to perform duets and discuss how to improve moves • As a whole group practice dance from start • In your own space perform in unison 4 body parts circles taking 4 counts for each making up your own motif. Next do your own 2 body part circles on your own. Then take 8 counts to walk to your partner then do your duets inunisonto finish. • Cool Down • Find a space on the floor and lie down. Close your eyes and then take a deep breath in for 4 counts then breath out 4 counts repeat with a big stretch 4 times then lay still for 1 minute to relax. • Tips for success • Monitor creative work in groups by moving around the room • Give praise to achievements and draw attention to examples of good practice. • Learning Objectives: • Learn about levels and direction • Work in pairs and learn each others moves. • Explore and improviseto create new movements. S – Safety first- hot spot game. T – talk through the aim of the session at the start and introduce the dance idea. E –Flash cards, music player and CD P – Ask children to contribute to movement ideas. Resources: Floor space Music - downloads • Tick box assessment sheet KS 1 - Can children: • Respond to a range of stimuli • Express and communicate ideas. Physical Social Thinking Creativity
Year 1 Dance Session 3: Shape Shifter • Activities • Warm up • Refer to warm up sheet for year 1. • Development • Practice the dance so far and ensure everyone is happy, if not go over any problems. • Run through with music 2 times talk about how to make movements better by making them bigger and keeping your eyes off the floor and looking out to the front. • Composition • Working with your partner find 2 symmetrical shapes and 2 asymmetrical shapes and practice them to music holding them for 4 counts, at the end find a shape to hold very still for 8 counts. • Cool Down • Find a space on the floor and lie down. Close your eyes and then take a deep breath in for 4 counts then breath out 4 counts repeat with a big stretch 4 times then lay still for 1 minute to relax. • Tips for success • At the start of class talk about what you want to achieve. • Introduce the idea of symmetry and show images. • Ask children to show a symmetrical shape and an asymmetrical shape • Learning Objectives: • Work in pairs as a duet. Link up into small groups. • Express and develop ideas. • Observe and communicate thoughts. S – Safety first- hot spot game. T – Demonstrate symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes before giving the task. E – Leave music running in the back ground whilst pupils are creating. P – Ask children to contribute to movement ideas through improvisation. Resources: Floor space Video camera Shape flash cards Music - downloads Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 1 - Can children: • Explore and improvise to create original movements. Social Thinking Creativity
Year 1 Dance Session 4: Shape Shifter • Activities • Warm up • Refer to warm up sheet for year 1 • Development • Recap whole dance then run through with music 2 times. Talk about how to make the dance better and how we do this with bigger moves and where we look with our focus for each movement. • Composition • Teacher to choose one pupil as a leader that will start off a pathway that everyone will follow around the room just like follow the leader. Eventually group should make a large circle and stand still. Whole group to show one big symmetrical shape and hold for 8 counts then change to show an asymmetrical shape and hold for 8 counts. Everyone turn to face outside of the circle then the same leader is to bring arms over the head one after another to touch the ground facing the inside of the circle • Complete this with everyone in canon to finish the dance. • Cool Down • Find a space on the floor and lie down. Close your eyes and then take a deep breath in for 4 counts then breath out 4 counts repeat with a big stretch 4 times then lay still for 1 minute to relax. • Tips for success • At the start of class ask children to talk through the dance. • Sit quietly and listen to the music and ask children to visualise the dance and be aware of being in time to the music. • Learning Objectives: • Work as a team and finish the dance with a clear beginning, middle and end. • Learn and repeat simple dance terminology. • Observe and communicate thoughts about the dance so far. Dance key words in red S – Safety first- hot spot game. T – talk about possible pathways you could make with your feet around the room. E –Music and flash cards P – Learn to hold very still when not moving. Resources: Floor space Video camera Dance terminology flash card Music - downloads Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 1 - Can children: • Express and communicate ideas. Social Thinking Creativity
Year 1 Dance Session 5: Shape Shifter • Activities • Warm up • Refer to warm up sheet for year 1 • Development • Recap and run through with music 3 times. Remember how we make the movements better, where should we look for each move. • Remember the importance of being still when not moving and pretend you are a statue. • Composition • Now the dance is finished make sure everyone knows their part, if not go over any issues. • Give lots of praise to examples of hard work to highlight handy hints for everyone to follow. • Cool Down • Find a space on the floor and lie down. Close your eyes and then take a deep breath in for 4 counts then breath out 4 counts repeat with a big stretch 4 times then lay still for 1 minute to relax. • Tips for success • After the warm up walk through the dance without music. • Run through the dance with music 3 times holding at the start and at the finish. • video the work and watch it back. • Learning Objectives: • Perform the dance from start to finish and iron out any problems. • Video the class performing the dance to their best ability. • Use dance terminology when describing the dance. S –. Show you are ready to start the dance by holding your starting position and wait for your music. T – Focus should try to follow the movements if possible. E –Hold very still when not moving P – Allow the group to watch their performance and give tips on how to make it better. Resources: Floor space, Video camera TV for watching back the dance Music - downloads Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 1 - Can children: • Create and perform dances Social Thinking Creativity
Year 1 Dance Session 6: Shape Shifter • Activities • Warm up • Refer to warm up sheet for year 1. • Development • Recap and run through with music 3 times. Remember how we make the movements better, where should we look for each move. • Remember the importance of being still when not moving and pretend you are a statue. • Composition • Now the dance is finished make sure everyone knows their part and explain that everyone has made the dance together with their own ideas created through improvising. • Give lots of praise and encouragement recap handy hints for everyone to follow. • Cool Down • Find a space on the floor and lie down. Close your eyes and then take a deep breath in for 4 counts then breath out 4 counts repeat with a big stretch 4 times then lay still for 1 minute to relax. • Tips for success • warm up in the usual way and walk through the dance without music. • Run through the dance with music 3 times. • Perform in front of an audience. • video the performance for future reference. • Learning Objectives: • Perform the dance from start to finish and feel confident • Use dance terminology when describing the dance. • Perform in front of another class or assembly. S – Show you are ready to start the dance by holding your starting position and wait for your music. T –Focus should try to follow the movements if possible. E –Hold very still when not moving P – Perform with confidence and instil pride and ownership in the creation of the dance. Resources: Floor space Video camera Music Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 1 - Can children: • Use movements with imagination. Social Thinking Creativity
Warm Up • In a space to start • Feel the heart beat – note how steady the heart rate is and • ask children to describe what they feel. • Gently mobilise the head and neck by tilting chin to chest and then side to side in rhythm with music slowly. • Next stretch arms up to the sky lengthening the sides of the body then curl up in small ball close to the ground. • Walking on the spot then develop into a gentle jog on spot then jumping on spot. • Hop on one leg then the other. • Stop and feel your heart again and make a note of any difference and ask children to describe how they feel. • Shake out and stretch various body parts – bringing the breathing and heart rate back to normal. Year 1 KS 1 warm up Safety first Remember to do a safety check first and talk through the possible danger hot spots in the space. Personal space When pupils are asked to find a space make sure they can stand with arms stretched out to the side and do a slow turn to ensure they have a clear space all around them. Counting the beats In dance we count up to 8 when we move around, this will make it easier to stay in time with the music and enables the dancers to keep in time with each other.
Year 1 Dance Shape Shifter flash card • SYMMETRY All of these shapes are symmetrical, this means they have lines of symmetry. Symmetrical shapes are of equal balance which means if you cut them down the middle they will be the same on both sides. This is an asymmetrical shape, this means it if you cut it down the middle it would be different on each side.
Creative Circles Flash Card Creative improvisation • Circles and Body Parts • On your instruction children should touch e.g. elbow, Head, nose, ear, knee, foot • Staying on the spot ask children to draw a circle in the air with a finger. • Next draw a circle in the air with their elbow then with their nose. • Ask children to shout out some ideas of body parts and ask the group to have a go and try out suggestions. • Now ask the group to think about timing and rhythm and ask them to clap 4 beats to some music. Try to keep in time with the rhythm. • Next ask the group to draw circles in the air using the 4 count timing to music. • Teacher to lead group and show 4 body parts drawing circles one after another keeping time to the music. This is your first creative motif made up from improvisation and it’s the starting point of your dance. • F, KS 1 year 1 • Body awareness • Mobilising joints • Responding to commands • creative improvisation
Year 2 Dance Session 1 H2O • Activities • Warm up • Refer to year 2 warm up flash card for a weekly warm up routine. • Explain the reason we need to warm up our bodies before we dance and why we cool down at the end. • Development • Discuss the importance of water in our lives. For example what happens if we don’t drink enough, what happens if it doesn’t rain or if it rains to much. • Composition • Talk about the journeys water can make either around the body or in nature using these key words teacher should create a simple motif based on (Float, Freeze, Trickle, Swirl and pour). Teach the whole class and practice until it flows easily. • Split into smaller groups of 4 and add 2 new shapes based on water. • Cool Down • Find a space on the floor and lie down. • Close your eyes and then take a deep breath in for 4 counts then breath out 4 counts repeat with a big stretches 4 times then lay still for 1 minute to relax listening to calming music. Tips for success At the start talk about how important water is to our bodies. Teacher should create a simple motif in advance based on the key words and teach it to the group as a first step in the structure of the dance. • Learning Objectives: • Perform a simple dance using counts. • Work in small groups and make team decisions to find a starting and finishing position. • Dance terminology words in red. S –Safety first – Danger hot spot game. T – Teach the motif slowly and remember to use counts from the start. E –Run through the dance with music many times. P – Draw attention to examples of good work. Resources: Hall space Music - download Lonely Planet Theme ll by Ian Ritchie Year 2 warm up and Motif flash cards Physical Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 1 - Can children • copy basic actions • Use movements with imagination and respond to a range of stimuli. Social Social Thinking Thinking Creativity Creativity
Year 2 Dance Session 2 H2O • Tips for success • Hold the final position from last weeks work for 8 counts then walk a simple pathway to your partner then begin the new work in duets. • Activities • Warm up • Refer to year 2 warm up flash card for a weekly warm up routine. • Development • Recap on last weeks session and discuss moving on with the dance idea. Looking at the flash card talk about how water travels in blood cells. Run through the dance at least 3 times with music. • Composition • As a group perform the dance movements from last lesson then choose a partner to work with for today. In pairs create x2 lots of 8 counts of movements thinking about water as it travels around the body. Think about using different speeds i.e.. slow, fast, medium and different levels i.e.. on the floor, low to the ground medium height, high up to the sky and up in the air. • Split into two halves and watch each other perform to music and give feedback. • Cool Down • Find a space on the floor and lie down. • Close your eyes and then take a deep breath in for 4 counts then breath out 4 counts repeat with a big stretches 4 times then lay still for 1 minute to relax listening to calming music. • Learning Objectives: • Perform a simple dance using counts. • Work in pairs to create new movements based on given stimuli to add on to the work so far. • Learn to sit quietly and watch each other perform. Clap and give praise about the work. S –Explain the transition from the group work done in session1 to the duets work done this week. T –Encourage creativity using key words like slow and steady or high up to the sky. E –Leave the music running in the back ground for inspiration. P – At the end watch the work in 2 halves and evaluate as a group. Resources: Hall space Music - downloads Year 2 warm up and flash card • Tick box assessment sheet KS 1 - Can children • Understand change of speeds, levels, direction and rhythm. • Express and communicate ideas and work in a duet Physical Physical Social Social Thinking Thinking Creativity Creativity
Tips for success Hold the final position from last weeks work for 8 counts then walk a simple pathway to your new partner them begin the new travelling sequence work in duets. Year 2 Dance Session 3 H2O • Activities • Warm up • Refer to year 2 warm up flash card for a weekly warm up routine. • At the end try to include some travelling movements across the room that will include: holding a shape for 4 counts. Jumping moves, a turn and a gesture • Development • Recap on last weeks session and add on to the dance to create the middle section. • Discuss the different qualities of water & how it flows. Talk about the word travelling and what it means then emphasise all the different ways in which we can travel from one point to another. • Composition • Working with a new partner find a starting point in the room and then walk a pathway to the opposite side of the room to find a finishing point. Use imagery to inspire movement ideas, i.e... Waves, waterfall, rain etc. use these ideas to create a travelling sequence to get you from point A to point B. • Cool Down • Find a space on the floor and lie down. • Close your eyes and then take a deep breath in for 4 counts then breath out 4 counts repeat with a big stretches 4 times then lay still for 1 minute to relax listening to calming music. • Learning Objectives: • Create new movements based on travelling to include stillness whilst holding a shape, jumping, turning and gesturing • Explore different qualities of movement to create a travelling sequence S –In between point A and point B visualise your feet drawing a pattern on the floor T –When you are creating your moves don’t forget to count with the music. E –Whilst the pupils are creating their work leave the music running on low in the back ground to help with the rhythm and counting P –Watch each other and evaluate. Resources: Hall space Music - downloads Year 2 warm up and flash cards Physical Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 1 - Can children • Explore and improvise to create new movements. • Sequence actions to include: Stillness, making a shape, jumping, turning and gesturing. Social Social Thinking Thinking Creativity Creativity
Year 2 Dance Session 4 H2O Tips for success Linking up duets will work better if you give each pair a number. Duet 1 teach the others their moves when finished swap over to duet 2 until you have a large phrase of movements to perform together in unison. • Activities • Warm up • Refer to year 2 warm up flash card for a weekly warm up routine. • Development • Recap on last weeks session and add on to the dance to create the next section. • Discuss the shape and form of frozen water. Explore some words to describe i.e... Sharp, smooth, jagged, spikey etc. • Composition • Duets from the last session link together to make groups of 4. Use the descriptive words to create 6 shapes to demonstrate “ice”. Each shape should be held for x4 counts. Practice to make the 6 movements flow and add onto the end of the work created so far then hold the final shape. • Cool Down • Find a space on the floor and lie down. • Close your eyes and then take a deep breath in for 4 counts then breath out 4 counts repeat with a big stretches 4 times then lay still for 1 minute to relax listening to calming music. Take a big stretch with arms over head and point your feet. Next pull knees into your chest and rock from side to side then gently rollover to one side then sit up take a moment before standing. • Learning Objectives: • Children should learn to; • Link up duet work with another duet to create a small group. Learn each others work in unison. S –At the start of the creative section make sure pupils are aware of safety in the space and remember to be aware of others moving with there traveling sequences. T –Always work as a team and remember to count with the movements. E – Have music playing in the back ground P –Watch each other and evaluate. Resources: Hall space, Video camera Music - downloads Year 2 warm up and flash cards Physical Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 1 - Can children • In pairs and in a small groups develop working as a team. Social Social Thinking Thinking Creativity Creativity
Year 2 Dance Session 5 H2O • Tips for success • Practice the dance so far and at the end ask each group to repeat the motif taught in session1 for the end of the dance. Each group should do this in there own time and when everyone has finished moving this will mark the end of the dance. • Activities • Warm up • Refer to year 2 warm up flash card for a weekly warm up routine. • Practice the warm up and imagine it is a performance, holding very still at the start and moving with the music keeping time and working with the whole class as a team at the end hold your final position. • Development • Recap on all work so far and add on to the dance to create the final section. Talk about the work so far and how we can make any improvements. Discuss your focus and demonstrate how this will make a difference if your eyes are up looking out to your audience. • Composition • In your small groups practice your linked up duet into groups of 4 and hold your final position. At the end repeat the motif from the start of the dance (week 1 teacher motif) with your group moving in unison. At the end hold your final position very still until everyone has finished. • Cool Down • Find a space on the floor and lie down. • Close your eyes and then take a deep breath in for 4 counts then breath out 4 counts repeat with a big stretch 4 times then lay still for 1 minute to relax listening to calming music. • Learning Objectives: • Finish the dance and talk about how to make improvements with quality and control. S –Allow the small groups to perform the final motif in their own space and in their own time. T –Don’t worry about what groups around you are doing as everyone’s timing will be different. E –leave the music running to help with the rhythm and counting P –Tick box assessment sheets to keep track of class progress Resources: Hall space, Video camera Music - downloads Year 2 warm up and flash cards Physical Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 1 - Can children • Perform with confidence using focus and control. • Express and communicate ideas and feelings. Social Social Thinking Thinking Creativity Creativity
Year 2 Dance Session 6 H2O Tips for success At the start of the session do a run through of the dance without music allowing the group to mark through the dance to remember key points and be spatially aware. Prepare the group before the audience comes into the room and talk through any worries. • Activities • Warm up • Refer to year 2 warm up flash card for a weekly warm up routine. • Practice the warm up and imagine it is a performance, holding very still at the start and moving with the music keeping time and working with the whole class as a team at the end hold your final position. • Development • Talk through the dance from start to finish. and discuss important key points to remember. When performing the dance try not to fidget or adjust clothing or hair. Run through the dance with music remembering to be very still at the start and counting to the music in your head throughout. • Composition • At this point there is no further creation of movements required but it is still important to remember each section of the dance. Perform it keeping your eyes up and out to your audience and not looking down to the floor. • Cool Down • Find a space on the floor and lie down. • Close your eyes and then take a deep breath in for 4 counts then breath out 4 counts repeat with a big stretch 4 times then lay still for 1 minute to relax listening to calming music. • Learning Objectives: • Perform the dance with control and quality to an audience. • Watch the video back and ask children to write about how they felt about the project and after the performance. S –Make sure you keep you spacing throughout the dance T –Enjoy your performance! E –Make sure your music is ready on pause for the performance. P –video the sharing and after the audience has left allow the group to watch themselves and discuss how they felt about performing a dance. Fill out pupil evaluation sheets Resources: Hall space, Video camera Music - downloads Physical Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 1 - Can children • Perform with confidence using focus and control. Social Social Thinking Thinking Creativity Creativity
Warm Up Year 2 KS 1 warm up • In a space to start • Feel the heart beat – note how steady the heart rate is. • Traffic lights – A quick but effective warm up • RED – Freeze • AMBER – Walk • GREEN – Jog • BLUE – Allow someone to choose an action for blue each week. • Continue with this game for 4 minutes • Back to a space • Feel heart beat and discuss the changes • Breath in arms go up • Breath out arms fall down ( do this 4 times slowly) • Shake out and stretch various body parts – bringing the breathing and heart rate back to normal. • A • Safety first • Remember to do a safety check first and talk through the possible danger hot spots in the space. • Personal space • When pupils are asked to find a space make sure they can stand with arms stretched out to the side and do a slow turn to ensure they have a clear space all around them. • Counting the beats • In dance we count up to 8 when we move around, this will make it easier to stay in time with the music and enables the dancers to keep in time with each other.
Travel sequence key words Hold a shape for 4 counts Jump high in the air Include a turn in your sequence Make a movement about flowing water STILLNESS JUMPING TURNING GESTURE
Year 3 Rock N Roll Counts 1,2 - Hit your thighs twice Counts 3,4 – x2 hand claps Counts 5,6 – hands cross Counts 7,8 – Hands cross x 2 Right hand on top x2 Left hand on top Hand Jive 1
Year 3 Rock N Roll Counts 1,2 – Do the mash Counts 3,4 – Do the mash Right hand on top Left hand on top Counts 5,6 – hitching a ride Counts 7,8 – hitching a ride x 2 with Right hand x2 with Left hand Hand Jive 2
Year 3: Dance Session 1: Rock n roll Activities Warm up Refer to warm up sheet for year 3 Development Introduce the dance idea and look at flash cards for hand jive 1&2. Listen to music and count to the beat. Composition Start the dance with everyone in a space feet in a wide position. First 7 counts point to the front with right finger arm stretched out in front. On count 8 hold the position and nod the head. Repeat on the left side. Raise arms above the head for 8 counts then lower arms to the sides of the body. With hands flexed jog on the spot for another 8 counts. Teacher to teach hand jive motif to pupils using x2 lots of 8 counts. First teach slowly without music, when all pupils are familiar with the moves try to music. Hand jive motif should be done 2 times then finish with hands flexed, jog on the spot until the end of the verse in the music. Cool Down Refer to cool down flash card Tips for success First try the moves sitting on the floor then in your own space Make sure the group is well spaced and spread out in the hall. Music will seem very fast so before dancing with the music try counting it first. Learning Objectives: Learn opening phrase and the set Hand Jive motif. Perform to music and work in unisonin a whole group. S – Safety first- hot spot game. T – talk through the aim of the session at the start and introduce the dance idea. E –Flash cards & music P – Make sure children are aware of the importance of warm ups and cool downs for the body. Resources: Floor space Flash cards Hand jive 1&2 Music - downloads Bill Haley Rock around the clock Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 2 - Can children • Copy basic actions. • Remember and repeat simple actions. Social Thinking Creativity
Year 3: Dance Session 2: Rock n Roll Activities Warm up Refer to warm up sheet for year 3 Development Recap last weeks work and run through 3 times first without music slowly, then repeat at full speed then try with the music and remember to count to the beat. Composition Ask the pupils to find a partner who is close by in the space and face each other with each set of partners side on to the audience. Repeat the hand jive twice facing your partner (Instrumental section of music) at the end hold hands. Next repeat the stepping sequence and continue to hold hands with your partner, both travel in the same direction. Do the kicks (refer to kick movements on flash card 3) going to the opposite side whilst still holding hands. Without letting go of hands carefully lift arms up and over the heads whilst completing a full turn together (see image) then repeat the other way. Next do the twist down for 4 counts the up 4 counts then repeat until the end of the phrase. Cool Down Refer to cool down flash card Tips for success When doing partner work and repeating the motifs walk through the moves very slowly especially when doing the kicks to the opposite direction. Ensure partners are kicking in opposite directions to avoid any collisions. Learning Objectives: Develop the dance and repeat motifs using change of direction. Work with a partner. S – partners should travel in the same direction in the step sequence holding hands T –Introducing a change of direction to the set motif. E –Flash cards & music P – it is important to encourage pupils to work as a team with their partners and the rest of the group to achieve an overall performance. Resources: Floor space Flash card 3 step phrase Music - downloads Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 2 - Can children • Respond to a range of stimuli and accompaniment. • Link actions to make dance motifs and phrases. Then • develop and adapt motifs to make dances. Social Thinking Creativity
Year 3: Dance Session 3. Rock n Roll Tips for success Take time to sit on the floor and listen to the music and mentally go through the dance keeping time with the verses and chorus. Activities Warm up Refer to warm up sheet for year 3 Development Recap last weeks work and run through 3 times first without music slowly, then repeat at full speed then try with the music and remember to count to the beat. To ensure the dance starts to flow take time to clear up any problem areas with movement or timing. Composition Last week the group finished in partners holding hands and doing the twist. Next jog to a large circle in the space. Repeat the twist motif twice and then the step sequence from flash card 3. This time at a faster pace with the music. Do 1 count for each step to the side and do 4 hop kicks, all of this should take 8 counts. Cool Down Refer to cool down flash card Learning Objectives: Develop the dance and Learn next section. Introduce new spatial dynamics working as a whole group in a large circle. S – Choose a pathway to reach the large group circle and repeat every time. T – practice doing the side step routine and kicks at a faster pace taking only 1 count for each move. E –Flash cards & music P – Be careful not to collide with anyone else when you jog your pathway to the large group circle Resources: Floor space Flash card 4 in the circle Music - downloads Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 2 - Can children • Understand change of levels, speeds, rhythm and direction. Social Thinking Creativity
Year 3: Dance Session 4. Rock n Roll • Tips for success • Encourage groups to count with the music when they are creating their own favourite moves from the dance. They should all perform this section in unison in their own groups. Activities Warm up Refer to warm up sheet for year 3 Development Recap last weeks work and run through 3 times first without music slowly, then repeat at full speed then try with the music and remember to count to the beat. Last weeks finish point in a group circle repeating the step motif faster. Composition Look at flash card 4 (step phrase 2) teach the stepping motif in a circle moving inwards followed by the jumps going backwards. Perform this twice then Jog to a new space to form groups of 4. Ask the group to select and create 6 x 8 lots of counts using any material from the dance so far this should be completed by creating a strong ending group position to finish the dance. Create a large photo finish shape to end the dance and ask everyone to wave both hands. Cool Down Refer to cool down flash card Learning Objectives: Finish the dance and be clear about the framework from start to finish. S – When the group leaves the circle to form small groups of 4/5 make sure they are spread out in the space. T – when they perform their own selections in the small groups all groups should perform their own moves all at the same time. E –Flash cards & music P – Give big smiles at the end to finish. Resources: Floor space Flash card 4 Music - downloads Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 2 - Can children • Create and perform dances using a range of movement • patterns including those from different times, places and • cultures. Social Thinking Creativity
Tips for success Walking through the dance without music is useful for the teacher to see if anyone needs help to go over any sections of the dance. When performing the dance try not to fidget or talk. Concentrate on the dance and work together to make the dance as good as it can be. Year 3: Dance Session 5. Rock n Roll Activities Warm up Refer to warm up sheet for year 3 Development Recap last weeks work and run through 3 times first without music slowly, then repeat at full speed then try with the music and remember to count to the beat. Composition Concentrate on performance qualities and how to use your focus, timing and rhythm to improve the dance piece. Try to make all movements larger than life and as big as you can, really stretch through all movements. Practice from the start with music implementing improvements. Split into 2 groups and perform and evaluate the work as a group. Video the dance from the start to finish with all improvements and perform to your best ability. Allow the class to watch the video and evaluate the performance. Cool Down Refer to cool down flash card Learning Objectives: Performance qualities and how to make the dance better. Practice makes perfect. S –When travelling in the space from one section to another try to take the same pathway every time and avoid collisions. T –Iron out any problems and go over spacing and timing. E – Video camera and TV P – Take time to make sure everyone is confident with all movements. Resources: Floor space Video camera & TV Music - downloads Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 2 - Can children • Express and communicate ideas with use of dance • terminology. Social Thinking Creativity
Year 3: Dance Session 6. Rock n Roll • Activities • Warm up • Weekly warm up routine but this time encourage group to use their focus from now on. Lift the eye line up high and above any audience. • Ask group to hold still and wait for the warm up music then start. Remember all the performance qualities learned in previous session. • Development • Run the dance without music once and work through any problems and then run it twice with music. • Composition • Key points for performance: • Look up high above the audience. • Stretch through all movements and make them as big as you can. • Listen to your music and move to the rhythm and beats. • Work as a team and no talking when performing the dance. • Keep your spacing and remember key land marks for each section of the dance. • Video the performance • Cool Down • Cool down to finish with eyes closed . Lie on floor and think about your achievements and the journey the group has taken from week 1 to the performance. Each pupil should feel proud of their performance. • Tips for success • When performing the dance no fidget or talking. Concentrate on the dance and work together to make the dance as good as it can be. • Remember to hold very still at the start and at the end hold your final position until the music fades. Learning Objectives: To perform the dance for an audience to the best of pupils ability. S – Remember key points and land marks in the space so everyone knows where they should be for each section of the dance. T –When you perform don’t count out loud but quietly in your head E –Video camera and TV P –When performing look out above the audience so you can’t be put off by anyone. Resources: Floor space Video camera Music - downloads Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 2 - Can children • Create and perform dances using a range of movement • patterns including those from different times, places and • cultures. Social Thinking Creativity
Year 3 Rock N Roll Side step moves Starting position Counts 1,2 – step to R Counts 3,4 – feet back together Count 5,6 – step to R Counts 7,8 back together Repeat to the left side. Kick movements Counts 1,2 3,4 5.6 7,8 Step to R - kick across the body with left foot - step to L - Kick to R side Repeat. Jogging with flexed hands to meet a partner in a new space until the end of verse in the music. Flash card 3 Step Phrase Under arm turn with partner image
Year 3 Rock N Roll Starting position Counts 1,2 – step forwards with R foot and clap hands Feet together in a circle to right side of the head. Repeat to the left side. Do this moving forward 4 times moving inwards to the centre of the circle. Then jump back with both feet and clap low with knees bent 4 times to arrive back at your start position. Jump backwards and clap low down with knees bent 4 times . Flash card 4 Step Phrase 2 In the circle
Warm Up Year 3 KS 2 Set warm up • Find a space and feel your heart beat. • Walk around the room – ‘freeze’ when you hear a clap (repeat 4 times) • Find a space – Arms stretch up. (do this 4 times) • Shake: R arm x 8 counts then drop • L arm x 8 then drop • R leg x 8 then change. • L leg x 8 then change • Shake whole body x 8 counts then repeat on 4’s, 2’s & 1’s. • 8 Jogs on the spot. • 8 Jumps on the spot – repeat • End with Marching on the spot to allow breathing to return to normal rate. • Feel heart beat • Breath in – arms up • Breath out - arms down (repeat 4 times) • A • Safety first • Remember to do a safety check first and talk through the possible danger hot spots in the space. • Personal space • When pupils are asked to find a space make sure they can stand with arms stretched out to the side and do a slow turn to ensure they have a clear space all around them. • Counting the beats • In dance we count up to 8 when we move around, this makes it easier to stay in time with the music and enables the dancers to keep in time with each other.
Year 4: Dance Session 1: Linking Together • Activities • Warm up • Refer to warm up sheet for year 4. • Development • As a group explore & discuss the ways that different parts of the body can move. i.e. shake, stretch, twist etc. • Composition • As a group explore and create movements using different body parts which focus on ‘shaking’! Each one should last 4 counts. • Ask each child to choose 3 of their favourite ‘ shaking’ movements • In groups of 4/5 teach each other the ‘shaking’ movements and link them together for form a phraseof movement. • Share the work with the rest of the class and give feedback. • Cool Down • Refer to cool down flash card • Tips for success • Always make sure that the task is clear • Monitor creative work in groups by moving around the room • Give praise to achievements and draw attention to examples of good practice. • Learning Objectives: • Understand the importance of warm up and cool down. • Travel in different directions/levels • use movements imaginatively. • Work individually and as a group S – Safety first- hot spot game. T – talk through the aim of the session at the start and introduce the dance idea. E – Make sure children are aware of the importance of warm ups and cool downs for the body. P – Ask children to contribute to movement ideas. Resources: Floor space Music - download by Blue Foundation, Eyes on fire Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 2 - Can children • Copy basic actions. • Explore and create original movements. Social Thinking Creativity
Year 4: Dance Session 2: Linking Together • Activities • Warm up • Refer to warm up sheet for year 4 • Development • Recap the ideas and work from previous week • Introduce new movement qualities– ‘Contract’ (find other words that could help to inspire movement ideas. i.e. tense, tight, etc.). And ‘Release’ (relax) • Composition • Ask children to create individually one shape to demonstrate ‘Contract’ and another to demonstrate ‘Release’. There should be a clear contrast between the 2 shapes and interesting use of levels. • Practice changing from one shape to the other – hold each shape for 4 counts. • In the groups of 4/5 from the previous class share these new movements and add to the ‘Shaking’ phrase. • Spend time making the work flow so a longer movement phrase starts to take shape. • Share work with the rest of the class. Give feedback & praise. • Cool Down • Refer to cool down flash card • Tips for success • Always make sure that the task is clear • Give praise to achievements and draw attention to examples of good practice. • Learning Objectives: • Remember and repeat simple actions. • Work in groups and learn each others moves. • Explore and develop ideas and movements with a focus on different qualities. S – Safety first- hot spot game. T – Explore different qualities of movement to create original phrases. E – play the music when exploring movements. P – Ask children to contribute to explore and share ideas. Resources: Floor space Music - downloads Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 2 - Can children • Respond to a range of stimuli and accompaniment. • Link actions to make dance motifs and phrases. Then develop and adapt to make dances. Social Thinking Creativity
Year 4: Dance Session 3: Linking Together • Activities • Warm up • Refer to warm up sheet for year 4. • Development • Discuss and recap the ideas and work from previous classes. • Key words to inspire movements in this class will be Stretchand Levels • Composition • Ask the group to walk around the hall paying attention to making good use of the space. • When you clap your hands ask them to create a ‘stretching’ movement /shape toward the ceiling (high)– hold for 8 counts. • Continue to walk around the hall and repeat the task asking for a stretching movement towards the floor (low) followed by a shape/movement at medium level. All children should have 3 shapes at different levels they are happy with. • In groups of4/5 learn each others shapes and movements • 3 shapes in any order of levels(each held for 8 counts) • Split the class into 2 halves and share the work created so far. • Cool Down • Play some calm, relaxing music and ask the group to find a space and lie down on the floor. Still continuing with the muscle theme ask them to tense then relax different muscles throughout the body. End the class by feeling relaxed and bring breathing and heart rate back to a normal • Tips for success • Always make sure that the task is clear • Give praise to achievements and draw attention to examples of good practice. • Emphasise quality of movement & encourage contrast of levels and direction. • Learning Objectives: • Remember and repeat simple actions. • Work individually and in groups. • Explore and develop ideas and movements with a focus on different qualities and levels. S – start becoming more aware of the space and how to make best use of it. T – Explore and use different levels. E – play the music during the creative section encouraging the group to count to 8 for each shape. P – create shapes individually and then perform with set groups. Resources: Floor space Music - downloads Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 2 - Can children • Understand change of: Levels, speeds, rhythm & directions. • Explore and improvise to create original movements. Social Thinking Creativity
Year 4: Dance Session 4: Linking Together • Activities • Warm up • Refer to warm up sheet for year 4 • Development • Discuss and recap the ideas and work from previous classes. • Todays task will be to start fitting all the work together so a choreography starts to take shape. • Composition • Walk through each section of work that has been created so far. • Make sure that each section flows smoothly to the next. • Emphasise the use of contrasting qualities and levels • Encourage the use of music so timing is precise. • Ask each group to create 2 x counts of 8 using levels – hold final position. • Run from beginning to end at least twice & share work with the other groups. • Give feedback on how the work could be improved during the next class. • Cool Down • Play some calm, relaxing music and ask the group to find a space and lie down of the floor. Still continuing with the muscle theme ask them to tense then relax different muscles throughout the body. End the class by feeling relaxed and bring breathing and heart rate back to a normal • Tips for success • Make sure the dance has clear sections. • Use the music to help with the structure of the dance. • Encourage constructive feedback to help improve work and boost confidence. • Learning Objectives: • Link phrases together to form the structure of a choreography. • Work individually and in groups. • Have a good understanding of use of space ,levels and timing. S – use the space wisely when structuring the choreography. T – Communicate with each other to develop the dance. E – use of the music is really important when pulling the dance together. P – work as a team to achieve a final piece of work. Resources: Floor space Music - downloads Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 2 - Can children • Perform dance using a range of movement patterns • Use movements with imagination . • Remember and repeat actions. Social Thinking Creativity
Activities Warm up Refer to warm up sheet for year 4 Development Todays class should focus on bringing the dance together as a completed piece of work and making sure everyone is clear about what they are doing. The dance should have a nice flow from beginning to end and the group should start ‘performing’ the work. Composition It is important that the group rehearses with the music several times to give them the feeling of completion and ownership. Point out key parts in the music to use as a reminder of where they should be at that point. Attention should be drawn to enhancing the work by ‘performing’ it to the best of their ability. Note good use of space, focus, not talking etc. Discuss how it can be improved in order to prepare for the final performance in the next session. Cool Down Play some calm, relaxing music and ask the group to find a space and lie down of the floor. Still continuing with the muscle theme ask them to tense then relax different muscles throughout the body. End the class by feeling relaxed and bring breathing and heart rate back to a normal Year 4: Dance Session 5: Linking Together • Tips for success • Make sure everyone is sure of what they are doing. • Use the music to help with the timing of the dance . • Encourage constructive feedback to help improve work and boost confidence. • Learning Objectives: • Have a better understanding of ‘performance’. • Work individually, in groups and as a whole class. • Have a good understanding of use of space ,levels and timing. S – be aware of use of space when rehearsing the dance. T – rehearsing several times from start to finish will help to give the dance a good flow. E – use of the music is really important when pulling the dance together. P – work as a team to achieve a final piece of work. Resources: Floor space Video camera Music - downloads Physical Tick box assessment sheet KS 2 - Can children Social Thinking Creativity
Year 4: Dance Session 6: Linking Together Activities Warm up Refer to warm up sheet for year 4 Development Todays class should pull all the hard work together and have a positive feeling of achievement and team work. Composition Ask the group to ‘walk through’ the dance without music - stop at any point to clear up any problems and answer any questions. Now run through the dance twice with the music encouraging the group to cover any mistakes, not talk etc. Finally ‘perform ‘ the dance either for another group or for the video camera. End on a high note and give lots of positive feedback. Discuss with the group. Cool Down Play some calm, relaxing music and ask the group to find a space and lie down of the floor. Still continuing with the muscle theme ask them to tense then relax different muscles throughout the body. End the class by feeling relaxed and bring breathing and heart rate back to a normal • Tips for success • Make sure everyone is sure of what they are doing. • Use the music to help with keeping the timing of the dance . • Encourage constructive feedback to help improve work and boost confidence. • Learning Objectives: • Have a better understanding of ‘performance’. • Work individually, in groups and as a whole class. • Have a good understanding of use of space ,levels and timing. S – use the space wisely when performing the choreography. T – focus on performance skills and team work. E – the music is an important part of the choreography, listen carefully. P – work as a team to perform the final piece of work. Resources: Floor space Video camera Music - downloads Physical • Tick box assessment sheet KS 2 - Can children • Perform movements with imagination and effort. Social Thinking Creativity