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Unit 5. A FRIEND IN NEED. Jury/juror Suspect 疑犯 /defendent 被告 /witness 证人 Cross-examine Guilty or innocent Murder or manslaughter (not deliberately) Motive 动机 the murder motive Sentence v. & n. He is sentenced to be hanged. He will be sentenced to death.
Jury/juror • Suspect 疑犯/defendent被告/witness证人 • Cross-examine • Guilty or innocent • Murder or manslaughter (not deliberately) • Motive 动机 the murder motive • Sentence v. & n. • He is sentenced to be hanged. • He will be sentenced to death. • The judged sentenced him to ten years’ imprisonment. • He deserves a life sentence. 无期徒刑 • The judge pronounced sentence on the prison.
About human nature (5min) Discuss: what are the determining forces in shaping human nature? genes, family, parenting, schooling, peers, socioeconomic factors …?
Can you use some words to describe Edward Burton’s character? cruel, evil-minded, vicious(恶毒的、邪恶的), cold-blooded wicked,sinful, sinister(阴险的), obscene(淫秽的,猥亵的), merciless, pitiless, ruthless(残忍的,冷酷的), heartless, malicious(恶毒的), cunning(狡诈的), sneaky(鬼鬼崇崇), tricky, treacherous(不可靠的,奸诈的), disguised,… • What have you learned from the story?
Words to describe a friend: • clever • Smart, intelligent, bright, brilliant, witty, gifted, talented • agreeable • Amiable, pleasant, cordial, good-humored, friendly, hospitable, • careful • Conscientious, prudent, cautious, watchful
faithful • loyal, true, devoted, dedicated, committed • diligent • conscientious, industrious, hard-working, • active • brisk, lively, full of life, energetic, dynamic • Funny, careless, curious, thrifty, extravagant, stubborn, capable, arrogant, bold, shy, timid, greedy…
Language Points • (foreword) deceptive: likely to deceive, misleading e.g. The students may look angelic, but appearances can be deceptive. That hospital was closed because of its deceptive and misleading advertisements. derivatives: deception n. deceive v.
(line 4) small insight: ignorant He has a great insight into modern science. The author has a remarkably keen insight into human nature. clear/critical/keen/quick/penetrating/fair/ fresh/ insight gain/get/give/have/ show a deeper insight into
(line 12) (all) of a piece: the same in all parts, the same as sth. else 性质与…相似,与…一致 e.g. The style of the book is all of a piece, in both illustrations and text. The essays he completed in the latter part of his life are of a piece with his earlier work..
(Line 16) in accordance with: in agreement or harmony with ; according to a law or system e.g. Article 47 may only be used in accordance with international law. Some young people are self-centered, which is not in accordance with Chinese traditional values.
(line 16) quietly dressed 素净的、不起眼的 e.g. Gray is a quiet colour. I think we should have a nice quiet colour in the bedroom.
(line16) station: old fashioned your position in society e.g. Karen was definitely getting ideas above her station. She married beneath her station.
(line 32) he could tell with point a good and spicy story a joke without any point 一个平淡无奇的笑话 spicy: exciting e.g. You can often read spicy stories about film stars in the local newspapers. spicy food
(line 33) something of: to some degree e.g. He is something of an expert on growing vegetables. It’s something of a disadvantage nowadays if you can’t use a computer.
(line 73) hitherto ad.: fml until now; until a particular time e.g. She had been hitherto relatively nice to me. many hitherto insolvable problems a fact hitherto unknown The Hope Project sent money to student hitherto unable to afford their tuition fees.
(line 83) down and out: having no money,home, etc. Shortly after his company was declared bankrupt, the manager became down and out. When he was down and out, none of his friends gave him a helping hand. down-and-out n.
(Line 85) be/ go (all) to pieces: have a breakdown lose control of oneself e.g. She nearly went to pieces when she heard that her husband was among those buried in the ruins of the World Trade Center. Her performance goes to pieces when her father is watching. cf. fall to piece a) become old and in bad condition: All my clothes are falling to pieces. b) to no longer be successful or working well: The economy is falling to piece
Sentences • Line 12 Here if ever was a man all of a piece. If there ever was a man whose appearance and manner suggested a definite type, that would be him. 要说真有表里如一的人的话,那就是此公了。
Line 22 He had a quiet, dry humor. • Line 60 A bit of money used to come on for him once a quarter. • Line 67 I suppose that is why he came to me when he went broke, that and the fact that he was a namesake of mine.
A dim perception or faint idea • Line 95 I got some glimmering of what he was driving at. I’ve known too many men who were little tin gods at their university to be impressed by it. Be trying to say 徒有虚名
Useful Expressions • 患难之交 • a friend in need • 表里如一的人 • a man all of a piece • 衣着整洁素雅 • neatly and quietly dressed
凑巧还和我同姓 • oddly enough a namesake of mine • 勉强地/欣然地 • with a bad/good grace • 破产、一文不名 • go broke • 山穷水尽、穷困潦倒 • down and out
他输得身边一个子都没有了。 • He got trimmed. • 他已经完全垮了。 • He was all to pieces. • 自以为了不起的人 • tin god(s) • 吓了一跳 • be taken aback • 临阵脱逃 • funk it
Activity • Role-play Edward Burton Lenny Burton • Discussion Do you think there is some truth in the saying,”You can’t judge a book by looking at its cover”?
American English and British English • Introduction Where is the first floor in London? Can you take a train in a subway in London? What will you say to the mother with a lovely baby?
伦敦趣事 • 我们订的是343号房间。于是,我们高高兴兴地推着trolley走进电梯,按third floor的按钮前往房间,却来到一排都是“4”开头的房间。猛然想到几年前去香港的经验:大厦的一楼称为ground floor(地面层),二楼才称first floor(第一层)。香港当时还没回归,那么,英国旅社的343号房间自然是在second floor(第二层)了。在伦敦的另一个趣事,发生在寻地铁时。我们第一次去伦敦时,依照朋友的建议,将车子停在伦敦外围,然后改搭地铁进城。在停妥车子后,便请教迎面缓步而来的一位英国老绅士,问他最近的subway如何走。老先生顺手一指,前面不远处就有一个subway的小牌子。我们庆幸自己运气不错,能找到离地铁这么近的地方停车。想着、走,哪知走完了subway,却是到了街道的另一边,哪里有地铁的影子!折腾了半天,才知道伦敦的地铁叫做underground,而subway则是地下道。这两字的用法刚好与纽约相反。
入境随俗容易得当地人的好感,进而结交到朋友。但更重要的,是可以避免尴尬。我最糟糕的一次经验,现在想来还感到脸红。那是发生在送小梦上学的路上,我们遇见了她同学的妈妈。她带着的刚学步的小妹妹,有一对湛蓝的大眼睛和一头闪亮的金发。我称赞道:“How cute!”没想到这位英国妈妈竟然没什么反应。类似情形发生了几次,我才开始注意别人的用词都是“How lovely!”在请教英国友人之后,才知道美国称赞小孩聪明可爱的cute,搬到英国却锐利刁钻的意思。想到自己竟然当着人家妈妈的面,说她的心肝宝贝“锐利刁钻”,真是难为情。 • Homely: BrE warm, friendly and enjoys home life/AmE: not attractive
American English and British English 1.语音方面 • 比如glass;shop;dollar 2.单词拼写方面 • 英国英语拼 colour,metre 和 honour, • 而美国英语则拼color,meter 和 honor。 例子:Neighbour/ neighbor,Theatre/theater, Analyse/analyze 3.词语表达方面 • 英国英语中“电梯”是lift,而美国英语则是elevator; • “地铁”英国英语是underground,美国英语则说subway; • “中学”英国英语说middleschool,美国英语则说highschool。
同 一 事 物 使 用 不 同 的 单 词 来 表 示 • 英 国 英 语 和 美 国 英 语 所 使 用 的 词 汇 的 意 义 大 多 数 是 一 致 的 , 但 也 有 一 些 词 汇 在 词 义 存 在 着 较 大 的 区 别 。 例 如 , 同 一 种 事 物 在 英 国 英 语 和 美 国 英 语 中 就 用 不 同 的 单 词 来 表 示 。 下 表 所 列 举 的 词 就 是 较 典 型 的 例 子 。 • American English British English Chinese • pants trousers 裤子 • gas petrol 汽油 • store shop 商店 • Candy sweets 糖果 • fall autumn 秋天 • sidewalk pavement 人行道 • congress parliament 议会 • Freshman the first year student 大学一年级新生 • corn maize 玉米 • automobile motor(car 汽车
4.词意方面 比如freight英国英语表达的是(船运的)货物;美国英语则表示(水、陆、空运输的)货物;英国英语说一批邮件是post,美国英语则说mail。 5.语法方面 • 比如英国英语问“Haveyou(got)apencil?”,回答“Yes,Ihave.或No,Ihaven’t.” • 美国英语则问“Doyouhave(got)apencil?”,回答“Yes,Ido.或No,Idon’t.”。 • He used not to drink.(BrE) /He didn’t use to drink.(AmE) • You needn’t go with him./You don’t need to go with him. • Have you any English-Chinese?/Do you have any English-Chinese Dictionary? • I haven’t any brother./I don’t have any brother. • 当然,英国英语和美国英语在语音、词汇、拼写语法等方面存在着的这些不同并不重要,对于大多数地区来说,他们就是同一种语言—英语。
Which is better? • John Simon assessed the value of different languages and ranked them. According to his results, English ranks No 1 on the list, with a value of 5,455 billion pounds。 • According to his research, nowadays 85%of the world organizations use English as one of their working languages,which undoubtedly adds value to the language. • He estimates that by 2050, half of the world’s population will be able to communicate in English.
Now more than 400 million people use English as their native language, with another 400 million using it as the official language. The English language plays a dominating role on the internet. More than 80% of the web-pages are written in English.
英国英语传统地位遭遇挑战 众所周知,英国英语和美国英语是英语的两大分支。正如任何一种自然形成的语言,英国英语和美国英语也都有若干种方言。英国虽小,方言的数目却比美国多。粗略划分,目前英国大约就有40种方言之多。 从传统上说,标准英语是以英格兰南部方言为基础的,受过传统教育的人使用的英语。在以前,会讲标准英语的人只占英国总人口的大约5%,但他们占据了社会各界的大部分重要职位。不少英国人把会讲标准英语看成是进入上层社会的一把钥匙。 至60年代,哪怕在边远地区的文法学校,老师和家长都严格要求学生学习标准口音。
美国英语幽默丰富传播迅速英语是美国全国的通用语言,称为“标准美国英语”。实际上,美国英语常因地域、种族等不同分为“费城方言”、“芝加哥方言”、“黑人英语”。也有人把英语分成东部方言、南部方言和中西部方言。 由于地理上的阻隔和时光的流逝,美英两国在语言上的差异越来越大,从而演变出具有美国特色的美国英语。美国学者将美国英语分为四大类。第一类是:“美国人创造的新词”如cafeteria(自助餐馆)等;第二类是:“被美国人赋予了新的含义的英国旧词”,如corn英语中指谷类,美国人往往专指玉蜀黍、cracker英语意为“崩溃”、“破产”等,美国人又用它专指南方的穷苦白人;第三类是已被英国人淘汰的美国常用词如offal(垃圾)、adze(手斧)等;第四类是:“来自印第安语和其他非英国移民语言的外来词”,如canyon(峡谷)等。