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United States Navy Military Equal Opportunity Network (NMEONet) Version 1.0 (03/29/2010) DEOMI/J9. Table of Contents Welcome to NMEONet EOA/CMEO System NMEONet Support Adding CMEOs Generating Reports. OPR : Navy EO Office (N134) Advice Line : (800) 253-0931
United States NavyMilitary Equal Opportunity Network(NMEONet) Version 1.0(03/29/2010) DEOMI/J9
Table of Contents • Welcome to NMEONet • EOA/CMEO System • NMEONet Support • Adding CMEOs • Generating Reports OPR: Navy EO Office (N134) Advice Line: (800) 253-0931 (901) 874-2507 DSN: 882-2507 Advice Line e-mail: MILL_NavyEOAdvice@navy.mil NMEONet Technical Support:NMEONetSupport@deocs.net
Welcome to Navy Military Equal Opportunity Network (NMEONet) NMEONet has been designed as an all-in-one general assistance, complaint and report generating tracking system. Information that is entered into the system will automatically transfer to a summary report that will allow personnel to breakdown and view data on a quarterly basis. In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-579) this notice informs you of the purpose of this application and how the data will be used. Principle Purpose: Information collected via this application will be used to track the progress of Military Equal Opportunity informal complaints, from inception through resolution of the complaint. The NMEONet application also tracks other standard MEO activities such as EO education and training and overall EO general assistance. MEO activity information entered via the NMEONet web application may be used in Navy reports and analysis. Routine Uses: The information entered into this system will be used only by the EOAs within the United States Navy, and such use will only be for tracking and recordkeeping of complaint and staff activity. Demographic information may be used to analyze internal MEO trends within the Navy. Summations of activity and trends are reported to higher headquarters within the Navy and DoD or other US government agencies with a need to know on an as-needed-basis. Protection of Information: The central database for NMEONet and all on-line transactions are encrypted for Privacy Act information protection. Access to the data contained within MEONet is granted only an a need-to-know basis and is managed by role-based accounts, with tailored access to data depending on location and echelon level users.
Equal Opportunity Advisors (EOAs) will contact HQ Navy EO for User Name/Password information. • Command Military Equal Opportunity (CMEO) Advisors will contact their respect EOA for User Name/Password information.
Navy MEO forms General Assistance Informal Complaint Other MEO related actions EOA/CMEO Training General Status Report
There are seven main options within NMEONet. The “Search Existing Cases” option will allow you to search all open or closed documentation by case number or an individuals last name.
Utilize the “Search” feature to quickly locate any open or closed “General Assistance” or “Informal Complaint” by “Case Number” or “Last Name.”Leave the “Search By:” field blank and a list of all documents will be provided.
Search results are listed by name and case number. You have the ability to select, review, and edit the appropriate document by clicking on the underlined case number.
Select “General Assistance” when you are documenting a non-discriminatory concern for the first time.
General Assistance may include non-EO referrals, non-EO ADR, and requests for EO program information. Fill in all fields and submit. If you know there is already an established document, use the “Search Existing Cases” feature to locate and you can edit or review the file. NOTE: General Assistance will only be used for all non-discriminatory related cases. If the concern relates to allegations of unlawful discrimination (race, sex, religion, national origin, and color) or sexual harassment, use the informal complaint form.
Fill in all required fields. Type of Contact: addresses how you were contacted (your office, off base, Phone, etc…).Referred to: addresses who you referred the concern to (supervisor, XO, legal office, etc…). You also have the ability to specify if the area is not listed in both those fields. Time Spent : accounts for your total time and not just the time spent with the individual (e.g. preparing material, briefing personnel, follow up, etc…).
Once all demographic and required information has been filled out, you can then enter the individuals summary of concern. Select “Save” and a “Case Number” will be automatically assigned. Do not close a “General Assistance” form prior to receiving a “Case Number” or the case will not be saved in your system. Complete all remaining fields prior to selecting “Date Closed.” The General Assistance form will be considered closed once a date has been entered in the “Date Closed” block.
“General Assistance” Summary • General Assistance may include non-EO referrals, non-EO Alternative Dispute Resolution, and requests for EO program information. • - Do not use the General Assistance form to document allegations of unlawful discrimination or sexual harassment. • The form allows you to document the total time you spent on any project or concern. • - Those projects or concerns may include; briefings, non-discriminatory concerns, section/unit visits, time involved with a special observance, etc. • “Summary of Concerns”, “Summary of Assistance”, and “Followup Services” buttons will initially show blue and as you complete them and save your data, will change to gold. • Information contained within the document will automatically transfer to the report area once the document is closed. • All forms will remain in the system for three years
Select “Informal Complaint” when you are documenting a discriminatory concern for the first time.
The Informal Complaint allows individuals a means to provide allegations of unlawful discrimination (race, sex, religion, national origin, and color) and sexual harassment in an attempt to resolve their concern at the lowest possible level. Note: The Informal Complaint will only be used to document allegations of discrimination and sexual harassment. If the issue is not discriminatory, (e.g. concern relates to leadership, non-discriminatory unfair treatment, or work conditions) then document on the General Assistance form.
The Referred to field is used to identify the agency or individual you have referred the complainant to for assistance, help, or resolution. Fill in all required fields, including View Alleged Offenders and View Specific Allegations, and save the document to assign a Case Number.
To add alleged offenders, select the Add Alleged Offenders button.
When entering an alleged offender(s), you will enter them individually. Fill in all areas and select a discrimination type. If the area of complaint is in the “Other” category, you have the ability to specify the area. You also have the ability to select more than one type of discrimination. Submit when finished.
When entering the specific allegations, ensure you answer the who, what, when, and where. Additionally, you want to document the impact or affect the behavior or action had on the individual.
Enter all required information, save the document, and a case number will be assigned. The case number is automatically assigned and refers to: IC = Informal Complaint10 = Fiscal Year002 = Number of ICs this FY. You also now have the ability to print the document.
Use Enter Summary of Interview to provide a brief summary of the interview/intake with the complainant. Also document your rationale for accepting the complaint, the impact on the complainant and/or human relations climate, and that the complainant was advised on the formal complaint process, confidentiality, and that the information will be used FOUO.After checking the three boxes, select : Enter Summary of Interview.
Enter the Summary of Interview and document all needed information.Once you have entered the summary, select “save.” The field will automatically minimize and turn the button gold, meaning that the field has been completed.
The Synopsis is a condensed version or summary of the complaint. When completing the synopsis, only use demographics to identify the parties involved (e.g. W/M/E7 = white/male/E-7) and list any action that the command took to correct the problem, if warranted. To enter the complaint synopsis, click on the red Enter Synopsis.
Remember not to use names and to provide a complete picture of the parties involved and specifically what transpired. Use the actual comments or behavior/action that occurred to provide an accurate account of what happened. Also ensure you list any corrective action that the chain of command gave the alleged offender, if warranted.
Use the Enter Followup Actions to list any actions you followed up on (e.g. complainant updates, correspondence with the chain of command, etc…) Once you complete the entry and “Save” the button will turn to gold and will change from “Enter Followup Actions” to “View Followup Actions.” Ensure all follow up actions are preceded with a date for all entries.
Ensure you make updates as needed. Upon completion or resolution of the concern, ensure the following fields have been completed:Disposition – whether the concern was resolved, unresolved or going formalProcess Time – the number of total days it took for the issue to be closed. Date Closed – when no further assistance is required.
“Informal Complaint” Summary • A means for military members to provide allegations of unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment to the EO office to attempt resolution at the lowest possible level. • All forms will remain in the system for three years. • Annotate the total amount of time, which will include preparations, initial contact, meetings, training, and follow up time. • View buttons on the right side of the window will initially show blue and as you complete them and save your data, they will change to gold. • - “Enter Alleged Offenders” and “Enter Specific Allegations” must be completed to generate a case number. • Information contained within the document will automatically transfer to the report area once the document is closed.
Select “EO Training” when you are documenting an educational or training session that you conducted.
EOAs & CMEOs can document training that they have conducted by clicking Add New EO Training. Previously conducted training can be viewed by FY, all, or by date range. To edit previously conducted training, click on the underlined class and make necessary changes.
When adding training enter the date the training was conducted, the class type (use drop down), and number of participates (officer, enlisted, * DON/NAF, others). If the class type is not located in the dropdown, then select “Other” and specify the class. * Department of Navy Civilian/Nonappropriated Fund Employee
Select “NMEONet Support” to request assistance through electronic mail. This area will also provide you with technical support numbers for duty and non-duty hours.
* EOAs direct questions regarding Navy policies & procedures, guidance, and passwords to the HQ Navy EO office (DSN: 882-2487). * CMEOs direct questions regarding passwords to your respective EOA.
Select “User Management” to view your profile and change your password. EOAs will have additional features to add new accounts and search or edit system users within or under their echelon.
User Management will allow both EOAs and CMEOs to view their own profile and change their password as needed. EOAs will have the ability to “Add New Accounts,” “Replace Existing (CMEO) Accounts,” and “Search and Edit Users” within or under their echelon.
EOAs will use the Add New Account link to create a new CMEO account that never existed prior. Fill out all informational blocks and click submit. The system will generate a new CMEO account and provide an email notification to them with their username and password. * Note: To switch out or replace an existing CMEO, use the Replace Existing Account link.
Use Replace Existing Account to remove an old CMEO and establish a new CMEO account.
When a new CMEO arrives at a location to replace an existing CMEO, use the “Replace Existing Account” option.Locate the old CMEO using the Replace User dropdown, select their name and complete the rest of the fields. Submit your change and the system will delete the old CMEO account, establish a new account, and provide the new CMEO with an email with their username and password. The new CMEO will now be able to utilize the same system as the old CMEO and see all historical data.
EOAs can search and edit their CMEOs by listing their username or by last name. If you want to see all the users in your account, leave the search window blank and select submit. This will generate a list of all active users.
To view account information, locate the CMEO account and click on the View/Edit. You can make any necessary changes or view their information.
EOAs can only edit select fields within the account. CMEOs will be responsible to change their own password; however, the EOA can view and provide the password to their CMEO if they have misplaced or forget it.