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Planning and monitoring ERP acra /FAO capacity building workshop Rome, 15-17 November 2004. Education in rural areas: the context. Education for All World Conference (Jomtien, Thailand, 1990): the expanded vision
Planning and monitoring ERPacra/FAO capacity building workshopRome, 15-17 November 2004 Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
Education in rural areas: the context • Education for All World Conference (Jomtien, Thailand, 1990): the expanded vision • International Forum on Education for All (Dakar, Senegal, 2000): EFA Action Plans • Millennium Development Goals • Poverty reduction strategies : PRSPs • The Education for Rural People flagship : FAO/UNESCO partnership enlarged to many other actors including NGOs Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
Dakar EFA Objectives • Expand & improve ECCE • Ensure all to have access and complete education that is free, compulsory and of good quality • Ensure learning needs of all youth and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life skills programmes • Achieve 50% improvement in adult literacy • Eliminate gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005 and achieving gender equality in education by 2015 • Improve quality of education and ensure excellence, so that all learners achieve recognized and measurable learning outcomes Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
Issues for planning and monitoring ERP • The policy challenge : specific policy goals • information challenge : EMIS • Developing partnerships with civil society • Developing specific targeted monitoring instruments Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
Key questions for monitoring ERP • What groups have little or no access to quality and relevant education? • What information is needed for analysing their needs and performance? • Are the available indicators adequate, reliable and timely for planning, monitoring and evaluation? • Which agencies should collect relevant data on their learning needs ? • What data are available programs conducted by NGOS? Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
Who are neglected? What knowledge, skills? How to increase access? Cost-effective delivery? How to decrease disparities? • Remote isolated communities • Subsistence farming/ fishery areas • Seasonal itinerant/nomadic workers • Minority language groups • Refugees & displaced population Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
What are the main concerns? • A. What are theresults? • B. Is the activity relevant? • C. Howefficientlywas the activity conducted? • D. Will the results be sustainable? Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
A. What are theresults? What progress has been made in achieving project objectives? ERP program results Objectives Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
B. Is the activity relevant? Is the activity pointing in the right direction? ERP program results Objectives ? Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
C. How efficiently was the activity conducted? Have activities been good value for money? Could same result have been achieved with fewer resources? ERP program results Rural people Objectives results ERP program Rural people results Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
D. Will the results be sustainable? Will results achieved last, or will problem only be temporarily alleviated? results Objectives ERP program Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
What are the usual evaluation criteria? • A. Effectiveness: the extent to which outputs of the program correspond to what was intended; • B. Efficiency: the relationship between inputs and outputs; • C. Relevance: the extent to which ERP programs correspond to objectives, needs and priorities beyond education, notably food security, poverty reduction rural development… Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
Data quality (quantitative and qualitative) • Improving the availability of : • Accurate • Timely and • Consistent data • An essential step for planning and monitoring ERP at the national and local levels Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
Selecting « SMART » indicators: • Specific • Measurable • Attainable • Relevant • Trackable Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
ERP Action Plans should contain • Realistic monitoring strategy closely related to EFA and rural development priorities • ERP monitoring, assessment and evaluation work plan • Capacity building for ERP monitoring and evaluation Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
Developing specific targeted monitoring instruments • At the country level: enlargement of existing EMIS in order to collect relevant data on ERP and produce targeted indicators related to specific policy objectives • At the international level : including ERP in the global EFA monitoring process Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
I M P O RTANCE GAUGE Percentage of state’s population that is rural Number of rural people Percentage of public schools in rural areas Percentage of public school students enrolled in rural schools Percentage of students enrolled in rural schools who are minorities Percentage of all students attending small rural schools Percentage of rural children in poverty URGENCY GAUGE Average rural teacher’s salary Ratio of rural to non-rural teacher salary Percentage of rural students who are free or reduced-price lunch eligible Average rural student to teacher ratio Percentage of rural teachers using computers in class Percentage of rural expenditures on school administration costs, difference from median Rural per capita income Percentage of rural teachers reporting parental support Percentage of rural expenditures on transport a t i o n Percentage of rural expenditures on instruction and pupil support Average number of students per grade Percentage of rural schools with declining enrolments of at least 10% NATIONAL RURAL STAT I S T I C S:the USA case (source: WHY RURAL MATTERS 2003:2003, Rural School and Community Trust) Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004
Monitoring ERP : what partnerships with NGOs? • Reinforcing the monitoring and evaluation of programs implemented by NGOS (activities, resources, processes, results) • Using the same concepts and definitions • Advocacy to sensitize partners at the local level about the importance of information and communication • What are examples of good practices in partnership for data collection and analysis for regular monitoring of ERP programs? Planning and monitoring ERP, IIEP, November 2004