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Exploiting Inter-Class Rules for Focused Crawling

Exploiting Inter-Class Rules for Focused Crawling. İsmail Sengör Altıngövde Bilkent University Ankara, Turkey. Our Research: The Big Picture. Goal: M etadata based modeling and querying of web resources Stages:

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Exploiting Inter-Class Rules for Focused Crawling

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  1. Exploiting Inter-Class Rules for Focused Crawling İsmail Sengör Altıngövde Bilkent University Ankara, Turkey

  2. Our Research: The Big Picture • Goal: Metadata based modeling and queryingof webresources • Stages: • Semi automated metadata extraction from web resources Focused crawling fits here! • Extending SQL to support ranking and text-based operations in an integrated manner • Developing query processing algorithms • Prototyping a digital library application for CS resources

  3. Overview • Motivation • Background & related work • Interclass rules for focused crawling • Preliminary results

  4. Motivation • Crawlers a.k.a. bots,spiders, robots • Goal: Fetching all the pages on the Web, to allow succeding useful tasks (e.g., indexing) • “all pages”: means somewhat 4 billion pages today (due to Google) • Requires enormous hardware and network resources • Consider the growth rate & refresh rate of Web • What about hidden-Web and dynamic content?

  5. Motivation • Certain applications do need such powerful (and expensive) crawlers • e.g., a general purpose search engine • And some others don’t... • e.g., a portal on computer science papers, or people homepages...

  6. Motivation • Let’s relax the problem space: • “Focus” on a restricted target space of Web pages • that may be of some “type” (e.g., homepages) • that may be of some “topic” (CS, quantum physics) • The “focused” crawling effort would • use much less resources, • be more timely, • be more qualified for indexing & searching purposes

  7. Motivation • Goal: Design and implement a focused Web crawler that would • gather only pages on a particular “topic” (or class) • use interclass relationships while choosing the next page to download • Once we have this, we can do many interesting things on top of the crawled pages • I plan to be around for a few more years!!! 

  8. Background: A typical crawler • Starts from a set of “seed pages” • Follows all hyperlinks it encounters, to eventually traverse the entire Web • Applies breadth-first search (BFS) • Runs endless in cycles • to revisist modified pages • to access unseen content

  9. Our simple BFS crawler

  10. Crawling issues... • Multi-threading • Use separate and dedicated threads for DNS resolution and actual page downloading • Cache and prefetch DNS resolutions • Content-seen test • Avoid duplicate content, e.g., mirrors • Link extraction and normalization • Canonical URLs

  11. More issues... • URL-seen test • Avoid being trapped in a cycle! • Hash visited URLs by MD5 algorithm and store ina database. • 2-level hashing to exploit spatio-temporal locality • Load balancing among hosts: Be polite! • Robot exclusion protocol • Meta tags

  12. Even more issues?! • Our crawler is simple, since issues like • Refreshing crawled web pages • Performance monitoring • Hidden-Web content are left out... • And some of the implemented issues can be still improved • “Busy queue” for the politeness policy!

  13. Background: Focused crawling “A focused crawler seeks and acquires [...] pages on a specific set of topics representing a relatively narrow segment of the Web.” (Soumen Chakrabarti) • The underlying paradigm is Best-First Search instead of the Breadth-First Search

  14. Breadth vs. Best First Search

  15. Two fundamental questions • Q1: How to decide whether a downloaded page is on-topic, or not? • Q2: How to choose the next page to visit?

  16. Early algorithms • FISHSEARCH: Query driven • A1: Pages that match to a query • A2: Neighborhood of the pages in the above • SHARKSEARCH: • Use TF-IDF & cosine measure from IR to determine page relevance • Cho et. al. • Reorder crawl frontier based on “page importance” score (PageRank, in-links, etc.)

  17. Chakrabarti’s crawler • Chakrabarti’s focused crawler • A1: Determines the page relevance using a text classifier • A2: Adds URLs to a max-priority queue with their parent page’s score and visits them in descending order! • What is original is using a text classifier!

  18. The baseline crawler • A simplified implementation of Chakrabarti’s crawler • It is used to present & evaluate our rule based strategy • Just two minor changes in our crawler architecture, and done!!!

  19. Our baseline crawler

  20. The baseline crawler • An essential component is text classifier • Naive-Bayes classifier called Rainbow • Training the classifier • Data: Use a topic taxonomy (The Open Directory, Yahoo). • Better than modeling a negative class

  21. Baseline crawler: Page relevance • Testing the classifier • User determines focus topics • Crawler calls the classifier and obtains a score for each downloaded page • Classifier returns a sorted list of classes and scores (A 80%, B 10%, C 7%, D 1%,...) • The classifier determines the page relevance!

  22. Baseline crawler: Visit order • The radius-1 hypothesis: If page u is an on-topic example and u links to v, then the probability that v is on-topic is higher than the probability that a random chosen Web page is on-topic.

  23. Baseline crawler: Visit order • Hard-focus crawling: • If a downloaded page is off-topic, stops following hyperlinks from this page. • Assume target is class B • And for page P, classifier gives: A 80%, B 10%, C 7%, D 1%,... • Do not follow P’s links at all!

  24. Baseline crawler: Visit order • Soft-focus crawling: • obtains a page’s relevance score (ascore on the page’s relevance to the targettopic) • assigns this score to every URLextracted from this particular page, and adds to the priority queue • Example: A 80%, B 10%, C 7%, D 1%,... • Insert P’s links with score 0.10 into PQ

  25. Rule-based crawler: Motivation • Two important observations: • Pages not only refer to pages from the same class, but also pages from other classes. • e.g., from “bicycle” pages to “first aid” pages • Relying on only radius-1 hypothesis is not enough!

  26. Rule-based crawler: Motivation • Baseline crawler can not support tunneling • “University homepages” link to “CS pages”, which link to “researcher homepages”, and which futher link to “CS papers” • Determining score only w.r.t. the similarity to the target class is not enough!

  27. Our solution • Extract rules that statistically capture linkage relationships among the classes (topics) andguide crawler accordingly • Intuitively, we determine relationships like “pages in class A refer to pages in class B with probability X” A B (X)

  28. Our solution • When crawler seeks for class B and page P at hand is of class A, • consider all paths from A to B • compute an overall score S • add links from P to the PQ with this score S • Basically, we revise radius-1 hypothesis with class linkage probabilities.

  29. How to obtain rules?

  30. An example scenario • Assume our taxonomy have 4 classes: • department homepages (DH) • course homepages (CH) • personal homepages (PH) • sports pages (SP) • First, obtain train-0 set • Next, for each class, assume 10 pages are fetched pointed to by the pages in train-0 set

  31. An example scenario The distribution of links to classes Inter-class rules for the above distribution

  32. Seed and target classes are both from the class PH.

  33. Seed and target classes are both from the class PH.

  34. Rule-based crawler Rule-based approach succesfully uses class linkage information • to revise radius-1 hypothesis • to reach an immediate award

  35. Rule-based crawler: Tunneling • Rule based approach also support tunneling by a simple application of transitivity. • Consider URL#2 (of class DH) • A direct rule is: DH  PH (0.1) • An indirect rule is: from DH  CH (0.8) and CH  PH (0.4) obtain DH  PH (0.8 * 0.4 = 0.32) • And, thus DH  PH (0.1 + 0.32 = 0.42)

  36. Rule-based crawler: Tunneling Observe that • In effect, the rule based crawler becomes aware of a path DH  CH  PH, although it has only trained with paths of length 1. • The rule based crawler can succesfully imitate tunneling.

  37. Rule-based score computation • Chain the rules up to some predefined MAX-DEPTH number (e.g., 2 or 3) • Merge the paths with the function SUM • If no rules whatsoever, stick on soft-focus score • Note that • Rule db can be represented as a graph, and • For a given target class all cycle free paths (except self loop of T) can be computed (e.g., modify BFS)

  38. Rule-based score computation

  39. Preliminary results: Set-up • DMOZ taxonomy • leafs with more than 150 URLs • 1282 classes (topics) • Train-0 set: 120K pages • Train-1 set: 40K pages pointed to by 266 interrelated classes (all about science) • Target topics are also from these 266 classes

  40. Preliminary results: Set-up • Harvest ratio:the average relevance of all pages acquired by the crawler to the target topic

  41. Preliminary results • Seeds are from DMOZ and Yahoo! • Harvest rate improve from 3 to 38% • Coverage also differs

  42. Harvest Rate

  43. Future Work • Sophisticated rule discovery techniques (e.g., topic citation matrix of Chakrabarti et al.) • On-line refinement of the rule database • Using the entire taxonomy but not only leafs

  44. Acknowledgments • We gratefully thankÖ. Rauf Atay for the implementation.

  45. References • I. S. Altıngövde, Ö. Ulusoy, “Exploiting Inter-Class Rules for Focused Crawling”, IEEE Intelligent Systems Magazine, to appear. • S. Chakrabarti, “Mining the WebDiscovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data.” Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 352 pages, 2003. • S. Chakrabarti, M. H. van den Berg, and B.E. Dom, “Focused crawling: a new approach to topic-specific web resource discovery,” In Proc. of 8th International WWW Conference (WWW8), 1999.

  46. Any questions???

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