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LHCb Central Tracker Upgrade E. Thomas, o n behalf of LHCb Collaboration 2013 IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD. The LHCb detector at CERN. Efficient trigger for many B decay topologies. Efficient PID. Muon System. RICH2. CALORIMETERS PRS + ECAL+ HCAL. Beam 2. VERTEX LOCATOR. Inner and Outer
LHCb Central Tracker Upgrade E. Thomas, on behalf of LHCb Collaboration 2013 IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD
The LHCb detector at CERN Efficient trigger for many B decay topologies Efficient PID Muon System RICH2 CALORIMETERS PRS + ECAL+ HCAL Beam 2 VERTEX LOCATOR Inner and Outer Trackers Trigger Tracker Magnet Beam 1 RICH1 Good decay time resolution Good tracking and mass resolution
LHCb and LHC operation plans L LS2 LS1 1- 4 1032cm2s-1 4 1032cm2s-1 2 1033cm2s-1 ∫L 3fb-1 5-7 fb-1 50 fb-1 Beam Energy 0.9 – 7 TeV 13 – 14 TeV 13 – 14 TeV Bunch Spacing 50 ns 25 ns 25 ns L0 rate 1 MHz 1 MHz 40 MHz 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2021 2012 2022 … 2011 2013 2010 2020 • After LS2, • High occupancy in the central region requires new detectors technology and granularity • Silicon detectors with embedded r-o electronics must be replaced
The LHCb tracker UPGRADE Scintillating Fibers + SiPM Straw Tubes readout • 3 stations of X-U-V-X scintillating fibre planes (≤5°).=> 12 planes • Every plane is made of 5 layers of Ø250 mm fibres, 2.5 m long. • Symmetry around y=0 • Read out by SiPMoutside acceptance • Minimize the dose to read-out electronics and dead materials in the acceptance. readout 2 x ~ 2.5 m 2 x ~3 m Silicon strips (An hybrid version combining Scintillating fibers and Straw Tube is also considered)
Scintillating Fibers and SiPM Double claddedscint. fibres, e.g. Kuraray SCSF-78, Ø 250 um Resolution (c.o.g.) 50-70 um Npe 1 SiPM channel SiPM array
Main Challenges Scintillating Fibers and SiPM already been used in HEP but: not for read out of 2.5m SciFi not in high radiation environment. • Main Challenges • Radiation hardness of SiPM (increase of dark current with radiation) • Radiation hardness of Fibers (decrease of light yield and attenuation length) • LHC environment (25 ns), high occupancy and background • Detector geometry and integration in existing experiment.
Radiation Profile: Fluka Simulation FLUKA simulation for 50 fb-1 integrated luminosity Gy/collision Max dose to fibers 35 kGy (err 8%) Dose distribution strongly peaked around the beam pipe Dose to the SiPM: (6 1011 1MeV n eq)
Fibers Radiation Tolerance Irradiation performed at CERN and Karlruhe, up to ~60k Gy • Attenuation length decreases with absorbed dose • Logarithmic dependence (effect observed already at low dose)
Mirror studies Two samples of each type Mirror Reflectivity Aluminized mylar foil 3M ESR foil Aluminium thin film coating Cheapest and technically simplest solution gives the best result. C. Joram / CERN 9
Effect of radiations and mirror Relative photon yield vs distance from SiPM Non-irradiated fibers Irradiated fibers (50 fb-1 eq.) With Mirror Without Mirror
SiPM Radiation Hardness studies • In UX85 – LHCb cavern: • Cooledvsnon cooledSiPM Dark Current • Observation: • Dark current increase with absorbed dose • Possible annealing effect • SiPMdark current is reduced by • a factor ~2/8C Time Radiation hardness studies and simulation have shown that SiPM shall be cooled down to ~-40C to operate smoothly over the entire LHCb upgrade (6 1011 1MeV n eq.)
CFD simulation Cooling SiPM to -40 C Cooling pipe SiPM arrays Scintillating Fibers Many configuration envisaged to optimize heat transfers
CFD Summary • Heat load dominated by incoming heat transfer (SiPM power < 2w/module) • Insulation thickness defined by dew point in LHCb cavern (<10-12C) • Heat load estimated to 5-10 Watt per module of 53 cm
SiPM cooling: mock-up tests Thermal mock-up for 16 SiPM arrays C3F8 2 phase cooling tests (in collab. with CTU Prague) • Also considering • 2-phase C2F6, blends • Single phase (Air, C6F14 ..) • CO2 • Thermo electric
R&D for fiber ribbon production Semi-Manual technique
R&D for fiber ribbon production Automated Technique LHCb Fiber ribbon assembly device being constructed at TU Dortmund – technique developped for PEBS at RWTH Aachen
R&D for fiber ribbon production OK Positioning precision <20 mm RMS Automated Technique Not OK Faulty 4th layer Fiber supply Groove to drive the fiber Winding wheel
TEST BEAM SPS OCT/NOV 2012 Nov. 2012 • GOALS • Test of irradiatedvsnon-irradiated module (SiPM and Fibers) • Effect of temperature on SiPM noise. • Comparison KETEK vs Hamamatsu • Effect of mirror SciFi modules 1-3 VELO telescope SciFi long module SciFi Irradiated module 2 SiPM temperature control
TEST BEAM results Nov. 2012 • Comparison of Hamamatsu and KETEK photon yield • With mirror / without mirror at the far end • Mirror do improve the light yield from the far end • Significant differences are observed between different • manufacturer. Improvements expected from both manufacturers
Readout electronics • There is no adequate SiPM readout chip available on the market • Need to develop a new analog readout optimized for 40MHz • Design choices depend on SiPM response, occupancy distributions, light propagation times • Options with part of the ASIC functionality transferred to FPGAs (more flexibility, cost?, radiation?) are also being studied
The Fiber Tracker planning 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2013 LS1 LS2 R&D 18 month Dismantling of IT and OT detectors Demo- Modules Install Stations Tooling Pre-module production Install Services Power, cooling, shielding Detector components series production Metrology and alignment Commissioning Assembly of modules Assembly of Stations