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Cancer – its discovery

Cancer – its discovery. Acupuncturists should join the medical team. 検診およびその他の方法で発見されたがんの進展度(昭和 50 年、昭和 60 年). Discovery of cancer during screening examinations and on other occasions ( 1975 - 1985 ) ( The proportion of acupuncturists discovering the cancer is unknown.).

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Cancer – its discovery

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  1. Cancer – its discovery Acupuncturists should join the medical team

  2. 検診およびその他の方法で発見されたがんの進展度(昭和50年、昭和60年)検診およびその他の方法で発見されたがんの進展度(昭和50年、昭和60年) Discovery of cancer during screening examinations and on other occasions (1975 - 1985)(The proportion of acupuncturists discovering the cancer is unknown.) A.Cancer Discovery (%) 資料:第4次・第5次悪性新生物実態調査、厚生省 (右の欄は自分で計算したものです。)

  3. My own clinic • My clinic: appr. 500 treat./year • Discovery of 3 cancer patients in the last 6 years • This means  - 1 patient every 2 years, or 1 patient every 1000 treatments When all acupuncture clinics in Japan would work only as little as I do, the probability would be: 14216/2=7,108 patients annually, in whom the cancer will be detected by acupuncturists.

  4. Cancer Incidence Cited from “Figures on Cancer in Japan”

  5. Ratio of cancer incidence and total number of treatments

  6. Possibility of discovering cancer at acupuncture clinics • Total clinics in Japan=14,216 • Simple calculation incidence/ratio of acupuncture treatment among total treatm. 440001*6.9%=30,360人 • This figure divided by number of clinics: • 440001*6.9%/14216=2.1 pat./year

  7. Patients with still undiscovered cancer West East No directly related symptoms No time - No examination Long examination Finding +「Feeling」 ? Exam. Suspect cancer No diag. tests No suspicion Request diag. testing Discovery of present cancer delayed Discoveryー>Therapy

  8. Patients with still undiscovered cancer West East No directly related symptoms No time - No examination Long examination Finding +「Feeling」 Treatment not as effective as ex-pected Suspect cancer Request exam. by CAM practitioner Request diag. testing Discoveryー>Therapy

  9. Orthopedic disorders 「Exam.」 Participate in treatment EAST West • Request: • Test • Diag. • Treat.

  10. Conclusions Patients with yet undiscovered cancer may consult acupuncturist Here, detection of the cancer has to rest solely on history, physical findings + feeling The longer time acupuncturists spend on the examination allows detection of cancers otherwise overlooked by doctors In Japan acupuncturists may possibly suspect /detect cancer in 20-30,000 patients annually CAM practitioner’s opinions may be helpful, when western treatment is insufficiently effective

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