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Cancer – its discovery. Acupuncturists should join the medical team. 検診およびその他の方法で発見されたがんの進展度(昭和 50 年、昭和 60 年). Discovery of cancer during screening examinations and on other occasions ( 1975 - 1985 ) ( The proportion of acupuncturists discovering the cancer is unknown.).
Cancer – its discovery Acupuncturists should join the medical team
検診およびその他の方法で発見されたがんの進展度(昭和50年、昭和60年)検診およびその他の方法で発見されたがんの進展度(昭和50年、昭和60年) Discovery of cancer during screening examinations and on other occasions (1975 - 1985)(The proportion of acupuncturists discovering the cancer is unknown.) A.Cancer Discovery (%) 資料:第4次・第5次悪性新生物実態調査、厚生省 (右の欄は自分で計算したものです。)
My own clinic • My clinic: appr. 500 treat./year • Discovery of 3 cancer patients in the last 6 years • This means - 1 patient every 2 years, or 1 patient every 1000 treatments When all acupuncture clinics in Japan would work only as little as I do, the probability would be: 14216/2=7,108 patients annually, in whom the cancer will be detected by acupuncturists.
Cancer Incidence Cited from “Figures on Cancer in Japan”
Possibility of discovering cancer at acupuncture clinics • Total clinics in Japan=14,216 • Simple calculation incidence/ratio of acupuncture treatment among total treatm. 440001*6.9%=30,360人 • This figure divided by number of clinics: • 440001*6.9%/14216=2.1 pat./year
Patients with still undiscovered cancer West East No directly related symptoms No time - No examination Long examination Finding +「Feeling」 ? Exam. Suspect cancer No diag. tests No suspicion Request diag. testing Discovery of present cancer delayed Discoveryー>Therapy
Patients with still undiscovered cancer West East No directly related symptoms No time - No examination Long examination Finding +「Feeling」 Treatment not as effective as ex-pected Suspect cancer Request exam. by CAM practitioner Request diag. testing Discoveryー>Therapy
Orthopedic disorders 「Exam.」 Participate in treatment EAST West • Request: • Test • Diag. • Treat.
Conclusions Patients with yet undiscovered cancer may consult acupuncturist Here, detection of the cancer has to rest solely on history, physical findings + feeling The longer time acupuncturists spend on the examination allows detection of cancers otherwise overlooked by doctors In Japan acupuncturists may possibly suspect /detect cancer in 20-30,000 patients annually CAM practitioner’s opinions may be helpful, when western treatment is insufficiently effective