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INTRODUCTION TO ADB’s MANAGEMENT ACTION RECORD SYSTEM (MARS) and LESSONS DATABASE. A Presentation by Jocelyn G. Tubadeza for the African Development Bank Evaluation Week (3 December 2012). AGENDA. What is MARS? Implementation Arrangements Some Features of the MARS Lessons Database

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Presentation Transcript

  1. INTRODUCTION TO ADB’s MANAGEMENT ACTION RECORD SYSTEM(MARS)and LESSONS DATABASE A Presentation by Jocelyn G. Tubadeza for the African Development Bank Evaluation Week (3 December 2012)

  2. AGENDA • What is MARS? • Implementation Arrangements • Some Features of the MARS • Lessons Database • A Short Live Demo • Questions and Answers

  3. 1. What is MARS? • Computerized tracking system for actions taken by Management in response to agreed evaluation recommendations • Can generate both qualitative and quantitative reports • Can be accessed thru intranet by ADB staff and Board of Directors only

  4. 2. Implementation Arrangements • IED uploads evaluation recommendations as agreed in the Management response • Management enters proposed action plans and their completion target dates • Management updates implementation progress of action plan (twice a year) • IED validates (annually) the actions taken by Management and includes this validation in the annual evaluation review submitted to Management and the Board of Directors

  5. 3. Some Features of theMARS

  6. Accessing theManagement Action Record System (MARS) From the IED database navigation page, users who have logged on to the site can access MARS thru the MARS link

  7. Finding, updating and generating aManagement Action Record (MAR) 1. From the MARS homepage, users can retrieve a MAR by: • Typing in the report title • Specifying a range of dates • Choosing from a list of responsible departments, report types or countries *Search parameters can be combined to narrow down search results

  8. In this sample retrieved MAR, note Management’s self-assessment of the implementation of an action plan (due Dec 2009) and the corresponding validation rating and reason(s) by IED.

  9. 2. Designated users can update a MAR. By clicking on any of the “Edit” link, a corresponding edit box appears.

  10. 3. Users can also generate a MAR by scrolling to the bottom of the page and selecting “Export to Excel” or “Export to Word”.

  11. Sample of generated MAR report in MS Excel format

  12. Generating Statistics and Report 1. Generate relevant statistics, i.e., progress and distribution of actions by due or report date or by department MARS features a report-generation facility that allows users to:

  13. Generated statistics By clicking the specific statistic, MARS can retrieve the list of FAARs it contains

  14. 2. Sort the generated statistics or list of actions according to report date, title, department or action target date by clicking the desired column header; or filter them by report title or department using the filter box

  15. 3. Generate and print the list of actions per selected category. SELECT entries first then SCROLL to bottom of page and SELECT ”Export selected items to Excel or Word”

  16. Sample of generated report in MS Word format

  17. 4. The Lessons Database • Listing of lesson statements culled from various self and independent evaluations including special and knowledge studies • Lesson statements are tagged and can be classified according to topics, project cycle stage, sector, theme, country, and report type

  18. Accessing the lessons database

  19. Accessing the lessons database (2)

  20. Accessing the lessons database (3)

  21. Accessing the lessons database (4)

  22. Accessing the lessons database (5)

  23. Accessing the lessons database (6)

  24. Thank You! evaluation@adb.org www.adb.org/evaluation https://www.facebook.com/adbevaluation Follow Us https://twitter.com/adbevaluation http://www.youtube.com/evaluationatadb http://www.scribd.com/adbevaluation/ http://www.soundcloud.com/adbevaluation/

  25. Now for a brief Demonstration to be followed by a Q&A Session.

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