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Seminars in Professional Preparation

Seminars in Professional Preparation. How to find and land the perfect job. The job search. Finding the openings is the difficult part Networks (personal, work, family, faculty, professional, job fairs… be careful) Associations APHA, AIHA, AAHPERD, SOPHE, ACSM Websites

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Seminars in Professional Preparation

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  1. Seminars in Professional Preparation How to find and land the perfect job

  2. The job search • Finding the openings is the difficult part • Networks • (personal, work, family, faculty, professional, job fairs… be careful) • Associations • APHA, AIHA, AAHPERD, SOPHE, ACSM • Websites • www.byui.edu/healthsci • Search state human research websites • Corporate websites • NO Newspapers and commercial sites

  3. The resume—Work Experience

  4. DO Make your resume clean and neat (but not plain) Emphasize your Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Quantify all of your experience and qualifications Use action words (Implemented, created, designed, coordinated) DON’T Just list your work locations List items that could be considered discriminatory Put pictures or “frillies” on your resume Use a general “all purpose” resume template for all jobs Sell yourself short The resume—Work Experience

  5. The resume—Skills match • Many hiring agents work on the Merit System of employment (scores are attributed to your resume and ability to explain your experience) • Match your resume to the job requirements and job duties • Make it very easy for them to see HOW you qualify… Do not assume that they know what “customer service rep” means on your work experience

  6. The resume—Skills match

  7. The interview—What to wear? 2 1 5 3 4

  8. No denim!!! No Spiky shoes If it does not conform to the honor code, don’t wear it (pay special attention to your blouse) Kim Zoller (Image dynamics) Solid color, conservative suit Coordinated blouse Moderate shoes Limited jewelry Neat, professional hairstyle Tan or light hosiery Sparse make-up & perfume Manicured nails Portfolio or briefcase The interview—What to wear—Women

  9. The interview—What to wear? 1 5 2 4 3

  10. Solid color, conservative suit White long sleeve shirt Conservative tie Dark socks, professional shoes Very limited jewelry (RING ONLY) Neat, professional hairstyle Go easy on the aftershave Neatly trimmed nails Portfolio or briefcase YES A JACKET IS REQUIRED!! If it is not a suit… be sure it is a SOLID sport coat that coordinates If meeting with a woman, ear, nose, and eyebrows should be neat The interview—How to prepare?

  11. 1. Carrying a backpack or fannypack instead of a briefcase or portfolio: 2. Sunglasses on top of your head or headphones around your neck 3. Too-short skirts: Your skirt should cover your thighs when you are seated. 4. The wrong tie: Ties should be made of silk 5. Overly bright or large-patterned clothing: it's best to stick with navy, black or gray. 6. Heavy makeup on women (or any makeup on a man) 7. Earrings on men 8. More than one set of earrings on women 9. Facial piercings, tongue jewelry or visible tattoos 10. Ill-fitting clothes. Spending a little extra to have your garments tailored is a worthwhile investment Top 20 fashion faux pas

  12. 11.Long fingernails, especially with bright or specialty polishes. 12. Unnatural hair colors or styles. Remember, Donald Trump was a billionaire well before he began wearing a comb-over. 13. Short-sleeved shirts, even worse when worn with a tie 14. Fishnets, patterned hosiery or bare legs (no matter how tan you are). 15. Men whose socks don't match their shoes, or whose socks are too short and leave a gap of flesh when they are seated 16. Rumpled or stained clothing 17. Scuffed or inappropriate footwear, including sneakers, stilettos, open-toed shoes and sandals 18. Strong aftershaves, perfumes or colognes 19. Belts and shoes that don't match: Shoes and belts should be made of leather the best colors for men are black or cordovan. 20. Telltale signs that your wearing a new suit. Remove all tags and extra buttons -- Top 20 fashion faux pas

  13. The interview - Purpose • Information gathering not found on paper • Assessing applicants potential • Educate about the company or institution

  14. The interview – What do they want? • Educational development. • Genuine interest in learning • Sought additional education out of the traditional classroom • Rigors of Activities • Sought out challenging extracurricular activities and employment • How seriously pursed interests and hobbies • Community Involvement • Effort to assist in the community and improve society • What was learned from this involvement • Human relationships • Initiate and sustain good interpersonal relationships • Excited and positive about life.

  15. The interview – What do they want? • Maturity • Sense of personal strengths and weaknesses • Evidence you can handle stress, frustrations, uncertainties • Will you be a problems solver or just a problem • Responsibility and Leadership • Assume responsibility for his or her actions • Inspire the confidence of others • Experience working in teams • Motivation • Realistic and progressive exploration in the field. • Research on the particular institution or facility

  16. The interview – What do they want? • Issues and Ethics • Current Issues in the field that may affect the profession • Any reason to question integrity • Responsibility and Leadership • Assume responsibility for his or her actions • Inspire the confidence of others • Experience working in teams

  17. The interview • Keys to success in the interview • Be articulate • Be honest and sincere • Give thoughtful answers • Be confident, but not arrogant • Convey your uniqueness • Give objective examples • Act interested • Relax • After the interview give handwritten thank you notes to all interviewers.

  18. Interview • Questions?

  19. Panel of experts • Dennis Tolman—Former CEO Mountain View Hospital • Richard Horne-Director Southeast Idaho Public Health District • Elder Al Hamlin-Former Manager AT&T

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