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Wednesday, January 22nd. Bell Work : Please log-on to your computer and visit the class wiki (chswhap.wikispaces.com). Please USE the first 10 minutes of class today to review for Friday’s test using the resources on the “Unit 1 Resources” page. Daily Agenda:. Bell Work : Vocab Review
Wednesday, January 22nd Bell Work: Please log-on to your computer and visit the class wiki (chswhap.wikispaces.com). Please USE the first 10 minutes of class today to review for Friday’s test using the resources on the “Unit 1 Resources” page.
Daily Agenda: • Bell Work: Vocab Review • WOD curtail • Vocabulary Pyramid • Socratic Seminar: Early Africa and South Asia • Lecture: Asian Civilizations • Summarizer Essential Question: How did culture play a role in unifying populations? How did social and gender identities develop pre-600 BCE? Homework: Study for Unit 1 Test (Ch. 1-5)
Curtail – to cut short or reduce (Read-Aloud) Wednesday January 22nd Block 1 Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader of the African-American civil rights movement and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who became known for his advancement of civil rights by using civil disobedience. His life was curtailed when assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968, at the age of 39. Click the picture of King Jr. to see his last speech.
Vocabulary Pyramid Can’t spell it, say any part of it, say or imply that it sounds like something… just have to describe it.
Legalism Tigris and Euphrates scribe City-state Pharaoh divination
Activator: Which has the biggest impact on your life today: religion, geography, or government?
Inner-Outer Circle Discussion: • 6 Students will serve as our inner circle panelists. They will discuss the questions posed and attempt to support their ideas from their readings and text. • The rest of the class will pose questions to the inner circle, and reflect upon their responses. • Only one person may speak at a time in the inner-circle. • Outer circle members may not comment, but can ask any relevant questions that they wish. • Inner Circle Today: Victoria, McKenzie, Zae, Michael, Jacob, Rebecca
Socratic Seminar: • Which had a larger impact on how people in early societies in Africa and South Asia lived their lives: religion, government, or geography? • Can these features be completely isolated? Or are they all interdependent? • Which of these features has the biggest impact on our lives today? • What has changed over time to account for this?
River Valley Civilizations: Ancient Chinese Society, Culture, and Political Development
Chinese Geography • Rivers Yangtze and Huang He (Yellow) • Physical barriers • Climate zones • Significance of Loess and flooding • Benefit of Rice • In what way was China’s geography like Mesopotamia’s? Egypt’s?
Chinese Neolithic Roots • Archeological evidence indicates: • Farmed millet • Pigs and chickens • Clay pottery • Silk • Bronze • Xia Dynasty? • Conclusion: China went through a long process of development that allowed it to become as advanced as any other civilization.
Shang Dynasty • Heavy emphasis placed on the family and the whole • Ancestor Worship and Divination • Written language unified China (pictograms and phonetic symbols) • Cities vs. Villages • Defined Social Hierarchy: • 1)Ruler • 2)Warrior nobles 3) Peasant Farmers
Zhou Dynasty • Mandate of HeavenGood or Bad? • New Social Hierarchy: • 1)Ruler • 2)Landed Nobles 3) Peasant Farmers • Decentralization, expanded bureaucratic development • “Warring States Period”
Chinese Philosophies: • Confucianism • Founder = Kongzi • Analects are sacred writings • Applied rento society as part of parallel between family and state. • Emphasized proper conduct in 5 main relationships.
Chinese Philosophies • Legalism • Human nature is wicked and people need strict laws to keep them orderly. • Requires written and public laws, power in the institution, and hidden motivations and tactics of the ruler • Arose during “Warring States Period”
Chinese Philosophies • Daoism • Founder = Laozi • Accept the world as it is, avoid useless struggles, follow path of nature (Dao) • Journey is the point; no absolute morality or meaning • Why might it appeal more than Confucianism? • Yin and Yang; Feng Shui
Team 1 Victoria, Ethan, McKenzie, Savanna, Abby, Chris, Patty, Brandon, Zae Team 2 Erika, Matthew, Adriana, Rebecca, Tara, Madison, Kayla, Kes, Jordan Team 3 Michael, Issy, Zach, Dakotah, Cheyann, Taeven, Jacob, Sarah, Deanna UnitReview Each team will send one representative to the front table for each question. The first student to buzz in gets to answer the question. We will rotate participants each question.
Most scholars believe that, during the Paleolithic age, social organization was characterized by • a relative social equality. • a ruling priestly class. • a dominant class based on the private ownership of land. • a ruling merchant class.
The Chinese concept “Mandate of Heaven” was sometimes used to justify • Reincarnation. • Rebellion. • Matriarchy. • All of the above.
With the development of languages, human beings were able to • produce long cutting edges. • accumulate knowledge and transmit it to new generations. • begin to fashion sharp tools from animal bones. • devise means for catching fish from deep waters.
A characteristic that the Shang Chinese shared with the Egyptian civilization was the • Principle of the Mandate of Heaven. • Lack of a social hierarchy. • Development of a writing system. • Ancestor worship.
Evidence shows that the Mesopotamians • traded extensively with peoples as far away as Anatolia, Egypt, and India. • lived an isolated existence and did not trade. • traded exclusively with the Egyptians. • traded extensively until the time of the Assyrians, when trade dropped to nothing.
The food supply of early farmers, compared to that of hunting-gathering peoples • Required less time to obtain. • Required less labor to obtain. • Was not as certain or secure. • Was less varied and nutritious.
Which statement about Harappan society is FALSE? • Most of their houses featured private showers and toilets. • They traded extensively with the Mesopotamians. • They had social distinctions. • Their writings have provided a wealth of information for historians.
What traits do humans possess that distinguish them from other primates? • Bipedalism, large brain, lower larynx capable of complex speech • Bipedalism, inability to breed in all seasons, prehensile tale • Large brain, ability to form social groupings, live birth of young • Lower larynx capable of speech, live birth of young, large brain
Which of the following illustrates the influence of geography on early river valley civilizations? • The annual, predictable flooding of the Nile River led Egyptians to believe their gods were benevolent and kind. • The major cities of the Indus Valley were left deserted after the drying up of the Hakra River. • Protected by deserts and large bodies of water, Egyptian civilization developed hereditary monarchies as rulers were rarely forced to defend or justify their authority. • All of the above.
The growth of settled agricultural communities resulted in • Increasing nutrition and health. • Dependence on wildlife for survival. • Constant warfare with hunter-gatherers. • Trade and craft specialization.