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FACTors influencing altruism in gifted adolescent girls- A qualitative study. G SUNDARI PRAMATHEVAN. PRESENTED BY. Rationale for study.
FACTors influencing altruism in gifted adolescent girls-A qualitative study G SUNDARI PRAMATHEVAN PRESENTED BY
Rationale for study Singapore is a small country with only human resources to rely on for its progress and prosperity, it is to the advantage of the nation that the gifted are helped and nurtured for responsible leadership and disposition to serve the country and society for its betterment . • FACTors influencing altruism in gifted adolescent girls
Research Question • What are the factors that promote the development of altruistic behavior in gifted female adolescents? • It was hoped that this study will: • provide insight on altruism in Singaporean gifted female adolescents • identify implications for gifted educators to structure a social environment that will promote prosocialbehaviours • in gifted youth who will place human concerns and common good above materialism for the betterment of the society. • FACTors influencing altruism in gifted adolescent girls
Method Purposive Sampling: The participants were selected based on purposive sampling and according to the scope and purpose of this study. Selection was based on the following criteria: • They were between 15-16 years of age • They are in the top 3 to 5 % based on their PSLE(Primary School Leaving Examination) t-scores, a national examination for primary school leavers • They have volunteered to attend an overseas service learning trip to Cambodia and continued as peer mentors for the following year • They continue to be involved in local community service projects • Identified by teacher mentors as people with passion for service PRESENTATION TITLE
Method Data collection • Demographic form • Survey questionnaire • Semi-structured interviews Data Analysis • Grounded theory approach • FACTors influencing altruism in gifted adolescent girls
Results • Personality factors such as empathy, high sense of justice, optimism, perseverance, courage and social skills have been pre-requisite traits for the development of altruism • Family role modelling and establishment of close relationships and support for service PRESENTATION TITLE
Results • School culture provided students opportunities to volunteer in overseas service-learning projects. Leadership camps, platform for student-led advocacy and co-curricular activities have allowed peers who are like-minded to share and inspire others to participate in service-learning. • Teachers being role models, have also played a part as information providers, guide and facilitators to inspire and sustain the students interest in serving others. PRESENTATION TITLE
Factors influencing the Development of Altruistic Behaviour Refer to developmental framework (word document file: Selective coding_Developmental Framework.docx • FACTors influencing altruism in gifted adolescent girls
Conclusion • Gifted children endowed with higher levels of empathy than their peers have gifts that must be identified early and developed into talents to make the world a better place. • Besides academic and social outcomes, our gifted youth must develop altruistic behavior to make positive difference in society. PRESENTATION TITLE
Conclusion • In Singapore’s context, where its economy relies mostly on it human capital, it is highly imperative that we identify these gifted adolescents, the highly able, the best and the brightest in the nation who will be in the pinnacle of leadership in various domains, with the disposition to serve the country and society for its betterment. • In other words, leaders who have both the `head’ and the `heart’! PRESENTATION TITLE
Implications • The school’s identification process for the gifted must be reviewed to allow for selection of gifts in this domain in young children. • Educational objectives and approaches must be re-designed to include service-learning as part of the school curriculum and tailored according to age, to provide opportunities and experiences to such potentially gifted pupils, who are often ignored because of our overemphasis on identifying and developing cognitive and leadership traits. PRESENTATION TITLE
Implications • While the schools strive to nurture gifted youths to have peaks of excellence in science, mathematics, language, music, sports, it must also begin to think of a differentiated curriculum pathway for youths who have gifts such as profound empathy and sensitivity to human concerns. • As part of the development of this gift, the school needs to provide a structured learning experience and serving opportunities to allow them to apply their talents to an unselfish cause in the community. • FACTors influencing altruism in gifted adolescent girls