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Greek Mythology THE NYMPHS In Greek mythology, a nymph (νύμφα ancient Greek) is a minor female deity of nature, normally associated with a geographic or specific location, despite which were appointed by the Olympic title, convened meetings of the gods on Olympus and described as Zeus daughters. Unlike the gods, nymphs are considered divine spirits that animate nature, and they are represented in works of art as beautiful maidens, naked or half naked taht love singing and dancing. Some poets describe them with the sea color hair. It´s thought nyphs lived in trees, on the tops of mountains, rivers, streams, gorges and caves. Depending on where they live, they are called Agricultural (ἀγρονόμοι) Orestíades (ὀρεστιάδες) and Naiads (νηϊάδες). They were inmortal, or grew up or got sick and can have children. Homer describes in more detail presiding over the games, accompanying Artemis, dancing with her, weaving in their caves ,wearing purple garments and watching the fate of mortals. Greek myths often act as helpers of other deities, as the prophetic Apollo, the god of wine Dionysus reveler and rustic gods such as Pan and Hermes. The symbolic marriage of a nymph and a patriarch, often the eponym of a people, is repeated endlessly in Greek found myths.Their union gave authority to the archaic king and his lineage.
Water symbolims in religion Water essential for life, occupies a place of great importance for the people of Israel.Nothing is so serious to them as the absence of water, and conversely, the rain is a sign of favor and goodness of God.
Types of nymphs There are three types: • Creneas:In Greek mythology, the Crena (Κρηναῖαι) was a type of nymph associated with fountains or wells. • Pegeas: In Greek mythology, the Pegeas are a type of nymph who lived at the falls and springs. There was a group who lived in the cascade of Glue, and were responsible for the abduction of Hylas. • Limnatides: In Greek mythology, the Limnatides or Limnades were a type of Naiad. They lived in freshwater lakes and dangerous marshes.
The Old Testament (time happens before the coming of Christ), and the New Testament (after the birth of Christ), arenumerous texts that speak of water as a symbol of the blessing of God, and spiritual refuge purification.In the book of Psalms there are allusions to water and spiritual refreshment.
The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.
"as the deer longs for water sourcesso my soul longs Lord be with you "
Also that same sense is linked to the prophet Jeremiah when he speaks of "Yahweh" as the source of living water. In the New Testament, the water is associated with eternal life as a supreme blessing given by God.
"Whoever drinks the water I shall givewill never be thirsty.The water I give will become in him a fountain springing up toeternal life.
Another water symbol is the baptism. The most important baptism was Christ´s baptism by John the Baptist in the Jordan River.
In Christianity the importance of water is present mainly in the sacrament of baptism.
Baptize means to immerse in water.Entering into the water symbolizes burial who is baptized into Christ's death which comes through the resurrection with a new creature.
The idea of cleaning is esencial. The priest must be washed before being consecrated.Especially the day of the high priest demanded special purifications.This explains the need of water purification as an indispensable element in the baptism of John, and later in Christian baptism.
It also has a great importance in the Mass after the offertory when the priest washes his hands with water as a sign of purification.Holy water also symbolizes purification. There is water in the Mass and in the churches.
HISTORICAL RELIGIOUS WATER EVENTS -A little were saved through water in Noah's ark.
He freed the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt from the Red Sea.
-The people of God recibed the gift of the Promised Land from the Jordan River.
In conclusion the water is always present and is of great importance in the religion.
Historical events of water in Spain HIDROLOGYCAL SPANISH PLAN In 1902, it was writen the First General Plan of Channels of Irrigation and Marshes that envisaged the building of a lot of reservoirs and channels in the different basins,directed, almost exclusively, to the creation of new irrigation. It comprised 205 proposels of work and the first plan was updated in 1906, 1909, 1916, 1919 and 1922, but its results were slow and scanty, although they achieved to increase the regulation and use for irrigation, supply and to produce hydroelectricity. The Plan of 1933 was informed, in 1937, by Félix de los Ríos - the director of Confederation of the Ebro-, the one who proposed an alternative, which took as principal river assignor to the Ebro. His aim continued being the contribution of resources to guarantee the consolidation and the agricultural growth in the Levant and South-east., Now, it treats itself of deriving from Cherta three channels with a capacity of 1.260 Hm3/year. With the Plan II of Development, the first hydraulic balance sheets were made. His fundamental conclusion was that the utilization of the waters of the Tajo and of Ebro wasan´t alternative, as it had been set out in the discussions and projects alternative to the Plan of 1933, but concurrent and necessary to resolve rationally the problems of long-term shortage.
DISTRIBUTION OF THE WATER RESOURCES FOR BASIN: • Blue-Total(hm3/year) • Green-Agricultural (hm3/year) • Red-Urban and industrial (hm3/year) • RAINFALLS FOR BAISIN • Light blue (mm/year
BREAK OF THE TOUS DAM • Tous dam, also called Tous Reservoir or Tous Marsh, is placed in 'Tous and Millar municipal areas in the province of Valencia, Spain. The dam dams the river Júcar and his tributary, the river Escalona, in the final part of his course. The reservoir has a maximum capacity of 340,4 hm ³. • The Tous first dam had a capacity of 80 hm ³ and it was collapsed the evening of October 20 th of 1982, due to the extraodinary rise of the Júcar. From the 19th it was coming raining torrentially in the middle mining areas of the river as consequence of a cold drop that unloaded more than 600 mm in an area of 700 km ² and more than 100 mm in the rest of the basin. As it wasn´t possible to open the hatches, the river was demolishing the dam that, finally, yielded completely liberating a flow that was coded in 16.000 m ³/s in Alcira, downstream from the reservoir, causing the major flood registered in Spain, known as the Pantanada of Tous. The reason for which the dam trumped was a negligence of a notice of strong rains in the zone and the absence of qualified personnel during the night in season of red alert. This day 12 people died and more than 15.000 people were without home. • The current reservoir was finished building in 1994 and it possesses a very much major capacity that the previous one. Between the aims of the dam one finds the hydroelectric utilization, the prevention of floods and the irrigation.
AZNALCOLLAR DISASTER • On April 25 th of 1998 the break of the dam of containment of the raft of decantation of the mine of pyrite in Aznalcóllar (Seville) took place. As result an important spillage of acid water and of very toxic muds appeared, containing high concentrations of heavy metals, creating extremely serious consequences for the region. The spillage was of approximately 4,5 Hm3 (3,6 of water and 0,9 of muds) and overflew on the banks of the rivers Agrio and Guadiamar along 40 Km for the muds and 10 more Km for the waters, with an average width of approximately 400 meters. • The affected surface was 4.402 hectares. The muds didn´t manage to reach the National Park of Doñana remaining retained inside the Prepark, but the waters invaded the external region of the National Park and ended in the Guadalquivir in the area of Doñana Estate, and reached finally, already little contaminated, the Atlantic Ocean, in Sanlucar of Barrameda. They have managed to gather 29680 kg dead fish and 218 kg crabs (both asphyxiated by the great quantity of particles in suspension of the waters and as result of the extreme acidity).
Water in Philosophy MILETUS SCHOOL • The Miletus school: In this city were born and lived in the sixth century philosophies as Thales, Anaximandro and Anaximenes. Thales is considered the founder of the Miletus school and the founder of Western philosophy. He suggested the first problem of the philosophy: What is the principle (arche) of the nature (physis) The arche for him was water. In addition also hadprominent in mathematics (Theorem of Thales) and astronomy(determined in advance of a solar eclipse). For Anaximander the archeis apeiron, the indeterminate, a primordial matter, eternal, unchanging and unlimitedthat created all things and all returns. Through the separation ofOpposites beget infinite worlds that occur in an eternal cycle. years.
Pluralistphilosopher Pluralist philosophers: Empedocles puts the arche of the world into four substances: water, air, fire and earth. These four elements are put up thanks to the struggle of two opposing forces: love and hate.Democritus of Abdera said that the arche is tiny solidtoo small to be perceived by the senses collide.He called them "atomoi" which in Greek means "can not be cut." had atomistic theory created in anticipation of modern theories.
First, as mentioned above, is the first time in the history of thought which proposes a natural element as the source of all things, and not attributed to a personal force-as in the Greek myth or religion- be the cause of everything in the universe. Such is released and the prejudices of tradition and posits a material element, suggested by reason.Moreover, his claim is suggested for the novelty of the whole multitude of things the world a common origin.Also, we glimpse and realize that, after the continuous changes that nature shows us, the cold, hot, spring and winter, life and death, etc .-, lies a principle which in itself unchanged, and we can find out.HylozoismAlong with the idea that water is the fundamental substance from which derive all other things, such claims that matter is like a living organism, perhaps in this regard said that "everything is full of gods." In this conception of reality is called hylozoism. And it seems to have come after seeing the stone of the magnet, which attributes life because it attracts iron.
Thales: Everything comes from water.It is the first thinker who raises the problem of the origin of all things, the problem of knowing what is that from which all things are made. Such finds that behind the apparent variety and multiplicity of objects in the universe, there must be a single item which arise and which become corrupt when. For Thales, this first principle is something material: water. Probably influenced his claim that water is necessary for life and at that time believed that the earth floated on water, and he lived in Miletus, where the sea washes its shores incessantly, and to see that the seeds are all wet nature, animals and plants that need it to live, what leads to the conclusion that everything is reduced to water.Such a statement that all proceeds of the water may seem naive at first glance, however, take into account what the phrase means: