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This lesson plan series focuses on gender equality in Europe, covering picture description, historical analysis, interviewing, and statistical interpretation. Through engaging activities, students learn about the progress in women's rights over time. Activities include picture analysis, brainstorming historical changes, formulating interview questions, and discussing statistical data. The lessons culminate in students summarizing interview results and exchanging statistical findings. The aim is to foster critical thinking, awareness of gender issues, and the ability to analyze statistics related to women's rights.
Policies on equality in Europe Lesson 1: Description of pictures Preparing the interview Lession 2: Analysis and comments on several statistics Lesson 3: Female guestspeaker (executive officer, secretary, worker, civil servant….) Lesson 4: Webconference (presentation of the results)
Lesson plan 1 Activities/Interim objectives: Divide the class into 2 big groups. Each group receives one picture of the role of women in society. Students have to describe the pictures to each other. Objective: Engage students and sustain their interest/reinforce their abilities to describe pictures (Timing: 15’)
Lesson plan 1 (continuation) Activities/Interim objectives: Brainstorming: role/rights of women in the 60s and today. Has anything changed? (history) Objective: Introduce topic to learners / foster critical thinking skills. (Timing: 5’)
Lesson plan 1 (continuation) Activities/Interim objectives: Learners are divided into groups of 5 and are asked to formulate questions for an interview with their grandmothers on the role of women before the 70s. They are handed a law text (dated 1972) on the rights of women. Objective: Personalize the task. (Timing: 15’)
Lesson plan 1 (continuation) Activities/Interim objectives: Students are asked to report their outcomes to the rest of the class. We then select a few questions that everyone is supposed to use for their interview. Objective: Recap / conclusion. (Timing: 15’)
Historique de la situation juridique des femmes au Luxembourg Situation avant 1972: 1. Le mari = chef de famille; pouvoir de disposer des biens de son épouse et de leurs enfants 2. La femme mariée = juridiquement incapable, à l’instar des mineurs non émancipés et des personnes sous tutelle 3. Le mari = seul décideur du lieu de résidence 4. La femme mariée ne pouvait: ni exercer une profession ni ouvrir un compte bancaire ni conclure un contrat d’achat ou de vente ni administrer ses propres biens sans le consentement de son mari. 5. Le père exerçait seul l’autorité parentale sur les enfants et administrait leurs biens
Situation après 1972 : amendements apportés au code civil: 10 juillet 1974 règlement grand-ducal relatif à l’égalité de rémunération entre les hommes et les femmes 08 décembre 1981 loi relative à l’égalité de traitement entre hommes et femmes en ce qui concerne l’accès à l’emploi, à la formation et à la promotion professionnelle et les conditions de travail. 26 mai 2000 loi concernant la protection contre le harcèlement sexuel à l’occasion des relations de travail. 28 juin 2001 loi relative à la charge de la preuve dans le cas de discrimination fondée sur le sexe
Student production INTERVIEW: Questions and answers
Lesson plan 2 Activities/Interim objectives: In groups of 3-4, students compare their results from the interview and write a short synthesis using reported speech. Objective: Students are exposed to various answers to the interview questions and can formulate a synthesis based on their findings. (Students can use reported speech correctly in a familiar context.) (Timing: 15-20’)
Lesson plan 2 (continuation) Activities/Interim objectives: In groups of 3-4, students are given a set of 3 statistics about women’s wage, employment rates, etc. which they have to describe/summarise in a few sentences. Objective: Students can understand statistics related to a familiar topic and can summarise/explain them in their own words. (Timing: 10-15’)
Lesson plan 2 (continuation) Activities/Interim objectives: Learners now change groups and explain their statistics and findings to the members of their new group. Each student talks about their statistics for about 2 minutes. Objective: Students can explain their findings to peers. Students get a broader image of the discrepancies regarding women’s wages, employment rates, studies etc. (Timing: 15-20’)
Statistic 1 Discrepancies between women’s and men’s wages in the EU 15 in 2005 Employment rates of women in the EU 15 in 2005
Taux d’emploi féminin et écart salarial H/F en 2005 dans l’UE15(source: Statec, enquête sur la structure des salaires 2002)
Statistic 2 Women’s and men’s wages regarding their age in 2002
Statistic 3 Women’s employment rates regarding their age between 1996 and 2006