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Universal Design for Learning: A Workshop in Three Parts. Kathy L. Howery University of Alberta Calgary AT Presentation. Resources. CalgaryATA@ wikispaces. The Series. Day 1 - Introduction to Universal Design for Learning Day 2 - The UDL Guidelines & Tools
Universal Design for Learning:A Workshop in Three Parts Kathy L. Howery University of Alberta Calgary AT Presentation
Resources • CalgaryATA@ wikispaces
The Series • Day 1 - Introduction to Universal Design for Learning • Day 2 - The UDL Guidelines & Tools • Day 3 - Building a UDL Implementation Plan for my district/school/classroom.
Today’s Session • Review from last session • UDL • Learner Profiles • Guidelines • Tools and Resources • Pulling it together… Building a UDL Action Plan
Universal Design for Learning • UDL provides a blueprint (framework) for creating flexible goals, methods, materials, and assessments that accommodate learner differences. CAST, 2002
UDL… • An educational approach that aims to increase access to learning for all students by reducing physical, cognitive, intellectual, organizational and other barriers.
Key Concepts in UDL • Leveraging Diversity • Clearly understood Goals • Teaming • Flexibility • Proactive Approach • Change the Environment not the Learner
Learner Profiles… • Key Resources for today’s session: Making a Difference (Alberta Education, 2010) Teaching in Today’s Inclusive Classroom (Gargiulo & Metcalf, 2010)
What might I need to know about my students:Strengths Challenges Preferences
Using CAST Resources UDL Class Profile Maker • http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/tools/classprofile.cfm
Table Talk • Developing Learner Profiles • Resources on Wiki
Curriculum? • How do you define curriculum?
The Curriculum Programs of Study Assessment Resources Instruction
Clearly Defined Goals • You need to know what your goal is to understand and set up how this will work!
Clearly defined goals… If teachers and students don’t know what the goal of the lesson is it is just like putting nothing into the GPS and driving around…
Understanding by Design • Big Ideas! • Enduring Understandings! • Backward Design! • Performance Tasks! • Planning!
Separating the Goal from the Means: Writing Goals and Objectives that Increase Access* * From Gargiulo & Metcalf (2010) p. 270
CAST UDL Goal Setter http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/ http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/tools/udlgoalsettertool.cfm
When new technologies move beyond their initial stage of development, innovations in curriculum design, teaching strategies and policies will be driven by the needs of students “at the margins”, those for whom present technologies are least effective- most prominently, students with disabilities. The beneficiaries of these innovations will be ALL students. Rose & Meyer, 2000
Sources of Digital Text • Digital Repository of Textbooks • New Alberta Education Resources • Ebook sites • Project Guttenberg • Scanning…
Universal Design for Learning Using digital materials & “assistive” technologies into the classroom we can create a more accessible and flexible environment for all students.
Last sessions resources: UDL Guidelines - Version 2.0: Examples and Resources http://www.udlcenter.org/implementation/examples Teaching Every Student Blogspot http://teachingeverystudent.blogspot.com/
There’s an App for that! • Apple http://www.apple.com/education/why-apple/ • Free Tech 4 Teachers http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2010/10/iphone-ipad-apps-for-special-education.html
From our friends to the West: Resources to Support the BC IRPs http://bccurriculum.pbworks.com/w/page/30099789/FrontPage
Methods: • Student Choice • Differentiated Instruction Content Product Process
Strategies and Scaffolds http://sciencewriter.cast.org/welcome
Strategy Support • http://cst.cast.org/cst/auth-login Cast Strategy Tutor
Engagement… what do we mean? Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris (2004) Synthesis of the research in school engagement • Behavioral • Cognitive • Emotional
Behavioral Engagement: Broadly defined as doing school work and following rules. Examples: • Positive Conduct: Consists of behaviors that illustrate effort, persistence, concentration, attention, asking questions, contributing to class discussion, following rules, studying, completing homework, and participating in school-related activities. • Absence of Disruptive Conduct: Not skipping school and not getting in trouble.
Cognitive Engagement: Essentially defined as motivation, effort and strategy use. This includes a psychological investment in learning, a desire to go beyond the requirements and a preference for challenge. Examples: Flexibility in problem solving, preference for hard work, investment in learning beyond just behavioral engagement, mental effort, and desire to master a task.
Emotional Engagement: In general, this includes interests, values and emotions. Examples: Affective reactions in the classroom, attitudes towards school and teachers, identification with school, feelings of belonging, appreciation of success in school. The antithesis of positive feelings are also emotional engagement items.
Assessment How do we appropriately assess in a UDL environment? • Reduce construct-irrelevant variance • Performance based assessment • Authentic assessment
Assessment • WNCP resource • http://www.wncp.ca/english/subjectarea/classassessment.aspx
Assessment • http://jfmueller.faculty.noctrl.edu/toolbox/index.htm Authentic Assessment Overview http://www.teachervision.fen.com/teaching-methods-and-management/educational-testing/4911.html
Assessment - Rubrics http://school.discoveryeducation.com/schrockguide/assess.html http://cte.uwaterloo.ca/teaching_resources/tips/rubrics.html
Assessment • As applied to Large Scale Assessment http://cehd.umn.edu/NCEO/OnlinePubs/Synthesis44.html • What the research says: http://escholarship.bc.edu/jtla/vol4/2/ • University of Kentucky http://www.ihdi.uky.edu/uda/
My UDL Inventory Tools on the Wikispaces: UDL Implementation Rubrics