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Beta Beams ion production. Elena Wildner. Aim: production of (anti-)neutrino beams from the beta decay of radio-active ions circulating in a storage ring (race track). Similar concept to the neutrino factory, but parent particle is a beta-active isotope instead of a muon.
Beta Beams ion production Elena Wildner New Opportunities in the Physics Landscape at CERN
Aim: production of (anti-)neutrino beams from the beta decay of radio-active ions circulating in a storage ring (race track). Similar concept to the neutrino factory, but parent particle is a beta-active isotope instead of a muon. Both neutrinos and antineutrinos are needed Beta-decay at rest n-spectrum well known from electron spectrum Reaction energy Q typically of a few MeV (neutrino energy) Only electron (anti-)neutrinos Accelerated parent ion to relativistic gmax Boosted neutrino energy spectrum: En2gQ Forward focusing of neutrinos: 1/g Beta-beam n n 6He boost g=100 Beta Beams, recall • Piero Zucchelli: • Phys. Let. B, 532 (2002) 166-172 New Opportunities in the Physics Landscape at CERN
t1/2 at rest (ground state) 1ms – 1s 1 – 60 s NuBase Choice of radioactive ion species 6He and 18Ne • Beta-active isotopes • Production rates • Life time • Reasonable life-time at rest • If too short: decay during acceleration • If too long: low neutrino production • Optimum life time given by acceleration scenario • In the order of a second (at rest) • Low Z preferred • Minimize ratio of accelerated mass/charges per neutrino produced • One ion produces one neutrino. • Reduce space charge problems 8Li and 8B EURISOL DS New Opportunities in the Physics Landscape at CERN
The EURISOL scenario Decay ring Br = 1500 Tm B = ~6 T C = ~6900 m Lss= ~2500 m 6He: g = 100 18Ne: g = 100 93 GeV 0.4 GeV 8.7 GeV 1.7 GeV Design report July 2009 ! 4 New Opportunities in the Physics Landscape at CERN
Ion production (overview) Aimed: He 2.9 1018 (2.0 1013/s after target) Ne 1.1 1018 (2.0 1013/s after target) Courtesy M. Lindroos N.B. Nuclear Physics has limited interest in those elements ->> Production rates not pushed! 5 New Opportunities in the Physics Landscape at CERN • ISOL method at 1-2 GeV (200 kW) • >1 10136He per second • <8 101118Ne per second • Studied within EURISOL • Direct production • >1 1013 (?) 6He per second • 1 101318Ne per second • 8Li ? • Studied at LLN, Soreq, WI and GANIL • Production ring • 1014 (?) 8Li • >1013 (?) 8B • Will be studied within EUROn
6He (ISOL) Converter technology preferred to direct irradiation (heat transfer and efficient cooling allows higher power compared to insulating BeO). 6He production rate ~2x1013 ions/s (dc) for ~200 kW on target could be expected. Converter technology(J. Nolen, NPA 701 (2002) 312c): Solid converter W avec protons 1/1.4 GeV : standard technology at ISOLDE T. Stora, N. Thollieres, CERN Measurements ISOLDE April 2009 New Opportunities in the Physics Landscape at CERN
18Ne (Direct Production) Producing 101318Ne could be possible with a beam power (at low energy, 30-40 MeV) of 2 MW (or some 130 mA 3He beam on MgO). To keep the power density similar to LLN (today) the target has to be 60 cm in diameter. To be studied: Extraction efficiency Optimum energy Cooling of target unit High intensity and low energy ion linac High intensity ion source Geometric scaling Thin MgO target Water cooled target holder and beam dump Ion beam S. Mitrofanov and M. Loislet at CRC, Belgium 7 New Opportunities in the Physics Landscape at CERN
New approach for ion production “Beam cooling with ionisation losses” – C. Rubbia, A Ferrari, Y. Kadi and V. Vlachoudis in NIM A 568 (2006) 475–487 “Development of FFAG accelerators and their applications for intense secondary particle production”, -- Y. Mori, NIM A 562(2006)591 7Li(d,p)8Li 6Li(3He,n)8B 7Li 6Li 20-30 MeV From C. Rubbia, et al. in NIM A 568 (2006) 475–487 Chemistry with Boron? 8 New Opportunities in the Physics Landscape at CERN
Beta Beam scenario EUROn (FP7) Ion Linac 20 MeV n-beam to experiment 8B/8Li PR Ion production Decay ring Br ~ 500 Tm B = ~6 T C = ~6900 m Lss= ~2500 m 8Li: g = 100 8B: g = 100 ISOL target, Collection SPS Neutrino Source Decay Ring 60 GHz pulsed ECR Linac, 0.4 GeV PS2 92 GeV 31 GeV RCS, 5 GeV Detector Gran Sasso New Opportunities in the Physics Landscape at CERN
ISOL, 6He/18Ne and 8B/8Li 10 New Opportunities in the Physics Landscape at CERN • 6He • Tests of BeO at 3 kW at ISOLDE, analysis ongoing, encourageing! • 2 GeV, 200kW, on water-cooled W • 18Ne • To be studied (Frame-work, Priority?) • 4MW, 1 GeV on Hg? • Rotating/multiple targets/large beams (Ta, W)? • 8Li • Similarities with 6He: should be possible • To be measured • 8B • No beam ever produced • Many ideas exist. Need development (Frame-work, Priority?) • B is reactive (difficulties to get it out of the target)
ISOL, Rare Earth Metals 11 New Opportunities in the Physics Landscape at CERN • Other possible scenarios in a beta beam complex • Electron capture and beta decay, Barnabeu et. al* • Electron capture: mono energetic n-beam • One species only • Interesting physics reach • Yb… • Similarities with 18Ne • To be studied (Frame-work, Priority?) • 4MW, 1 GeV on Hg? • Rotating/multiple targets/large beams (Ta, W)? * arXiv: 0902.4303v1 [hep-ph] 27 Feb 2009
Acknowledgements 12 New Opportunities in the Physics Landscape at CERN • Participants in EURISOL Beta Beam Design study • EUROnu FP7 program specification • Discussions for the presentation • Thierry Stora • Mats Lindroos