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Beta-Beams. Elena Wildner, CERN. 1. Outline. The Beta Beam concept A Beta Beam scenario The challenges Other studies Conclusion. 2. 2. Beta Beams .
Beta-Beams Elena Wildner, CERN Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 1
Outline • The Beta Beam concept • A Beta Beam scenario • The challenges • Other studies • Conclusion 2 2 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Beta Beams The aim is to produce (anti-)neutrino beams from the beta decay of radio-active ions circulating in a storage ring with long straight sections (Zuchelli, 2002). Energy of neutrinos • Reaction energy Q typically of a few MeV • Accelerate ions to relativistic gmax • Boosted neutrino energy spectrum: En 2gQ • Forward focusing of neutrinos: 1/g • Two different parent isotopes to produce n and anti-n respectively 3 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
t1/2 at rest (ground state) 1ms – 1s 1 – 60 s NuBase Choice of radioactive ion species • Beta-active isotopes • Production rates • Life time • Dangerous rest products • Reactivity (Noble gases are good) • Reasonable lifetime at rest • If too short: decay during acceleration • If too long: low neutrino production • Optimum life time given by acceleration scenario • In the order of a second • Low Z preferred • Minimize ratio of accelerated mass/charges per neutrino produced • One ion produces one neutrino. • Reduce space charge problems 6He and 18Ne 8Li and 8B 4 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
High Energy Beta beam Design Studies • Eurisol design Study, EC FP6, 2005-2009 • 6He and 19Ne, ISOL • Baseline: Frejus • Gamma: 100, Low-Q ~ 3.5 MeV • 18Ne production, ISOL, 20 times below requirements • No beam stability studies • Decay Ring RF HW not studied • Low energy part of acceleration not studied • EUROnu Project, EC FP7, 2008-2012 • 8Li and 8B, Production Ring, Ion collection • Baseline: Canfranc / Gran Sasso • Gamma: 100, High-Q ~ 16 MeV • 19Ne production intensified, experiments for 6He • Low energy part of acceleration studied • Intense beam stability studied (Collective Effects) • Decay Ring HW for RF System Studied • Costing Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Some scaling, high Q or high g ? • Accelerators can accelerate ions up to Z/A × the proton energy. • L ~ <En > / Dm2 ~ gQ , Flux ~ L−2 => Flux ~ Q −2 • Cross section ~ <En > ~ g Q • Merit factor (Flux * Cross-section) for an experiment at the atmospheric oscillation maximum: M= g /Q • Remember: ion lifetime ~ g , therefore we need longer straight sections in the decay ring to give the same flux for the same number of stored ions in the accelerator. 6 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Beta beam to different baselines 7 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
The EURISOL scenario boundaries Based on CERN boundaries Ion choice: 6He and 18Ne Based on existing technology and machines Ion production through ISOL technique Bunching and first acceleration: ECR, linac Rapid cycling synchrotron Use of existing machines: PS and SPS Relativistic gamma=100 for both ions SPS allows maximum of 150 (6He) or 250 (18Ne) Gamma choice optimized for physics reach Opportunity to share a Mton Water Cherenkov detector with a CERN super-beam, proton decay studies and a neutrino observatory Achieve an annual neutrino rate of 2.9*1018 anti-neutrinos from 6He 1.1 1018 neutrinos from 18Ne The EURISOL scenario will serve as reference for further studies and developments: Within Euron we will study 8Li and 8B top-down approach (*) EURISOL scenario (*) 8 8 8 FP6 “Research Infrastructure Action - Structuring the European Research Area” EURISOL DS Project Contract no. 515768 RIDS Neutrino 2010 (Athens): Beta Beams, Elena Wildner Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Beta Beam scenario 6He/18Ne n-beam to Frejus Super Proton Linac Decay ring Br ~ 500 Tm B = ~ 6 T C = ~ 6900 mLss= ~ 2500 m 6He: g = 100 18Ne: g = 100 Ion production 6He/18Ne ISOL target SPS Neutrino Source Decay Ring Existing!!! 60 GHz pulsed ECR PS Linac, 100 MeV/n 450 GeVp RCS Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Beta Beam scenario 6He/18Ne 18Ne Isotopes is not possible to produce with ISOL technology: New Ideas are needed!!! n-beam to Frejus Super Proton Linac Decay ring Br ~ 500 Tm B = ~ 6 T C = ~ 6900 mLss= ~ 2500 m 6He: g = 100 18Ne: g = 100 Ion production 6He/18Ne ISOL target SPS Neutrino Source Decay Ring Existing!!! 60 GHz pulsed ECR PS Linac, 100 MeV/n 450 GeVp RCS DR Design by A. Chance, CEA RCS Design by A. Lachaize, CNRS Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
New approaches for ion production “Beam cooling with ionisation losses” – C. Rubbia, A Ferrari, Y. Kadi and V. Vlachoudis in NIM A 568 (2006) 475–487 “Development of FFAG accelerators and their applications for intense secondary particle production”, Y. Mori, NIM A562(2006)591 Supersonic gas jet target, stripper and absorber Studiedwithin FP7 ”Euron”(*) Ring lattice, target modeling and cooling simulations: E Benedetto, M. Schaumann, J. Wehner (*) FP7 “Design Studies” (Research Infrastructures) EUROnu (Grant agreement no.: 212372) European Strategy for Future Neutrino Physics, Elena Wildner Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Beta Beam scenario 8Li/8B n-beam to GranSasso/Canfranc Ion Linac 25 MeV, 7 Li and 6 Li 8B/8Li PR Ion production Decay ring Br ~ 500 Tm B = ~6 T C = ~6900 mLss= ~2500 m 8Li: g = 1008B: g = 100 ISOL target, Collection SPS Neutrino Source Decay Ring Existing!!! 60 GHz pulsed ECR PS Linac, 100 MeV 280 GeV RCS, 1.7 GeV Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
PR: Gas Jet Targets and Cooling (GSI) We need 10 19 cm-2 !! Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Challenge: collection device Status: The collection device is under test, results expected end summer 2010 for 8Li. Tests for 8B will follow. • Semen Mitrofanov • Thierry Delbar • Marc Loiselet Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
X-sections, Energies and Angles, Li and B Inverse kinematic reaction proposed: (heavy ion beam on light target): 7Li + CD2 target Ebeam=25 MeV Due to problems with gas jet target we will start simulations with normal kinematics. Liquid target challenges: energy deposition, collection angles, beam cooling… 8B production experiments are being planned at Legnaro (2010) INFN-LNL: M. Cinausero, G. De Angelis, G. Prete, E Vardaci 15 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
ECR (60 GHz) Source (1) Challenges: Produce stripped ions (more difficult for high A ions) Adapted pulse length Optimize for further acceleration: RFQ & Linac The source is developed for He, Ne, B and Li New stripping conditions: fully stripped-> 1+ ! Efficiency of source: 50% ? Need margins ? Status: Magnetic tests scheduled for mid 2010 60 GHz gyrotron for mid 2011 The SEISM Collaboration: 16 16 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Recent Research: 19F(p, 2n)18Ne T. Stora, P. Valko The ne beam needs production of2.0 1013 18Ne/s Theoretically possible with 10 mA 70 MeV protons on NaF We need measurements of the cross section 19F(p, 2n)18Ne ! Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Options for production Courtesy T. Stora, P Valko Needs some optimization R & D !!! Possible Challenging 8Li can be produced by similar methods as 6He in good amounts Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Recent Results for Production of 6He • 5 1013 6He/s 600kW, 40 MeV deuteron beam • 5 10136He/s 200kW, 2 GeV proton beam (ISOLDE 2008) Can be used also for production of 8Li N. Thiolliere et al., EURISOL-DS M. Hass et al., J. Phys. G 35, 014042 (2008); T. Hirsh et al., PoS (Nufact08)090 Aimed: He 2.9 1018 (2.0 1013/s) T. Stora et al., EURISOL-DS, TN03-25-2006-0003 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Radioprotection Not a show stopper Stefania Trovati, Matteo Magistris, CERN CERN-EN-Note-2009-007 STI EURISOL-DS/TASK2/TN-02-25-2009-0048 Yacin Kadi et al. , CERN 20 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Activation and coil damage in the PS M. Kirk et. al GSI The coils could support 60 years operation with a EURISOL type beta-beam 21 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
The need for duty factors B and Li can be relaxed a factor 2 E. Fernandez, C. Hansen 22 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
More challenges: Duty factor and RF 1014ions, 0.5% duty (supression) factor foratm. backgroundreduction!!! .... Erk Jensen, CERN 20 bunches, 5.2 ns long, distance 23*4 nanosseconds filling 1/11 of the Decay Ring, repeated every 23 microseconds 23 23 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Hardware challenge: RF Cavities 1014 ions, 0.5% duty (supression) factor for background suppression !!! .... 20 bunches, 5.2 ns long, distance 23*4 nanosseconds filling 1/11 of the Decay Ring, repeatedevery 23 microseconds Graeme Burt, STFC Collaboration Cockroft Institute(*) started (*) Associated Institue to EUROnu Beta Beams 24 24 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Energy deposition in Decay Ring Momentum collimation Arc Straight section Arc Straight section Cosq design open midplane magnet J. Bruer, E. Todesco, E. Wildner, CERN Superconducting Magnet: Manageable (7 T operational) with Nb -Ti at 1.9 K Higherfieldswill be studied! New magnet design needs to be shielded! Momentum collimation (only preliminary studies): Challenging! 25 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
High Intensities, research and hard work! 26 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Other Beta Beams • Most present work on beta beams is going on within • EUROnu • Other laboratories have also worked on beta beams • INO, India (S. Choubey) • Fermilab, USA (A. Janson) • IPN, France (C.Volpe) • University of Valencia, Spain (J. Barnabeu) • … 27 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
BASELINE n SPS storage ring PS Low energy Beta Beams Christina Volpe: A proposal to establish a facility for the production of intense and pure low energy neutrino beams. J Phys G30 (2004) L1. To off axis far detector close detector n PHYSICS STUDIED WITHIN THE EURISOL DS (FP6, 2005-2009) 28 28 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Where are the project risks • Production of ions the (anti-) neutrino emitters • Good news: He (exp) and Ne (paper) can be produced! • The production ring proposal is not feasible for the time being • Other methods for B production ? • CERN Complex • Can we accelerate the high intensity ion beams (all isotopes)? • High-Q ions need even higher intensities in the machines • Can beta beams compete with neutrino factories? • Cost and Physics reach to evaluate • Important: we need a suitable detector !!! Funding • We do not have the manpower needed to conclude at the end of the EUROnuproject 29 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Beta Beam: potential Plots from M. Mezetto 30 30 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Summary • EUROnu project ongoing (use CERN infrastructures) • Still 2 years funding • The beta beam baseline: 6He and 18Ne (CERN Frejus) • Research for higher-Q ions (Longer baseline ~ 700 km) • Challenges: • High intensity, short bunches for bkg suppression • Protection against high radiation • Costing is now an important issue 31 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Acknowledgements 32 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
High g and decay-ring size, 6He Examples of challenges for “greenfield” Example : Neutrino oscillation physics with a higher gb-beam, arXiv:hep-ph/0312068 J. Burguet-Castell, D. Casper, J.J. Gomez-Cadenas, P.Hernandez, F.Sanchez 33 33 Now 2010: Beta Beams, Elena Wildner