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Beta-Beams Status and Challenges. Elena Wildner, CERN. 1. Acknowledgements. FP6 “Research Infrastructure Action - Structuring the European Research Area” EURISOL DS Project Contract no. 515768 RIDS ) and
Beta-Beams Status and Challenges Elena Wildner, CERN Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 1
Acknowledgements FP6 “Research Infrastructure Action - Structuring the European Research Area” EURISOL DS Project Contract no. 515768 RIDS) and FP7 “Design Studies” (Research Infrastructures)EUROnu (Grant agreement no.: 212372) Particular thanks to M. Benedikt, FP6 Leader M. Lindroos, A Fabich, S. Hancock M. Mezetto and all contributing institutes and collaborators 2 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Outline • Beta Beam Concepts • A Beta Beam Scenario • The challenges • Isotope production • Intensities • Radioactivity • Backgrounds & accelerators • Other studies • Conclusion 3 3 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Beta-beams, recall Aim: production of (anti-)neutrino beams from the beta decay of radio-active ions circulating in a storage ring with long straight sections. • Similar concept to the neutrino factory, but parent particle is a beta-active isotope instead of a muon. Beta-decay at rest • n-spectrum well known from the electron spectrum • Reaction energy Q typically of a few MeV • Accelerate parent ion to relativistic gmax • Boosted neutrino energy spectrum: En 2gQ • Forward focusing of neutrinos: 1/g • Pure electron (anti-)neutrino beam! • Depending on b+- or b- - decay we get a neutrino or anti-neutrino • Two different parent ions for neutrino and anti-neutrino beams • Physics applications of a beta-beam • Primarily neutrino oscillation physics and CP-violation (high energy) • Cross-sections of neutrino-nucleus interaction (low energy) E0 4 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
t1/2 at rest (ground state) 1ms – 1s 1 – 60 s NuBase Choice of radioactive ion species 6He and 18Ne • Beta-active isotopes • Production rates • Life time • Dangerous rest products • Reactivity (Noble gases are good) • Reasonable lifetime at rest • If too short: decay during acceleration • If too long: low neutrino production • Optimum life time given by acceleration scenario • In the order of a second • Low Z preferred • Minimize ratio of accelerated mass/charges per neutrino produced • One ion produces one neutrino. • Reduce space charge problems 8Li and 8B 5 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner European Strategy for Future Neutrino Physics, Elena Wildner
Some scaling • Accelerators can accelerate ions up to Z/A × the proton energy. • L ~ <En > / Dm2 ~ gQ , Flux ~ L−2 => Flux ~ Q −2 • Cross section ~ <En > ~ g Q • Merit factor for an experiment at the atmospheric oscillation maximum: M= g /Q • Decay ring length scales ~ g (ion lifetime) 6 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Beta beam options • High Energy beta beams • Available accelerators (or funding) • Synergies with super-beams • Available detectors • Physics reach: choice of baseline (distance to detector) • Low energy beta beams • Off axis experiments • Low energy storage rings • Available detectors 7 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Beta beam to different baselines 8 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
The EURISOL scenario boundaries Based on CERN boundaries Ion choice: 6He and 18Ne Based on existing technology and machines Ion production through ISOL technique Bunching and first acceleration: ECR, linac Rapid cycling synchrotron Use of existing machines: PS and SPS Relativistic gamma=100 for both ions SPS allows maximum of 150 (6He) or 250 (18Ne) Gamma choice optimized for physics reach Opportunity to share a Mton Water Cherenkov detector with a CERN super-beam, proton decay studies and a neutrino observatory Achieve an annual neutrino rate of 2.9*1018 anti-neutrinos from 6He 1.1 1018 neutrinos from 18Ne The EURISOL scenario will serve as reference for further studies and developments: Within Euron we will study 8Li and 8B top-down approach (*) EURISOL scenario (*) 02/10/09 9 9 FP6 “Research Infrastructure Action - Structuring the European Research Area” EURISOL DS Project Contract no. 515768 RIDS Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
The EURISOL scenario Decay ring Br = 1500 Tm B = ~6 T C = ~6900 m Lss= ~2500 m 6He: g = 100 18Ne: g = 100 Aimed: He 2.9 1018 ( 2.0 1013/s after target) Ne 1.1 1018 ( 2.0 1013/s after target) 93 GeV 0.4 GeV 8.7 GeV 1.7 GeV Design report December 2009 10 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Intensity evolution during acceleration Bunch 20th 15th 10th 5th 1st total • Cycle optimized for neutrino rate towards the detector 30% of first 6He bunch injected are reaching decay ring Overall only 50% (6He) and 80% (18Ne) reach decay ring Normalization Single bunch intensity to maximum/bunch Total intensity to total number accumulated in RCS 11 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Radioprotection Not a show stopper Stefania Trovati, Matteo Magistris, CERN CERN-EN-Note-2009-007 STI EURISOL-DS/TASK2/TN-02-25-2009-0048 YacinKadi et al. , CERN 12 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Activation and coil damage in the PS M. Kirk et. al GSI The coils could support 60 years operation with a EURISOL type beta-beam 13 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Duty factor for bkg suppression .... 1014 ions, 0.5% duty- (supression-) factor for atmospheric background suppression !!! .... 20 bunches, 5.2 ns long, distance 23*4 nanosseconds filling 1/11 of the Decay Ring, repeated every 23 microseconds 14 14 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Momentum collimation (study ongoing): ~5*10126He ions to be collimated per cycle Decay: ~5*10126Li ions to be removed per cycle per meter Dump at the end of the straight section will receive 30kW Dipoles in collimation section receive between 1 and 10 kW (masks). Particle turnover in decay ring Momentum collimation merging p-collimation injection decay losses Arc Straight section Arc Straight section 15 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Duty factor and RF Cavities 1014 ions, 0.5% duty (supression) factor for background suppression !!! .... Erk Jensen, CERN 20 bunches, 5.2 ns long, distance 23*4 nanosseconds filling 1/11 of the Decay Ring, repeated every 23 microseconds 16 16 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Open Midplane Dipole (Decay Ring Arc) Cosq design open midplane magnet Manageable (7 T operational) with Nb -Ti at 1.9 K Aluminum spacers possible on midplane to retain forces: gives transparency to the decay products Special cooling and radiation dumps may be needed inside yoke. J. Bruer, E. Todesco, E. Wildner, CERN 17 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Open mid-plane Quadrupole Mid-plane Energy deposited Open mid-plane Acknowledgments (magnet design): F Borgnolutti, E. Todesco (CERN) 18 18 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Open mid-plane Quadrupole Parametric Approach!! Acknowledgments (magnet design): F Borgnolutti, E. Todesco (CERN) Opening angle 19 19 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Options for production Aimed: He 2.9 1018 (2.0 1013/s) Ne 1.1 1018 (2.0 1013/s) Difficult Chemistry N.B. Nuclear Physics has limited interest in those elements => Production rates not pushed! Try to get ressources to persue ideas how to produce Ne! • ISOL method at 1-2 GeV (200 kW) • >2 10136He per second • <8 101118Ne per second (not an option, need to confirm new options!) • Studied within EURISOL • Direct production • >1 1013 (?) 6He per second • 1 101318Ne per second • Studied at LLN, Soreq, WI and GANIL • Production ring (higher neutrino energies) • 1014 (?) 8Li • >1013 (?) 8B • Being studied Within EUROn 20 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Recent Results for Production of 6He • 1.3 10136He/s 100kW, 40 MeV deuton beam • 2 10136He/s 100kW, 1 GeV proton beam (ISOLDE 2008) • 1 10146He/s 200kW, 2 GeV proton beam N. Thiolliere et al., EURISOL-DS M. Hass et al., J. Phys. G 35, 014042 (2008); T. Hirsh et al., PoS (Nufact08)090 Aimed: He 2.9 1018 (2.0 1013/s) T. Stora et al., EURISOL-DS, TN03-25-2006-0003 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
BeO : A new target material R. Hodak, H. Franberg, V. Kumar Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
BeO : Release of 6He Half life-time Courtesy: T. Stora (2009) Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Recent Research: 19F(p, 2n)18Ne The ne beam needs production of2.0 1013 18Ne/s Theoretically possible with 10 mA 70 MeV protons on NaF We need measurements of the crossection 19F(p, 2n)18Ne ! Ressouces need to be allocated T. Stora, private communication Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
New approaches for ion production “Beam cooling with ionisation losses” – C. Rubbia, A Ferrari, Y. Kadi and V. Vlachoudis in NIM A 568 (2006) 475–487 “Development of FFAG accelerators and their applications for intense secondary particle production”, Y. Mori, NIM A562(2006)591 Supersonic gas jet target, stripper and absorber Studied within Euron FP7 (*) FP7 “Design Studies” (Research Infrastructures)EUROnu (Grant agreement no.: 212372) (*) European Strategy for Future Neutrino Physics, Elena Wildner Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Beta Beam scenario EUROnu, FP7 Ion Linac 20 MeV n-beam to experiment 8B/8Li PR Ion production Decay ring Br ~ 500 Tm B = ~6 T C = ~6900 m Lss= ~2500 m 8Li: g = 100 18B: g = 100 ISOL target, Collection SPS Neutrino Source Decay Ring Existing!!! 60 GHz pulsed ECR Linac, 0.4 GeV PS2 92 GeV 31 GeV . RCS, 5 GeV Detector Gran Sasso (~ 5 times higher Q) Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
The beta-beam in EURONU DS (I) • The study will focus on production issues for 8Li and 8B • 8B is highly reactive and has never been produced as an ISOL beam • Production ring: enhanced direct production • Ring lattice design (CERN) • Cooling (CERN +) • Collection of the produced ions, release efficiencies and cross sections for the reactions (UCL, INFN) • Sources ECR(LPSC, GHMFL) • Supersonic Gas injector (PPPL + ?) • CERN Complex • All machines to be simulated with B and Li (CERN, CEA) • PS2 presently under design (requirements for beta beams) • Multiple Charge State Linacs (P Ostroumov, ANL) 27 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Associated partners in EURONU DS Possible realization with one detector only (price) nm-beam: SPL: <En> = 260 MeV Lopt = 134 km CERN – Frejus: 130 km ne-beam: g = 150 Lopt = 130 km g = 500 Lopt = 1000 km CERN – Frejus: 130 km DESY – Frejus: 960 km 3-Flavor Oscillation needs two significantly different baselines to disentangle CP and matter effects 28 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Associates • Weizmann Institue of Science, Revohot • Michael Hass • Partners: GANIL and Soreq • Collaboration with Aachen (exchange of students) • Work Focus • produce light radioactive isotopes also for beta beams • secondary neutrons from an intense, 40 MeV d beam (6He and 8Li) and direct production with 3He or 4He beams (18Ne). • Use of superconducting LINACs such as SARAF at Soreq (Israel) and the driver for SPIRAL-II (GANIL). • Added Value • To produce strong beta beam ion candidates or production methods not in EUROnu Courtesy Micha Hass Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
The production ring cooling Supersonic gas jet target, stripper and absorber Low-energy Ionization cooling of ions for Beta Beam sources – D. Neuffer (FERMILAB-FN-0808-APC) Mini-workshop on cooling at Fermilab summer 2009 (David Neuffer ) joining teams from CERN and Fermilab Meeting at GSI internal targets and cooling Oct. 2009 (O. Boine-Frankenheim, C. Dimopoulou, E Benedetto) joining teams from CERN and GSI Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
PR: Gas Jet Targets and Cooling (GSI) We need 10 19 cm-2 !! Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Challenge: collection device A large proportion of beam particles (6Li) will be scattered into the collection device. Production of 8Li and 8B: 7Li(d,p) 8Li and 6Li(3He,n) 8B reactions using low energy and low intensity ~ 1nA beams of 7Li(10-25 MeV) and 6Li(4-15 MeV) hitting the deuteron or 3Hetarget. Off-line test: October ÷ November 09 First beam test (beam test in cabin): December 09 Background measurements: February 10 Full-time beam experiments: April 10 8Li stage progress report: July 10 End of the summer 2010 - hope to finish with 8Li. Research on B will follow. • Semen Mitrofanov • Thierry Delbar • Marc Loiselet Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
7Li Cross section measurements at LaboratoriNazionalidiLegnaro M.Mezzetto (INFN-Pd) on behalf of INFN-LNL: M. Cinausero, G. De Angelis, G. Prete First Experiment performed in July 2008 Inverse kinematic reaction: 7Li + CD2 target E=25 MeV Data reduction in progress Future: reduce contamination 33 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
ECR 60 GHz Source • Follow up of intense LPSC-LNCMI collaboration • Magnet time request to EUROMAGNET2 : accepted July 2009 • ISTC collaboration accepted July 2009 (IAP-LPSC-LNCMI-CERN-Instituto di Fisica del plasma) • Hydraulic test in December 2009 • ANR funding request to fund permanent 60 GHz test stand at LNCMI • Magnetic tests scheduled for February 2010 • Installation of a bench at 28 GHz during 2010 • 60 GHz for mid 2011 The SEISM Collaboration 34 34 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Relaxed Duty Factors: more neutrinos 0.5% duty factor for background suppression could be relaxed for higher neutrino energies. But not enough to profit of Barrier Buckets for B and Li! We need in addition 10 times more flux for high-Q ions. .... Christian Hansen Enrique Fernandez-Martinez 35 35 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
High g and decay-ring size, 6He Magnet R&D Example : Neutrino oscillation physics with a higher gb-beam, arXiv:hep-ph/0312068 J. Burguet-Castell, D. Casper, J.J. Gomez-Cadenas, P.Hernandez, F.Sanchez 36 36 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Beta Beams at Fermilab Combining CPT-conjugate channels at the same E/L: neutrino mass hierarchy A. Janson, O. Mena, S. Parke: hep-ph/0711107 P(nm -> ne ) > P(ne -> nm) for normal hierarchy P(nm -> ne ) < P(ne -> nm) for inverted hierarchy nm -> ne : existing NuMiBeamline ne -> nm : 6He or 8Li Beta Beams 37 37 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Optimized Two-Baseline Beta Beam • Courtesy: SandhyaChoubey • Beta Beam Concepts • Beta Beam Scenarios • Ion Production 38 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
BASELINE PHYSICS POTENTIAL n n-nucleus cross sections (detector’sresponse, r-process, 2b-decay) SPS storage ring PS fundamental interactions studies (Weinberg angle, CVC test, mn) astrophysical applications Low energy Beta Beams Christina Volpe: A proposal to establish a facility for the production of intense and pure lowenergy neutrino beams (100 MeV). J Phys G30 (2004) L1. To off axis far detector close detector n PHYSICS STUDIED WITHIN THE EURISOL DS (FP6, 2005-2009) 39 39 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Combining energies from BB and EC • Sensitivity to θ13 and δ (CERN to Gran SassoorCanfranc ) difficult to make, space charge ? J. Bernabeu, C. Espinosa, C. Orme, S. Palomares-Ruiz and S. Pascoli based on JHEP 0906:040, 2009 40 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Summary (i) • The EURISOL beta-beam conceptual design report is available (6He and 18Ne , gamma 100) • First coherent study of a beta-beam facility • Top down approach (production rates of ions assumed ) • 18Ne shortfall as of today • Duty Factors are challenging: Collimation and RF in Decay Ring 41 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner
Summary (ii) • A beta-beam facility using 8Li and 8B (EUROnu) (gamma 100) • Continuation of EURISOL (consolidation of He/Ne) • Production of Ne needs extra ressources • Production B and Li, X-sections, Source issues • Optimize accelerator chain for new ions • Revisit Duty Factors, RF and bunch structures • Acceptance of PS2, SPS, • High intensity beam stability (PS, SPS) • Costing • First results will come from Euronu DS (2008-2012) 42 Crakow Epiphany Conference, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner