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Grant Funding Opportunities, Part 3 : Brown fields, Hazard Mitigation, Transportation, Planning. Cliff Sinnott Rockingham Planning Commission Session B, Track 2 CTAP Growth Management Training Conference September 29, 2007 Manchester, NH. Grant opportunities - continued. Brownfields
Grant Funding Opportunities, Part 3: Brown fields, Hazard Mitigation, Transportation, Planning Cliff Sinnott Rockingham Planning Commission Session B, Track 2 CTAP Growth Management Training Conference September 29, 2007 Manchester, NH
Grant opportunities - continued • Brownfields • Hazard Mitigation & NFIP Flood Mitigation Program • Homeland Security • Transportation • Planning
New Hampshire & RPC Brownfields Programs Multi-phased EPA program administered both by NHDES and Regional Planning Commissions Purpose: to promote appropriate restoration and reuse of contaminated properties through cleanup and protective covenants In most cases, involves partnership between federal, state, local governments and private property owners Supportive of community development and smart growth objectives: reuse of developed properties – “development on brownfields, not greenfields”
New Hampshire & RPC Brownfields Programs – continued #2 Program Elements Assessment Covenant Program Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund Cleanup Grant Program Petroleum Brownfields Program Direct EPA Grants to Towns & RPCs
For More Information… • NH Dept of Environmental Services (NHDES): • www.des.state.nh.us/BrownfieldsNH • www.des.state.nh.us/BrownfieldsNH/Brownfields_brochure2006.pdf • John Liptak, Brownfields Coordinator (603) 271-1169 jliptak@des.state.nh.us • RPCs with Brownfields Assessment Programs • Southern NH Planning Commission • www.snhpc.org/Brownfields.html; 669-4664 • Nashua Regional Planning Commission • www.nashuarpc.org/brownfields/index.htm; 883-0366 • Rockingham Planning Commission • www.rpc-nh.org/PDFs/docs/brownfields.htm - 778-0885 • EPA Brownfields in New England • www.epa.gov/region1/brownfields/index.htm
Hazard Mitigation Pre-disaster Mitigation Grants (PDM) • FEMA program administered through NH Dept of Safety/Bureau of Emergency Management • Funds Local Hazard Mitigation Plans • Funds projects identified in those plans to reduce future losses from natural hazards • Expand culverts • Relocate out of flood hazard areas or flood-proof critical facilities • Community must have Hazard Mitigation Plan and participate in NFIP
Hazard Mitigation - continued (Pre-disaster Mitigation Grants – cont’d) Application Process: Local projects applied for via annual State PDM app. to FEMA Submit letter of intent, +/- July 1 50% - 50% matching requirement For Further Info, contact: Your Town’s Emergency Management Director Your OEM Field Rep. & Regional Planning Comm. Contact Richard Verville, Hazard Mitigation Program Coordinator, Bureau of Emergency Management, 271-2231
Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) FMA is for eligible, cost-effective flood mitigation activities that reduce the risk of flood $111,400 available Statewide (=small projects) 75% - 25% Fed./Non-Federal match requirement Eligible Project Activities: Acquisition of insured structures and property to open space Relocation, Demolition or Elevation of insured structures • Other activities that bring an insured structure into compliance Minor physical flood mitigation projects that reduce localized flooding problems and do not covered by other programs Town must be in NFIP and have a Hazard Mitigation Plan Administered by Office of Energy and Planning (NHOEP) Letter of intent, then application; Deadline +/- January (was 1-12-07 for FY 07 funding) For more info: Sandrine Thibault at OEP at 271-2155 or by email at sandrine.thibault@nh.gov
Homeland Security State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSP) funded from US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Grant Program. Directed at improving capabilities and equipment of first responders Supports the implementation of the State Homeland Security Strategy addressing identified planning, equipment, training, and exercise needs to support terrorism response, preparedness, and incident management Eligible Projects (must support terrorism preparedness) Protection of critical infrastructure Regionalization of response and recovery capabilities Radio interoperability Incident Management & Hazmat response capabilities Competitive Application Deadline: Nov. 2nd, 2007 Scored by State Homeland Security Grant Review Committee. Grant Outreach Sessions (Concord, Keene, Portsmouth, Littleton): Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. Friday, October 5, 2007 at 1:00 p.m. For more information: Contact the Grants Management Unit at 271 -7663 www.nh.gov/safety/homeland/html
Homeland Security - continued 2007 State Homeland Security Grant Program – $3,820,000 80% Local Share – $3,056,000 Fire/EMS Interoperability Initiative – $700,000 Hazmat Team Funding – $400,000 Training – $250,000 Exercises – $250,000 Critical Infrastructure Protection – $350,000 Local Bioterrorism Respiratory Health Coordinated with the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management – $350,000 Competitive Applications – $756,000 Planning – $200,000 DHS Approved Investment Projects – $556,000 Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program 80% Local Share – $2,184,000 Critical Infrastructure Protection – $350,000 Training – $200,000 Exercises – $100,000 Competitive Fusion Center Applications (TBA) – $1,534,000
Transportation Funding Transportation Enhancement (TE) Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality State Aid Bridge and Highway Safe Routes to Schools Scenic Byways
Transportation Funding Transportation Enhancement (TE) $3.2M annual set-aside in Federal Aid program Eligible projects (there are others): Bicycle & pedestrian facilities (but not preservation or maintenance of existing) Scenic highway programs; landscaping Rehabilitation of historic structures related to transportation; Preservation of abandon rail corridors others – see program info Reimbursement program, not “grant” Competitive selection process administered by RPCs, selected by State TE Advisory Committee Next ‘round’: Spring 2009; applications likely due August 2009 Most are municipally managed 80%-20% federal/local Contact: your RPC or Ram Maddali, Project Manager, NHDOT, 271-6581; rmaddali@dot.state.nh.us
Transportation Funding Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality parallel program to TE; similar set-up $8.0M annual set-aside in Federal Aid program Eligible projects must produce air quality benefits in the “non-attainment area” of NH (parts of Rockingham, Strafford and Hillsborough counties): Expanded or new transit services (capital & 3-year operating support) Ride share and vanpool projects Traffic management; signalization coordination/optimization; Travel demand management (employer trip reduction prog. etc.) Bicycle & pedestrian facilities others – see program info Competitive selection process administered by RPCs, selected by State CMAQ Advisory Committee Next ‘round’ announcement: Spring 2009; applications likely due August 2009 80%-20% federal/local Contact: Your RPC or Ram Maddali, Project Manager, NHDOT, 271-6581; rmaddali@dot.state.nh.us
Transportation Funding State Aid Bridge and Highway Contact: Nancy Mayville, NHDOT Bureau of Planning and Community Assistance; 271-1609; nmayville@dot.state.nh.us Safe Routes to Schools Contact: John Corrigan, NHDOT Bureau of Planning and Community Assistance; 271-3344; jcorrigan@dot.state.nh.us Scenic Byways Contact: Bill Watson, NHDOT Bureau of Planning and Community Assistance; 271-3344; bwatson@dot.state.nh.us
Planning Grants REPP – Innovative Land Use Controls NHDES/RPCs technical assistance for implementation Contact your RPC or Eric Williams @ NHDES 271-2358; ewilliams@des.state.nh.us Housing & Conservation Planning Program Pilot program administered by OEP to provide planning grants for assistance in planning for housing and conservation (SB-217) Eligibility: municipalities only 4 grant stages: research, strategy; master plan update; implementation (zoning, regulations) Two application rounds per year Contact: Jennifer Czysz , Senior Planner, NHOEP; 271-2155, jennifer.czysz@nh.gov Inclusionary Zoning Assistance Program (IZIP) Direct technical assistance grants up to $10,000 to develop and adopt inclusionary housing ordinances Administered by NH Housing Finance Authority Contact: Ben Frost, NH Housing Finance Authority; 310-9361, bfrost@nhhfa.org
Planning Grants - continued Transportation Tech. Assistance Local TA element of MPO/RPC regional transportation planning programs At the discretion of RPC regarding Focused on land use/transportation integration Examples: NRPC iTRAC program; RPC matching planning grants Transportation Corridor Studies (SPR) NHDOT funding innovative transportation planning grants Administered via RPCs Typically single or multi-town corridor studies Typically 1-2 per RPC awarded every other year
CTAP Grants Assistance Program Year One Program Intended to provide assistance to towns in identifying and applying for grant opportunities consistent with community goals Elements: Grants Workshop Grants Resource Guide/Website Grants consultation/grant writing Grant writing assistance Funds Available NOW $1200 available per community Funds unused after 2008 pooled for larger projects May be used with discretionary grants Contact: Cliff Sinnott, Rockingham Planning Commission; 778-0885; csinnott@rpc-nh.org