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M ultimedia Thematic Project Teaching Presentation Lesson 1 Romeo and Juliet

M ultimedia Thematic Project Teaching Presentation Lesson 1 Romeo and Juliet. by Flordeliza Dalit-Kakudo. Introduction Romantic Tragedies.

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M ultimedia Thematic Project Teaching Presentation Lesson 1 Romeo and Juliet

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  1. Multimedia Thematic Project Teaching PresentationLesson 1Romeo and Juliet by Flordeliza Dalit-Kakudo

  2. IntroductionRomantic Tragedies Devastating tragedies occur in our world. Death due to hatred brings upon the realizations of negative attitudes in how some individuals perceive others whom are different from them (i.e. ethnic backgrounds, economic classes, genders, and disabilities).

  3. IntroductionRomantic Tragedies A romantic tragedy, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare revolve around this universal theme, bringing students to understand that unnecessary hatred and death should not be in existence in our society and their own lives.

  4. Learning Objectives • Students will be able to understand about a romantic tragedy when given the opportunity to read Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare with 90% accuracy. • Students will be able to understand about a romantic tragedy when given the opportunity to view a DVD of Romeo and Juliet by Franco Zeffirelli with 90% accuracy. • Students will be able to create a 10-slide PowerPoint Presentation analyzing the theme in Romeo and Juliet andhow it relates to our world today when given a computer with Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 or 2007 and Internet access with 90% accuracy. • Students will be able to present their PowerPoint presentation to the class when given a computer and multimedia projector with 90% accuracy.

  5. Methods • The lesson will begin with an all class discussion, led by the teacher, about romantic tragedies. This will be followed by the teacher leading the class in an example of one romantic tragedy, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. • Small student groups will be formed to discuss (5 minutes) the theme in the story. (Homework assignment was to read Romeo and Juliet). • The teacher will show the movie Romeo and Juliet by Franco Zeffirelli. After, small groups will be formed to discuss (5 minutes) how the story relates to our world today and our personal lives. • Students will use the computer to access PowerPoint, Internet and Microsoft Word to complete assignments (10-slide PowerPoint Presentation) • Students will use the computer and multi-media projector to present their PowerPoint presentations. • Students will work on Crossword Puzzle 1 – Romeo and Juliet Review

  6. Media • A TV and DVD player will be used to show the movie Romeo and Juliet by Franco Zeffirelli. • Computers will be used to create PowerPoint Presentations. • The Internet will be used to gather information and pictures for PowerPoint presentations. • A computer and multi-media projector will be used to present PowerPoint

  7. Materials • Romeo and Juliet books • Romeo and Juliet video • TV and DVD Player • Computers with Microsoft PowerPoint and Internet access • Student informational/instructional handouts Basic PowerPoint - Inserting Music - Inserting Pictures • Crossword Puzzle 1 – Romeo and Juliet Review • Student rubrics • Teacher assessment rubrics (same as the student rubric)

  8. Utilizing Materials Teacher leads class discussion about the theme in the romantic tragedy Romeo and Juliet, as read in the book and seen in the movie. Additionally, how this relates to our world today and personal lives. Discussion questions will be written on a poster board.

  9. Utilizing Materials Discussion Questions • What was the basic theme in the story? • Why do you think the Capulets and the Montagues dislike each other? • What do you think led to the families disliking each other? • Why do you think Romeo and Juliet continued their relationship even though they knew their parents would be against it? • What could Romeo and Juliet have done to resolve the dispute between their families? • What do you think the Prince meant when he said, “All are punished!” • What relationships are you aware today where there were tensions among families? • How would this affect our world? • How would this affect your personal life?

  10. Utilizing Materials • Students form into small groups of no more than four to further discuss (15-20 minutes) in detail the questions above and to write their answers on a piece of paper. • In the computer lab, students will create their own PowerPoint presentation, which will include an analysis of the theme in the romantic tragedy and how it relates to our world today.

  11. Utilizing Materials Students will be introduced to website links (below) to information, pictures and music, which will be required components in their PowerPoint presentation. Later, their presentations will be presented to the entire class. Student Resources: Internet Website links • Quotes from: Romeo and Juliet http://www.literary-quotations.com/r/romeo_and_juliet.html • The Music of Romeo and Juliet 1968 http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/9251/sound68.html • The Pictures of 1968’s Romeo and Juliet http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055614/mediaindex?page=1

  12. PowerPoint Presentation Requirements Create 10-slide PowerPoint Presentation • Slide 1: Title, picture from the drama, student name • Slide 2: One quote from the drama, one picture and music • Slide 3: Introduction – Focused chosen theme • Slide 4: Paragraph 1 (Slide 4-8 is the analysis of the theme in • Slide 5: Paragraph 2 the drama and how it relates to our world today) • Slide 6: Paragraph 3 • Slide 7: Paragraph 4 (Slide 3-9: Student choice of pictures and music) • Slide 8: Paragraph 5 • Slide 9: Conclusion (All slides: Student choice of slide layout, • Slide 10: References transitions, and other creative enhancements) • Students are given Student Resources: Internet Websites links to insert required quotes, pictures and music into their presentation.

  13. Assessments • Rubric (PowerPoint Presentation Rubric/Assessment) is given to each student. • Rubric (PowerPoint Presentation Rubric/Assessment) is used as an assessment for the teacher, as well. • In the computer lab, teacher consistently monitors student progress by asking questions about their understanding of the assignment. • Evaluation of instruction including media and methods will be based upon the scores on the rubric.

  14. References Basic Directions for PowerPoint. (2008). Retrieved November 10, 2008, from http://www.spart5.k12.sc.us/technology/TechTips/bas ic_directions_for_powerpoint.htm How to add music to your PowerPoint Presentation. Retrieved November 10, 2008, from http://www.presentationhelper.co.uk/powerpoint_music .htm Inserting Pictures onto Slides. Retrieved November 10, 2008, from http://www.mightycoach.com/articles/powerpoint/ch4 -insertingpicture.html

  15. References King, Jennifer. (2005). PowerPoint Rubric. Retrieved November 10, 2008, from http://sroki.com/PowerPoint Rubric.htm Romeo and Juliet Review Crossword Puzzle 1. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from http://www.argo217.k12.il.us/departs/english/blettier e/R&Jcrossword.htm

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