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Chapter 6 Study Guide

Chapter 6 Study Guide. Ancient China. 1. What landform separates China from its neighbor in the north?. Gobi Desert. 2. What is China’s climate like in the northeastern and eastern sections?. NE = cold and dry E = receives more rainfall.

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Chapter 6 Study Guide

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  1. Chapter 6 Study Guide Ancient China

  2. 1. What landform separates China from its neighbor in the north? • Gobi Desert

  3. 2. What is China’s climate like in the northeastern and eastern sections? • NE = cold and dry • E = receives more rainfall

  4. 3. In which direction do China’s mountain ranges tend to run? • China’s mountain ranges tend to run from east to west.

  5. 4. What is the result of China’s rivers flooding and leaving behind silt deposits? • People began to grow crops in the rich soil.

  6. 5. Who founded the Xia dynasty? • Yu the Great

  7. 6. How did Chinese society change during the Shang dynasty? • The social order in China became more organized.

  8. 7. What was the social order under the Shang? • Nobles • Artisans • Farmers • Slaves

  9. 8. What were the Shang the first people in China to do? • Develop a writing system

  10. 9. According to Zhou kings, what gave them the power to lead? • Heaven

  11. 10. Why did Zhou leaders grant land to people? • To purchase people’s loyalty and support

  12. 11. What were Confucius’s guidelines regarding family authority? • Fathers were the head of the household • Wives should obey their husbands • Children should respect their parents

  13. 12. What did Confucius’s idea of Moral Leadership mean? • Leaders should act decently and always try to do the right thing.

  14. 13. What was the book that compiled the ideas of Confucius? • Analects

  15. 14. What was the philosophy of Daoism? • All people should live in harmony with nature.

  16. 15. How were Confucianism and Legalism similar? • Both philosophies were intended to help society.

  17. 16. Who was Laozi? • The most famous Daoist teacher

  18. 17. What does Shi Huangdi mean? • “first emperor”

  19. 18. How did Shi Huangdi show he was a follower of Legalism? • He created a strong government with strict laws.

  20. 19. What values were important to Shi Huangdi? • Invasion • Control • Morals

  21. 20. What dynasty unified China? • China became unified under Qin rule.

  22. 21. Why did Shi Huangdi have the Great Wall of China built? • To protect the nation

  23. 22. After Shi Huangdi died what happened to his dynasty? • As soon as he died the country fell into civil war

  24. 23. What was Liu Bang’s approach to ruling China? • Moderate and reasonable

  25. 24. What was China’s official government policy under Wudi? • Confucianism

  26. 25. How was the Han social order different from Shang social order? • Peasants had a higher rank during the Han dynasty the during the Shang dynasty

  27. 26. What was of the highest importance to Chinese people during the Han dynasty? • Honoring one’s family

  28. 27. What led China to make contact with outside cultures? • The Chinese empire became prosperous with advances in manufacturing.

  29. 28. What did the iron plow and wheelbarrow allow Chinese people to do? • Till more land and raise more crops

  30. 29. Where did the Silk Road begin and end? • The Silk road began in China and ended at the Mediterranean Sea.

  31. 30. What was the effect on china of the popularity of silk in Rome? • China became wealthy

  32. 31. What was the background of Confucius? • Born in poverty • Worked in government • Became a teacher • Philosopher

  33. The Silk Road • Camels were loaded with silk and other valuables • The caravan left China with armed guards • Local traders took the silk to its final destination • The silk was traded for gold, silver, or gems

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