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CTSA Update – QOL Survey. Committee has focused on QOL Survey Sent to both subcommittees for review and feedback Additional revisions were made at the 5/24/11 CTSA Subcommittee meeting Survey piloted in June 2011 Translated into Spanish and Mandarin
CTSA Update – QOL Survey Committee has focused on QOL Survey Sent to both subcommittees for review and feedback Additional revisions were made at the 5/24/11 CTSA Subcommittee meeting Survey piloted in June 2011 Translated into Spanish and Mandarin Final ONLINE and PAPER surveys went “live” in July 2011.
CTSA Update—QOL Survey • SURVEY CONTENT • Demographics • Age, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Income, etc. • Live/Work Communities • Quality of Life (LIVE only) • Ex: My community is a safe place to live. • Strengths of Community (up to 5) • Potential Improvements (up to 5) • Health-related Issues for Community (up to 5)
CTSA Update – Dissemination Plan Tier 1 Focus on electronic survey Strategic distribution of link through committee members & their networks Links will be placed in various newsletters, websites, etc. Timeline: June-August 2011 Will track distribution of link to the best of our ability using a tracking form filled out by committee members Tier 2 Focus on paper survey and targeted distribution of electronic survey Strategic distribution of the survey through committee members, their networks, & community events Populations missed with Tier 1 link distribution will be targeted in Tier 2 to ensure representative sample of county residents Timeline: June-August 2011 TIERED APPROACH EXTEND ALL VERSIONS THROUGH OCTOBER
CTSA Update – Dissemination Language has been drafted to accompany the survey as it is distributed. Serves as an introduction to the survey and provides link to more information about HIP-Cuyahoga All survey materials prepared and distributed through the PRCHN WE WILL GIVE YOU MORE INFORMATION ON DISTRIBUTION AT THE END OF OUR UPDATE
Target Population(s) Representative sample of Cuyahoga County GOAL: At least 50 respondents from each municipality, preferably zipcode SO WHERE ARE WE?
OVERALL RESPONSE • As of 9/6/2011, 802 surveys submitted. • # Responses shown on map by ZIPCODE • City-Zipcode pairs on back of map • “Demographics”: Characteristics of current respondents. • “Active Links”: Groups currently with surveys “in the field”
How you can help Instructions for requesting a unique web link or paper surveys
Survey Versions • 2 versions of the survey • Online (preferred option) • Paper • English • Spanish • Mandarin Chinese
Online version • For the online version, you can request a link that will be unique to you or your organization • All links will start- http://tinyurl.com/hipcuyahoga • There will be a number following hipcuyahoga (i.e. hipcuyahoga3 or hipcuyahoga14) which will distinguish one organization from another • All links lead to the same survey • The unique link is a way for us to track where the responses are coming from
Paper version • For the paper version, you can request a specified number of surveys that you would like to distribute • Specify how many English, Spanish, and Chinese surveys you need when making your request • You will be asked to return the completed surveys to the PRCHN as soon as possible after they have been completed • Contact Gabby Markoff (gem8@case.edu) or Laura Danosky (lmd68@case.edu) to arrange a pick up or drop off time and location
Request form A request form has been included in the packets you received today To receive a link or paper surveys, please complete the form and return it using the contact information at the bottom of the page Our preferred method of administration is online so please only request paper if you need a translated version or believe you need paper surveys to reach your population
Thanks! Laura Danosky lmd68@case.edu 216.368.5745 Gabby Markoff gem8@case.edu Fax number: 216.368.2610
CHSA Update: Indicators Sub-committee held meetings in June and August Committee reviewed selection of the “top 5” indicators for each of the 11 domains (recall these indicators were presented at the June 3rd HIP-C meeting) Committee attempted to identify potential data sources as well as potential challenges for the selected indicators Worked with CASE MPH program to identify intern to assist with the CHSA (Jenny Shin was selected in August) Brought CHSA intern up to speed on the HIP-Cuyahoga initiative
Community Health Status Assessment 11 Domains of the CHSA data: • Demographic characteristics • Socioeconomic characteristics • Health resource availability • Quality of life • Behavioral risk factors • Environmental health indicators • Social and mental health • Maternal and child health • Death, illness, and injury • Infectious disease • Sentinel events
CHSA Update: Indicators – cont’d Things that are being considered: Years data are available Smallest geographic level available Will data be available over time for trending? Can the indicator be impacted over time (i.e. respond to an intervention or secular change over time)? Limitations (e.g. internal and external validity, face validity, consistency, etc…)
CHSA Update: Indicators – cont’d • CHSA intern started a “level 2” scan of the data sources initially purposed by the sub-committee to help inform the analytic plan • The “level 2” scan is assessing whether or not the data be analyzed by: • Age groups (e.g. < 18, 18-64, and 65+) • Gender • Race/Ethnicity • Poverty levels • Education level
CTSA Update – Future Activity Identify any remaining data sources needed Complete the “level 2 scan” Complete the analytic plan Determine CHSA report format Respond to QOL survey surveys to determine if additional indicators need to be pursued Work with CTHS sub-committee to determine “final” report format
CHSA Update – Draft Timeline 9/30/11Confirm availability of data and complete “level 2” assessment 10/31/11Complete data analyses 11/30/11 First draft of CHSA report 12/31/11 Receive feedback on draft report 1/31/12 Complete “final” draft of CHSA report