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Spring Survey of SCSU students 2006. Statement of Methodology. The SCSU Survey is an ongoing survey research extension of the Social Science Research Institute in the College of Social Sciences at St. Cloud State University.
Statement of Methodology
The SCSU Survey is an ongoing survey research extension of the Social Science Research Institute in the College of Social Sciences at St. Cloud State University.
The Survey’s faculty directors are Dr. Steve Frank (SCSU Professor of Political Science), Dr. Steven Wagner (SCSU Professor of Political Science) and Dr. Michelle Kukoleca Hammes (SCSU Associate Professor of Political Science).
STUDENT SUPERVISING DIRECTOR • Ms. Sara Lohrman, 3rd Year Student, Political Science Major, Public Administration minor, Willmar, Minnesota. STUDENT TECHNICAL CONSULTANT • Mr. Jason Amunrud, 4th Year Student, Computer Science Major, Shoreview, Minnesota.
SURVEY LAB STUDENT DIRECTORS • Ms. Ngoc Phan, 4th Year Student, Political Science Major, Sociology Minor, St. Cloud, Minnesota • Ms. Nicole Severson, 4th Year Student, Public Administration Major, Photo Journalism Minor, Sauk Rapids, Minnesota • Mr. Will Floersheim, 2nd Year Student, Political Science and Social Studies Education Major, Little Falls, Minnesota • Ms. Elizabeth Walters 4th Year student, Statistics Major, Spanish Minor Burnsville, Minnesota • Mr. Mathew Bromelkap, 3rd Year student, Political Science Major, Maple Grove, Minnesota • Ms. Heather Schwebach, 3rd Year Student, Psychology Major, Management Minor, Lennox, South Dakota • Mr. Tim Ehlinger, 2nd Year Student, Social Studies Education with Emphasis in Sociology, Avon, Minessota • Ms. Jackie Swanson, 3rd Year Student, Political Science Major, International Relations minor, Brainerd, MN. • Ms. Brittany Speich, 3rd Year Student, Political Science and Public Relations, Bayport, MN.
SCSU Survey Lab • The SCSU Survey performs its research in the form of telephone interviews. • The SCSU Survey operates the CATI Lab in Stewart Hall 324. The CATI Lab, which stands for Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing Lab, is equipped with 13 interviewer stations. • The SCSU Survey is licensed to use Sawtooth Software’s Ci3 Questionnaire Authoring Version 4.1, a state-of-the-art windows-based computer-assisted interviewing package. This program allows us to develop virtually any type of questionnaire while at the same time programming edit and consistency checks and other quality control measures to insure the most valid data.
Calls were made at various times during the week (Monday through Thursday, 4:30 to 9:30) and on Sunday afternoon and evening to maximize contacts and ensure equal opportunities to respond among various demographic groups. The survey was administered from Sunday, April 2 through Tuesday, April 10.
Several steps were taken to ensure that the telephone sample of SCSU students was representative of the larger student population. The sample was drawn proportional to the currently enrolled student population by the Minnesota State College and University (MnSCU) Regional Center. The sample was comprised of 1,600 currently enrolled students who had a telephone anywhere in the state of Minnesota.
The calling system maintains full and detailed records, including the number of attempts made to each number and the disposition of each attempt. In order to reach hard-to-get respondents each number was called up to ten times over different days and times and appointments made as necessary to interview the designated respondent at her/his convenience. Initial refusals were contacted and many were converted to completions.
The sample consists of 502 respondents. In samples of 502 interviews, the sample error due to sampling and other random effects is approximately plus/minus four percent at the 95 percent confidence level. This means that if one were to have drawn 20 samples of the student population and administered the same instrument it would be expected that the overall findings would be greater/lesser than four percent only one time in twenty. • When analysis is made of sub-samples such as respondents who live in university residence halls, or when the sample is broken down by variables such as gender, the sample error may be larger.
The demographics such as gender, dorm resident, ethnic status, year of birth, etc. of the sample match known characteristics of the student population very well. Because of this no weighting of the sample was deemed necessary.
The cooperation rate of the survey was 81 percent. Cooperation rate means that once we reached an eligible respondent, more than eight of ten respondents agreed to participate in the survey. • The cooperation rate is determined by adding the number of completed interviews (502) to the total number of refusals (118) and dividing the number of completed interview (502) by the sum of the completions and refusals (620).
Greatest Challenge Facing SCSU, Pride & Direction Heather Schwebach
What do you believe is the greatest challenge facing the St. Cloud State University Community?
Don’t know 27% Other 13% Parking 13% Tuition 11% Substance abuse 8% Diversity 6% Overall reputation 3% Image 2% Advising 2% St. Cloud community 2% State financial support 1% SCSU building surplus 1% Apathy 1% SCSU building surplus 1% Buildings 1% Civility 1% Course major offerings 1% Enrollment growth 1% Facility quality 1% Jobs for graduates 1% Keeping up technology 1% Sports reputation 1% Student quality 1% Biggest challenge for Spring 2006 Survey
Consistent Challenges Facing SCSU Source: SCSU Spring Student Survey
Ranking of Top 5 Challenges Facing SCSU Source: SCSU Spring Student Survey, April 2001, 2002, 2006
Do you always, usually, sometimes, not very often or never feel proud to be a student at St. Cloud State University?
SCSU Pride Source: SCSU Spring Student Survey 2006
SCSU Pride Compared to Past Years Source: SCSU Spring Student Survey
Highlights • More persons of color report always feeling proud to be SCSU students than Caucasians • Asians 50% • Hispanic 50% • African Americans 33% • Whites 35% • Males and females views do not differ, they are about the same • 48% of international students say they always feel proud to be students at SCSU
Do you think that SCSU is on the right track or do you think SCSU is going in the wrong direction?
SCSU On the Right Track or Going the Wrong Direction Source: SCSU Spring Student Survey
Highlights • No difference on and off campus students • No difference due to class standing • No difference between international & US students • No difference between males and females
Please think of a thermometer that has a range of 0 to 100 degrees. I'd like you to rate your feelings toward some campus figures and other people who are in the news. Ratings on the thermometer between 50 and 100 degrees mean that you feel favorable and warm toward the person. Ratings between 0 and 50 mean that you do not feel too favorable toward the person. If we come to a person whose name you don't recognize, you don't need to rate that person. Just tell me and we will move on to the next one. If you do recognize the name, but do not feel particularly warm or cold toward the person, you would rate the person at the 50-degree mark.
Feeling Thermometer Means 2005 & 2006 Source: SCSU Survey April 2006 n=502 April 2005 n=503 *means based only on those who can rate 2006 n for Bush (490) Saigo (356) Kutcher (134)
Feeling Thermometer % Stating Don’t Know/Can’t Judge Refused 2005 & 2006 Source: SCSU Survey April 2006 n=502 April 2005 n=503
Some Feeling Thermometer Findings • In 2001 we asked students to pick the student government president from a list of four names • 17% were able to identify the president. • For President Bush there was little difference by ethnic status • Republican students =65 Democrats=19 • For Student Government President this year, there was little difference in rating by class standing, international student or not, but some gender difference • Females=57 Males=48
Student GovernmentandIn-House Elections By: Ngoc Phan
Now I have some questions about SCSU's student government and in-house elections. In-house elections are the special election of officers by members of the student government when there is an unscheduled vacancy.
Are you aware that our current SCSU student government vice president was elected through an in-house election and not through an election open to all students? • Respondents who are unaware outnumber those aware by a magnitude of five Source: SCSU 2006 Student Survey
In general, do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the use of in-house elections? • 15 percentage points difference between agree and disagree • 21% don’t know’s Source: SCSU 2006 Student Survey
In your opinion, which of the following is the best choice in regards to in-house elections. Should SCSU Student Government abolish all in-house elections, provide more publicity to students, or do nothing to change it? • Out of the three choices, more than half of respondents preferred the choice of providing more publicity Source: SCSU 2006 Student Survey
Findings:The demographics gender, class, and political party did not have significant effects on any of the three questions.
Spring 2006 Student Survey: Questions on Smoking Matt Bromelkamp
Compare smoking status to how you feel about the smoking ban in the Apocalypse room
Compare smoking status to how you feel about a smoke free campus
Compare smoking status to how you feel about banning smoking in St. Cloud
Other findings • Other demographics such as gender or class standing didn’t give us a good idea of how you would feel about smoking issues or as to whether you smoke
SCSU Spring Student Survey Intercollegiate Athletics and Tailgating at SCSU
Are intercollegiate athletic events an integral part of college life at St. Cloud State? Source: SCSU Spring Survey of Currently Enrolled Students April, 2006, n=502
The importance of intercollegiate athletics to college students • 8 in 10 students (83%) at St. Cloud State find intercollegiate athletics to be an integral part of SCSU college life. • In a national study of college students done for the NCAA in 20041, 87% of students surveyed agreed that attending college or university sporting events was an integral part of college life. 1. 2004 Safe Celebration Study, Data Development Corporation, June 2004, n=986 The survey was conducted for the NCAA, the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), the TEAM Coalition, and Anheuser-Busch.
Would students drink responsibly if allowed to tailgate at SCSU Intercollegiate athletic events? Source: SCSU Spring Survey of Currently Enrolled Students April, 2006, n=502