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ROMA NIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATIOIN National Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development. TOOLS, STRUCTURES AND RESOURCES AT THE SERVICE OF MOBIITY Romania case study. Madlen Serban Barcelona, 26/27 May 2009
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATIOIN National Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development TOOLS, STRUCTURES AND RESOURCES AT THE SERVICE OF MOBIITY Romania case study Madlen Serban Barcelona, 26/27 May 2009 European Conference of the Regions for the promotion of mobility in Technical and Vocational Education and Training
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND YOUTH National Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development “Think global, act local”, the Club of Rome – “Limits to Growth”, 1972 Presentation outline Mobility Romanian VET system Tools Structures Resources Lessons learnt, positive experiences and challenges seen
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATIOIN National Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development • 1. MOBILITY as vehicle for LIFELONG LEARNING (2): • European Quality Charter for Transnational Mobility within the Community for education and training purposes – Recommendation of 18 December 2006: • “Increased support from all stakeholders, including public authorities, for mobility within the EU is needed to improve the quality and effectiveness of education and training systems in Europe”. • The Europass documents, namely the Europass Certificate Supplement (not yet issued under this name) and Europass Mobility, are describing the qualifications and the competences achieved by each single learner (they integrate ECVET concepts).
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND YOUTH National Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development • 2. VET in Romania is delivered through • Initial VET • by the formal education system – TVET: medium and long term oriented in support of the career perspective, having academic and professional recognition • by apprenticeship: short term oriented for in time demand of employers • Continuing VET: short term oriented for in time demand of employers • Main strategic goals of VET are to set up: • A national qualification framework supporting learning portability • To improve lifelong learning for every citizen, focusing on individuals with special education needs • To deliver quality assured education and training
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATIOIN National Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development • 2. Romanian VET system elements: • TOOLS: • National Qualification Framework (NQF) and systems – inspired by EQF • Transfer and accumulation credits - similar to ECVET • NQAF inspired by EQARF • STRUCTURES: • sectoral • territorial • RESOURCES: • ESF SOP HRD 2007-2013 • LLL integrated programme
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATIOIN National Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development • 3. TOOLS: • NQF(EQF) –transparency, allowing learning portability between pathways and over time • outcomes based education: learning outcomes based study programmes/curriculum – started in 1997 and finalized in 2003, since than updating is done annually • Learning outcomes for legibility or transparency of learning • curriculum has a modular structure; the module is a unit of learning outcomes. Units can be assessed, validated and recognised. • validation and recognition of prior learning (competences and qualifications): assessment centres for validation – since 2005, not yet operational the recognition
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND YOUTH NATIONAL CENTRE FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONAND TRAINING DEVELOPMENT TRAINING STANDARDS (TS) - a document describing the competences units of a qualification which is an aggregated result of competences specific to one or more occupations, as defined by occupational standard(s) Include: Competences units – statements based on a coherent set of learning outcomes Reference level Credit value Competences/ related learning outcomes Performance criteria Learning environment conditions Assessment criteria www.tvet.ro
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND YOUTH National Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development • 3. TOOLS: NQAF (EQARF) - trust National Quality Assurance Framework in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (NQAF in TVET) has been developed on the basis of the European Common Quality Assurance Framework for VET (CQAF in VET) in 2003 and implies: Authorization/ Accreditation procedures to respond to Conformity (minimal requirements stated by the Law as standards); External review on a regular basis; Benchmarking to be implemented (optimal requirements stated by the Law as reference standards); Trust of TVET beneficiariesto be consolidated through the practice of self-assessment.
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND YOUTH National Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development • 3. TOOLS:NQAF in TVET-Elements of conformity • Curricular standards • National Curriculum based on Training Standards which are based on Occupational Standards validated by Sectoral Committees • Local Developed Curriculum: allows contextualization and customization to employers needs • Accreditation of school or schools’ programmes • School inspection as external monitoring and external evaluation • Semi-External national exams: participation of employers in the certification exams • Accreditation of competences assessment centres
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATIOIN National Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development • 3. TOOLS: ECVET – mobility • credits definition and credit points • Credit is given for assessed and documented learning outcomes of a learner. • Numerical information about units and qualifications • portability of credits • Credit can be transferred to other contexts and accumulated to achieve a qualification on the basis of the qualifications related training standards • Workbased learning is based on school-enterprise agreements/pedagogical annex is listing the competences to be achieved, workplaces facilitating learning, and competences assessment arrangements • Mutual trust and partnership among participating organisations. These are expressed in Memoranda of Understanding and Learning Agreements
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATIOIN National Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development 4. STRUCTURES: • STRUCTURES: associative, pluri-partnership, thematic: • sectoral • territorial
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION RESEARCH AND YOUTH National Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development 4.2. Roles distribution in some of the TVET functions Abbreviations
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND YOUTH National Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development • 4.3.Empowering structures: • -institutional learning through TVET schools inter-assistance networks- • All TVET schools are associated in inter institutional assistance networks, so they can cooperate in developing and implementing mobility, monitoring, evidence collecting for feed back reporting, and experience exchange : • 2004: 122 Phare TVET schools were connected in inter institutional assistance networks, to benefit from the 22 resource centers expertise in QA; • 2005: the networks were extended to 150 more Phare TVET schools, from rural areas; • 2006: all (1367) TVET schools were associated in inter institutional assistance networks • 2007 and 2008 (1316): TVET school network is improving
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATIOIN National Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development • 5. RESOURCES • ESF SOP HRD 2007-2013 • Key Areas of Intervention supporting • Work based learning in the country and abroad • Capacity building for those institutions having roles and responsibilities in creating, facilitating and improving mobility benefits • LLL integrated programme
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND YOUTH National Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development 6. Lessons learnt, positive experiences and challenges seen • Role distributions and authority, responsibility and accountability of institutions – coordination of all institutions acting in mobility management • Support programmes to continue to be implemented • Definition of the school performance to include mobility • Status of mobility actors to be recognised (i.e. tutors, mentors) • Data base development at national level for including the school performance (mobility included) evidences in view of benchmarking • Good practices more dissemination at local, regional and national level
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