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ROMA NIA MINISTR Y OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION National Center for Development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Programme Implementation Unit Phare TVET RO 2006/018- .01.
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION National Center for Development of Technical and Vocational Education and TrainingProgramme Implementation Unit Phare TVET RO 2006/018- The Contribution of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training to the Regional Development Head of Service for Forecasting the development of the TVET educational offer Marginean Florin Gheorghe
Strategic planning in education Major objective: increasing the contribution of the technical and vocational education and training and of the higher education to the rapid and efficient transition towards a competitive economy based on innovation, and knowledge, participatory and inclusive. The term “strategic planning” is used with the meaning of medium term “forecast” of 5 – 7 years of the offer
Strategic planning template of the vocational training offer in TVET (1) The template suggested and implemented sees to the provision of a relevant vocational training offer in TVET compared to the forecasted needs of the labor market The relevance of the vocational training offer quantitative – deficit of competences and qualifications on the labor market ; qualitative –territorial aspect of the offer (geographic, sectoral), quality of the learning outcomes
Strategic planning template of the vocational training offer in TVET (2) decentralizing the decision and the dissemination thereof on several decision levels, i.e. national, regional, county and local participatory exercise based on the common action of multiple economic and social partners (Regional Consortia, Local Development Committees for the Social Partnership, Partners of the education unit) combines the top-bottom decision flow with the bottom-top flow Strategic planning instruments: the Regional Education Action Plan (REAP) – regional level ; The Local Education Action Plan (LeAp) – county level; the School Action Plan (SAP) – the level of the community in the school action area
Participatory managerial structures Regional Consortia (RC) establishment/functioning: based on the reference terms approved by the Council for managing Phare programmes for economic and social cohesion Interface between the Regional Development Councils (RDC) and the institutions at the county level with attributions in human resources development component: representatives of CSI, AJOFM, ADR, LCDSP, Consultative Councils of AJOFM The presidency is provided by rotation by AJOFM, the secretary is provided by rotation by CSI responsibilities:updating and monitoring REAP; monitoring the LEAP implementation; assisting CSI and LCDSP in updating and monitoring LEAP; contribution to elaborating and monitoring the implementation of the Regional Occupation Action Plan (ROAP). Strategic planning template of the vocational training offer in TVET (3)
The Local Committees for Developing the Social Partnership (LCDSP) establishment/functioning:Framework Regulation for organizaton and functioning approved by OMER no. 3033/ 2001 Consultative managerial structures supporting the CSI/BSI component: representatives of CSI, AJOFM, local authorities, employers’ associations, trade unions, NGOs The presidency is provided by rotation by one of the institutions represented in the LCDSP, the secretary is provided by CSI responsibilities: updating LEAP; monitoring SAP; assisting the school units for updating and implementing SAP; the analysis and approval of the annual schooling plan for TVET; approval of the local componenent of the curriculum for TVET Strategic planning template of the vocational training offer in TVET(4)
Boards of administration of education units (BA) establishment/functioning: The regulation for the organization and functioning of the pre-university education units approved by OMER no. 4925/2005 Decision role in the organization and administrative field component:the principals of the education units, representatives of the teaching staff, the accountant of the education unit, representatives of the local public authorities, of the parent association, of economic agents, institutions and organizations in the local community BA chair – principal of the education unit responsibilities: approves the SAP, approves the annual schooling plan projects Strategic planning template of the vocational training offer in TVET (5)
REAP, LEAP, SAP – instruments for increasing the relevance of the training offer Makes an analysis of the needs at the regional/local/community level (external environment)- per sectors of activity, fields of training, the needs and specificity of the target groups Makes a detailedanalysis of the capacity of the education unit network (internal environment)to answer the needs identified and adapted to change Sets priorities, targets and medium and short term measures extracted from the correlated analysis of the internal and external environment REAP, LEAP, SAP updated annually REAP promotes an integrated approach for TVET and HE
Stages of strategic planning (1) Documenting and drafting the strategic document REAP, LEAP, SAP (planning) - forecast of the workforce demand: Provisional studies on the labor market for the year 2013 (made in 2005), Studies and analyses of the labor market, Inquiries in enterprises (made annually in 2005-2008) - analysis of the demographic, economic and labor market context - early anticipation of the vocational training needs analysis of the TVET system’s capacity recommendations of the monitoring of the REAP, LEAP, SAP implementation analysis of the professional insertion of TVET graduates - action lines
Stages of strategic planning (2) implementation - REAP, LEAP, SAP – starting with 2004 Monitoring/assessment - Monitoring reports - Analysis reports of the insertion of TVET graduates based on the Monitoring methodology of the social-economic insertions of TVET graduates approved by OMERI 6011/2008 - The Phare TVET programme allowed also the elaboration of the Methodology for monitoring the social-economic insertion of HE graduates, approved by OMERI 6012/2008 Update (review) – annually, starting with 2005
Functional chart of the strategic planning template for the vocational training offer in TVET Ministry of Education, Research and Youth Drafting education and vocational training policies Social Dialogue Commission Approves documents for policies and strategies and deeds REAP: forecast of the medium term vocational training offer (regional level) Consorţiul Regional Elaborează / actualizează PRAI şi monitorizează PRAI şi PLAI Regional Development Council REAP approval LEAP: forecast of the medium term vocational training offer (regional level) Local Development Committee for the Social Partnership Elaborates / updates LEAP and monitors LEAP and SAP School Inspectorate LEAP approval Board of Adminstration Elaborates / updates and monitorsSAP SAP: institutional development and improvement of the quality of the vocational training offer (local level) TVET education unit SAP approval
Future actions and corrective measures(1) Developing the management capacity of participartory managerial structures RC, LCDSP - Incresing the involvement of the school inspectorate in determining the LCDSP and RC to practice their consultative role - Establishment/ development of thematic work groups in RC and LCDSP(sectoral, for HE, etc.) - Increasing the strategic planning capacity of update teams for REAP, LEAP, SAP - Increasing the quality of the monitoring of the REAP, LEAP, SAP implementation Financing sources: Projects with SOP HRD financing for developing the managerial capacity of partner structures
Increasing the quality of strategic planning documents -Improving the data collection from administrative sources - Improving the public consultation process on the strategic planning documents Financing sources: Projects with SOP HRD financing REAP, LEAP, SAP implementation Future actions and corrective measures (2)
Thank you for your attention! Marginean Florin – Head of Service for Forecasting the development of the TVET educational offer www.tvet.ro vet@tvet.ro, florin.marginean@tvet.ro Tel. 0213111162, fax. 0213125498