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Ancient Native American Societies

Chapter 11: Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas. Ancient Native American Societies. Map of Mayas, Aztecs and Incas. ANCIENT MAYANS. Ancient Mayas A) Government: Independent City-States - Rulers: God-kings - Kings who were worshipped as gods - Similar to the Egyptian

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Ancient Native American Societies

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  1. Chapter 11: Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas Ancient Native American Societies

  2. Map of Mayas, Aztecs and Incas

  3. ANCIENT MAYANS • Ancient Mayas • A) Government: Independent • City-States • - Rulers: God-kings • - Kings who were worshipped • as gods • - Similar to the Egyptian • pharaoahs

  4. Government: Mayans -cont: B) Social Structure: Mayan society had a social structure C) Religion: Worshipped many gods -Polytheistic D) Economy: Agriculturally based - Farming E) Communication: Used writing

  5. Science & Technology: Mayans -Cont: F) Science and Technology: - Used TWO calendars - Built pyramids - Practiced astronomy II. Ancient Aztecs A) Government: Military empire - Conquered many peoples

  6. Mayan Architecture A picture of a Mayan Temple -Most Famous: Tikal, and Chichen-Itza

  7. Mayan Writing This is a picture of Mayan glyphs - CALLED A CODEX

  8. Aztec Social Structure -cont: B) Social Structure: Had a social structure with slaves at the bottom of society C) Religion: Worshipped many gods - Sacrificed humans to their gods - Quetzalcoatl: The god of corn D) Economy: Agriculturally based - Farming

  9. Aztec Communications -cont: E) Communications: Had a system of writing -painted pictures to tell stories - similar to Mayans F) Science and Technology: - Used TWO calendars - Built pyramids and aqueducts

  10. Aztec Achievements This is a typical Aztec temple-Found in Teotichuan, Mexico

  11. The God Quetzalcoatl The god (Quetzalcoatl) was often depicted as a Feathered serpent

  12. III. The Ancient Inca A) Government: An empire -Strong central government B) Social Structure: - all citizens were equal - all had to give a MITA to the government - a labor tribute The Ancient Inca

  13. Religion of the Incas C) Religion: - Polytheistic (worshipped many gods) D) Communication: Did not have a system of writing -kept organized records with a QUIPU - a knotted rope

  14. Inca Science and Technology E) Science and Technology: - Had an elaborate calendar system - Massive water management system - A system of roads

  15. Chapter 7 (pgs 211-219) & Chapter 13 (pgs 377 – 381 & 383-388) AFRICAN TRADING KINGDOMS


  17. Ghana in 1000

  18. Salt Gold Trans-Saharan Trade

  19. GHANA • GHANA • A) Began the Gold-Salt Trade: North & • WestAfrica • A) West Africa-exported GOLD • B) North Africa-exported SALT • -Salt was valuable for curing meats in • the Tropical Wet climate region

  20. The Gold-Salt Trade C) The Islamic religion spread on the gold-salt trade From Northern to Western Africa IV. The Empire of Mali A) SUNDIATA: The founder of Mali - took over in a military defeat B) Mansa Musa was the most famous leader of Mali

  21. Mali in 1350

  22. Mansa Musa -Mansa Musa created new trade routes & gave away so much gold during Hajj that he disrupted the flow of gold in Cairo, Egypt for over 12 years IV. SONGHAI A) SUNNI ALI: King of Songhai - ruled from 1464-1494 (about 30 years) -a military conqueror

  23. Other Rulers: Continued - Captured the city of Timbuktu from Mali

  24. Other Rulers • Sunni Ali established universities in conquered cities -ASKIA MUHAMMED: King of Songhai; rejected Islam - put Sunni Ali’s son out of power & replaced him - created an organized government; tax system (like William the Conqueror)

  25. Songhai in 1500

  26. REVIEW OF ISLAM • The Five Pillars: • One God – Allah • Fasting – during Ramadan • - holy month • C) Charity – alms to the poor • D) Hajj – Pilgrimage to Mecca • E) Prayer – Five times per day

  27. REVIEW OF ISLAM II. The Muslims believe that the DOME OF THE ROCK - Jerusalem Is where Muhammed went up to heaven

  28. REVIEW OF ISLAM The Dome of The Rock

  29. Eastern Africa Nubia/Kush, Axum and Great Zimbabwe

  30. EASTERN AFRICA • East African Societies • Before and during the Middle • Ages 500-1500 AD • Nubia: At the same time as • Ancient Egypt (REVIEW) • -located along the Nile River • -Also called Kush/Cush • -many times conquered by

  31. Ruins of Ancient Nubia These Are remains Of an Ancient Nubian Temple

  32. More Anicent Nubia Here is Another Temple- Notice the Egyptian style

  33. Nubian Priests Nubians Worshipped Egyptian Gods

  34. ANCIENT NUBIA -Cont: Egypt (in war) - in 750 BC they conquered Egypt (under King Pinakhi) -They ruled Egypt over 100 years 1. Capital City – Meroe -Established in 500 BC 2. Achievements: Nubian iron was used by Egyptians

  35. Nubian and Egypt • -Cont: the Nubians gained a lot • from Egypt • -Cultural Diffusion • -They used: • a) Egyptian hieroglyphics • b) Egyptian gods • In about 350 AD Nubia was • conquered by Axum

  36. Axum/Aksum B) Axum: Strategic location - defeated Nubia in 350 AD - located on the Red Sea - led Mediterranean trade 1. Traders from Central & Eastern Africa brought goods to Axum to trade - from Africa to Asia & Europe

  37. A Christian Civilization -cont: 2.Trade brings Religion: - Because of their trade with Europe and Asia -Christianity spread to Axum - By 1200 AD many Christian Churches were in Axum (called Coptic)

  38. Great Zimbabwe C) Great Zimbabwe: “Great Stone Buildings” - known for their impressive architectural ruins 1. Location: Near the Limpopo River 2. Achievements: Improved agriculture, and iron mining

  39. Africa Zambezi River Great Zimbabwe Limpopo River Indian Ocean Map of Great Zimbabwe

  40. Great Zimbabwe A great Stone Wall in Zimbabwe

  41. Great Zimbabwe A stone Tower in Zimbabwe

  42. Chapter 10 (pgs 299-305) Ancient Japan

  43. Japan I. RELIGION. A) Shinto-means the “way of the gods” - Buddhism spread into Japan by Korean travelers - mixed with Shintoism in Japan

  44. Japanese Code of Chivalry • C) Japanese Code Chivalry • 1. Samurai-Local warriors • -protected their lord • 2. Shogun-Supreme general • in the emperor’s army • Read Page: 301

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