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The Val ue of Geo- I nformation for D isaster and Risk Management (VALID)

The Val ue of Geo- I nformation for D isaster and Risk Management (VALID). Robert Backhaus, Sisi Zlatanova. Book project. Outline. Motivation Background Approach Preliminary results Outlook. Increased disaster frequency: storms, floods, volcanoes, fires, earthquakes, …

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The Val ue of Geo- I nformation for D isaster and Risk Management (VALID)

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  1. The Value of Geo-Information for Disaster and Risk Management (VALID) Robert Backhaus, Sisi Zlatanova Book project

  2. Outline Motivation Background Approach Preliminary results Outlook

  3. Increased disaster frequency: storms, floods, volcanoes, fires, earthquakes, … Tremendous damage to property around the world Displacements of tens of thousands of people from their homes. Several geo-information technologies can help: meteorological and Earth observation satellites, communication satellites satellite-based positioning technologies Intelligent Geo-information management analysis Motivation

  4. The use of this technologies requires: political support, laws and regulations, institutional responsibility, trained people. One of the major aims of the UN and JBGIS was to ensure this political support The first step was the first Booklet Motivation

  5. Goal: To make disaster managers and political decision-makers aware of the potential and benefits of using geospatial information in every phase of disaster and risk management Call for papers: no lengthy scientific publications but stories about benefits of technologies, short enough to be read during a coffee break. First Booklet : March 2009

  6. Geophysical: earthquake, tsunami, volcano, mass movement, severe storm, flood, fire, drought, extreme temperature Biological: epidemic, insect infestation, vector diseases Technological/societal: pollution (air, soil, water), industrial facilities failure, terrorist attacks, traffic break down and accidents (air, road, sea). Disaster types

  7. About 70 abstracts received… Written in a non-scientific language Show benefits of geo-information Technology used in real cases Different phases Various disasters Examples from different continents … 16 abstracts selected Selection criteria

  8. Geographical Distribution of Papers

  9. Typhoon Tsunami Earthquake Wildfires Volcano Flood Landslides Dust storms Humanitarian disaster Tunnel structure monitoring Different disasters

  10. We hope the booklet will serve its purpose Editors: Orhan Altan, Robert Backhaus, Piero Boccardo and Sisi Zlatanova

  11. Objectives of the second book project:The Value of Geo-Information for Disaster and Risk Management (VALID) to give evidence of the economic, humanitarian and organizational benefits which can be realized by applying geoinformation to disaster and risk management, to raise awareness in the political and programmatic environment, to set priorities in research and development.

  12. Inconsistencies in Disaster Management (DM) • Geo-Information is mostly applied where it is cheap and less efficient!

  13. Project flow Reference Product Profiles Literature Review, Case Study Monetary Analysis Expert Stakeholder Assessment Editors Group Design & Dissemination Analysis & Editing Scientific Results Standardized Appraisals Publication

  14. Namibian case study (2009 Flooding disaster)

  15. Relative importance of geoinformation products/systems in Disaster Management (Top ten shortlist of a 52 items longlist, by a global web-based stakeholder assessment (n=222) )

  16. Criteria addressed in a detailed web-based stakeholder appraisal of the shortlisted geoinformation products/systems (Analysis of appraisal results ongoing)

  17. Outlook: Envisaged content of the VALID final publication

  18. Editors Group

  19. Thank you for your attention!

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