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The Freshmen Concept: Port Huron High School. Presented by: Liz Tomhave (ELA) & Tina Hendershot (Social Studies). Sound Familiar?. WDYMBT?. O Rly. HMU!. KK. W/E. JK. POS. L8R. G2G. CD9. S2R. SFSG. A/S/L. ROFL. WTH. IDK. BFF. Sound Familiar?. WDYMBT?
The Freshmen Concept:Port Huron High School Presented by: Liz Tomhave (ELA) & Tina Hendershot (Social Studies)
Sound Familiar? WDYMBT? (what do you mean by that?) HMU! (hit me up) O Rly (Oh really) W/E (whatever) KK (ok) JK (just kidding) POS (parent over shoulder) G2G (good to go) L8R (later) S2R (send to receive) SFSG (so far so good) CD9 (code 9) ROFL (roll on floor laughing) IDK (I don’t know) WTH (what the heck) BFF (best friend forever) A/S/L (age/sex/location)
Goals for the Freshmen Concept Goal 1: All students will be engaged in active learning that is relevant and rigorous. Measured: AP monitoring of lesson plans with suggestions given through departmental and team collaboration. Student and parent surveys to be given according to the following schedule: * 1st survey: Early October; Student * 2nd survey: Parent Teacher Conferences; Parent * 3rd survey: End of 1st semester; Student * 4th survey: End 2nd semester; Student * 5th survey: End of school year; Parent Number of Intervention Room referrals decreasing through the year.
Goals for the Freshmen Concept Goal 2: All students will be prepared academically to move into the 10th grade. Measured: Student passage rate for core area classes: * Year 1: 80% + * Year 2: 85% + * Year 3: 90% + Close monitoring of grades and early intervention strategies enacted for struggling students. Practice ACT given to all 9th graders before Christmas break 9th grade skills exam given in four core areas at the completion of 2nd semester.
Goals for the Freshmen Concept Goal 3: All students will have a personal graduation plan in place. • Measured: • Student and parent, with help from PHHS staff, will create a personal plan for graduation; the plan will focus on classes and credits required, in-school clubs and sports offered, outside interests and the future career/collegiate goals for each student. • Plan is monitored over the school year by PHHS staff, parent, and student
Speaking the Same Language: The Freshmen Concept • Mandatory Freshmen Notebook • Intervention Room • Homework Lunch • Tutoring
Mandatory Freshmen Notebook • Organizational binder system • Required for entry into core classes • Different colored “folder” for each core, plus elective(s) • Table of contents kept for each core • Checked by core teachers • Part of 10% notebook & participation grade • “Old” work is taken out after assessment & housed for the semester exam Yellow = ELA Blue = Math Green = Science Red = Social Studies Clear/black = elective
Intervention Room Staff Assistant Principal: Jeff Dennis Counselor: Cara Bagley-Aurand Intervention Coordinator: Sue Harder • Immediate intervention & assistance • Located in the heart of the freshmen wing • Parent phone call; address concerns • Back on track, back in class • Homework Lunch • Tutoring • Team Meetings • Parent Meetings
Homework Lunch Step 1: * Student is behind by 1 + assignments * Teams meet, refer students to HWL * Teacher meets w/student, gives progress report Step 2: * Mrs. Harder contacts student & parent (one-call now) * Student has the weekend to make up work * Student turns in missing work to Mrs. Harder Step 3: * If work is not turned in Monday, student must attend HWL * Student is escorted to IR before their lunch period * Mrs. Harder escorts students to café & back; working lunch * Once assignments are complete, no longer have to attend Step 4: * If student is still in HWL by end of day on Tuesday, parent is called referring student to after-school tutoring * AP referral and further interventions if no progress is made
After-School Tutoring Tutoring is available: * Monday – Thursday * 2:20 – 3:30 * Room 220 (Intervention Room) * NHS student tutors & available staff members Also available: • 21st Century Grant After-School Program • Monday – Thursday, 2:30 – 5:30 • Tutoring, snacks, enrichment opportunities Contact Ann Austin at: aaustin@phasd.us 810-984-2671 Ext 383