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A Staff Recognition Award Scheme

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A Staff Recognition Award Scheme

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    1. A Staff Recognition Award Scheme Michael Marsh Office of Technical Services (OTS) Griffith University

    2. 2 Objective of presentation Outline the development, implementation and effectiveness of the current Griffith University OTS Staff Recognition Award Scheme and provides rationale for award criteria in addition to guidance for organisations wishing to implement a similar scheme.

    3. 3 Background During 2002 a number of discussions took place during managers’ meetings and through staff forums to determine the level of support for a Staff Recognition Award Scheme. No consensus was apparent during discussions at group level so OTS formed a working group with the following objectives and scope:

    4. 4 Objectives of working group Primary: Determine whether staff want a staff Recognition Award Scheme, and if so: Secondary: Develop through a consultative process with staff the appropriate selection criteria for the awarding of staff recognition awards. Determine how staff can be nominated for a staff recognition award. Determine how often award is to be provided. Provide advice regarding disseminating information about award recipients. 

    5. 5 Scope of Working Group Working Group members to comment upon this scope definition and amendments made accordingly. If staff wants this scheme Working Group shall determine what they believe to be an appropriate Staff Recognition Award Scheme in consultation with staff.

    6. 6 Scope of Working Group Cont’d Each Working Group member to focus on a single campus.        Proposed Staff Recognition Award Scheme ideas to be collated and re-distributed to staff. Working Group members to determine which Scheme is preferred option after consultation with staff. Preferred option given to OTS Director for comment. Finally, Decision made and implementation date established.

    7. 7 Preferred option Should be based upon the existing QUT High Performance Computing and Research Support Department scheme within the Information Technology Services and modified to meet OTS specific needs. “Prevent re-inventing the wheel.”

    8. 8 In summary, the recommendations of the working group were as follows: OTS should design and implement a Staff Recognition Award Scheme based upon the QUT model. The scheme should provide for awards other than certificates, but certificates can accompany an award. The award can be issued to teams, not just individuals.

    9. 9 Staff Recognition Award Scheme Categories In recognition of the provision of excellent client service that has resulted in the creation of significant client satisfaction and/or positive comment. In recognition for excellent performance in an OTS (or Griffith University) project, including the display of exceptional project management skills, and/or the exceptional management of a project, and/or the display of exceptional technical skills to facilitate the implementation of a project by any OTS person(s), and whose actions has created significant value and credit to OTS, or has the potential to do so.

    10. 10 Staff Recognition Award Scheme Categories Cont’d In recognition of sustained personal dedication and commitment to their work, which has contributed significant value and benefit to OTS, and/or has attracted positive comment from staff or clients. In recognition of motivation and commitment to OTS’ culture, social spirit, and strategic direction by an OTS employee or team, and whose efforts have assisted in improving the relationships within and between staff, and/or other stakeholder groups, or have brought distinction to OTS.

    11. 11 Staff Recognition Award Scheme Categories Cont’d In recognition of the development of innovative ideas/concepts and/or the effective implementation of innovative ideas and concepts within OTS or wider University context, which have contributed significant organisational or social value, and, In recognition of exceptional leadership by an OTS employee that has resulted in enhanced team, campus or element performance, and has provided enhanced organisational benefits. 

    12. 12 Staff Recognition Award Scheme Categories Cont’d During 2006 the following additional category was introduced: Developing and/or implementing an equity initiative that targets one or more of the following Griffith University equity groups: Women in senior positions; Indigenous Australians; Persons from specific cultural and linguistic backgrounds; Persons with disabilities.

    13. 13 The award process Presented on a 6-monthly basis to up to 4 nominated OTS staff member(s), either as individuals or as part of an OTS team. Any OTS staff member, permanent or casual, can be nominated for this award. Nominations can come from any Griffith University staff member, student or external organisation associated with Griffith University. Staff members can nominate themselves.

    14. 14 The Award – What is it? There are 2 lots of 6-monthly awards and an overall annual winner. The 6-monthly award recipients receive a quality certificate containing a description of the award criteria most personified by the recipient, and a gift voucher to the value of $50.00. If a team wins the 6-monthly award the total of the award will not exceed $200 and will be awarded on the basis of up to $50 per team member up to the maximum of $200. The annual award winner receives a high-quality certificate, plaque and gift voucher to the value of $100. If a team wins the annual award the total of the award will not exceed $400 and is based upon team members being awarded up to $100 each.

    15. 15 Administering the Scheme A panel of 3 OTS nominated members (including a chairperson) administers the scheme. Although not written into the guidelines at least one panel member is a female and only one panel member per campus. Broad range of skills on panel to ensure best coverage and analysis of nominations.

    16. 16 The Process Nominations can be made against any one or more of the seven criteria by the due date using the on-line nomination form. Chairperson reviews nominations and ensures accuracy, guidelines are being followed and that nomination is correct as per the seven criteria. Selection panel meets and makes recommendations to Director after individually reviewing and rating each nomination; then the scores for that nomination are aggregated across the 3-panel members. Award presented by Director at forum (mid-year) and Christmas where annual winner is also announced.

    17. 17 The Process Cont’d Function of the OTS Director in this Award Scheme Executive authority (Not used to date) Addresses grievances (Not used to date) Can be called on to be part of the panel’s deliberations. However, this would normally occur only where there is an impasse or when a panel member is absent (not Used to date). Approves recommendations by panel and presents award.

    18. 18 The Process Cont’d Advertised: Through monthly reports Web-site Committees

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    21. 21 Conclusion OTS believe that the Staff Recognition Award Scheme has benefited staff morale and has provided staff with an additional avenue of recognition regarding the value of services provided to OTS and the wider Griffith University community. Thank you!

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