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I. The First President. Inauguration- Ceremony in which president takes the oath of office. Precedent- Action that serves as an example. A. Executive Branch ( Pres). 1. Created four depts of the executive branch a. Treasury- Hamilton b. War- Knox c. State- Jefferson
I. The First President Inauguration- Ceremony in which president takes the oath of office. Precedent- Action that serves as an example
A. Executive Branch ( Pres) • 1. Created four depts of the executive branch • a. Treasury- Hamilton • b. War- Knox • c. State- Jefferson • d. Attorney General- Randolph
III. Hamilton’s Financial Plan • A. Paying the Debt • 1. AH felt paying off the debt would give new govt credibility • 2. So
B. Establishing the Judiciary • 1. Congress passed the Judiciary Act of 1789 • 2. This act created the Supreme Co
II. Nation’s 1st Economic Crisis • 1. Nation was $52 million in debt • 2. Speculators- Bought bonds from former buyers hoping to make a profit. • 3. Should govt. pay speculators?
III. Hamilton’s Financial Plan • A. Paying the Debt • 1. Hamilton felt paying off the debt would give govt. credibility • 2. South disagreed- They paid their debt, why couldn’t other states? • 3. South agreed to this only after an agreement was made to put the capital in the South.
B. National Bank • 1. Would issue paper $ • 2. Hold govt. deposits • 3. Some said bank was unconstitutional • 4. Strict vs. Loose Construction • 5. Bank was est. in 1791
C. High Tariff • 1. Tax imported goods • 2. Raise $ • 3. Protect domestic goods. Didn’t pass because Southerns disagreed.
IV. The Whiskey Rebellion • 1. Congress imposed a tax on all whiskey. • 2. Farmers were mad. Compared Congress to the Brits. Many refused to pay. • 3. 1794 farmers rebelled – burned house of tax collector. • 4. Washington led 13,000 troops to put down rebellion. • 5. Precedent by Washington?
Section 8.3 • I. Conflicts in the NW Territory • A. A struggle over lands • 1. Indians opposed white settlement of their lands. • 2. U.S. govt tried to force Indians to sell their lands.
B. A Series of Battles • 1. GW sent troops to end Indian resistance • 2. US troops were soundly beaten by Little Turtle and Blue Jacket. • 3. GW sent Anthony Wayne to lead troops. • 4. Wayne defeated Indians at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. • 5. Treaty of Greenville gave US most of Ohio.
II. The French REvolution • 1. France revolted against their monarchy. • 2. Most in US supported the revolt at first. • 3. Later on. . .
4. France and GB were at war. • 5. U.S. wanted to stay neutral, but they also wanted to continue trading w/ both countries.
III. Jay’s Treaty • 1. U.S. agreed to pay debts to GB merchants. • 2. GB agreed to pay for ships seized. • 3. GB agreed to w/draw troops from NW Terr. • 4. GB agreed to stop aiding Indians there.
IV. Washington Retires From Public Life • 1. Warned against political factions and getting involved in foreign affairs.
Section 8.4 • I. Troubles with France • A. XYZ Affair • 1. Three guys from France demanded a bribe to talk with US diplomats. • 2. Ticked US off.
B. War Fever • 1. Adams asked Congress for increase in army and to rebuild the navy. • 2. Napoleon agreed to stop seizing US ships. • 3. War was officially avoided.
II. The Alien and Sedition Acts • A. Alien Act • 1. Increased time one had to be in the US to become a citizen from 5 years to 14. • 2. President could deport or imprison any alien he thought was dangerous.
B. Sedition Act • 1. Made it a crime to write or say anything insulting or false about the govt.
III. States’ Rights • 1. Republicans felt that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional. • 2. Believed in states’ rights. • 3. Believe that states could nullify laws passed by Congress if they disagreed with them.