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The Reykjavik Radio Bus Tour is a mix that unites history, music and entertainment in one place. Iceland's music scene is very active, as are each of its volcanoes. We don't know by the moments what is more difficult to pronounce: the name of its main places or the one of its musical bands.
A look at Iceland's Musical Heritage: Reykjavik Radio Bus Tour
TheReykjavik Radio Bus Tour is a mix thatuniteshistory, music and entertainment in one place. Iceland'smusicsceneisvery active, as are each of itsvolcanoes. Wedon'tknowbythemomentswhatis more difficulttopronounce: thename of itsmain places ortheone of its musical bands.
They are icons of themusicscenefromIcelandtotheworld, musicianslikeBjörk, mum, TheSugarcubes and Of Monster and Men. In this tour you'llknowsome of thegreatestexponents of the musical genre in the country. Genressuch as Jazz, Pop and Folk are some of themostpreferredbythepeople of Iceland.
Ifyouwanttodiscoverforyourselfwhat's happening in the musical field of this country, werecommendyoutobuy a ticket fortheReykjavik Radio Bus Tour, whereyou can learnmuch more aboutthe musical history of Iceland, wherethiscontemporarymovementbegan? and knowinghowitfeelsto be a real rock staron a bus tour.
Tour guides are verywellknowncharactersfrom local radio, amongthemwe can highlight Andrea Jons, known as thegrandmother of rock and herdaughter DJ Laufey.
Importantaspectsaboutthecity of Reykjavik Reykjavikis home tothe capital of Iceland and itslargestcity. It'sone of thefavoritetouristdestinations and islocated in thesouthwesternarea of Iceland. It has a currentpopulation of 123.300 inhabitants and isknownworldwide as the cultural and economic capital of Iceland. It'sbelievedthatReykjavikwasthe place chosenbythefirstsettlerstoestablishtheirvillagesontheisland. Therewas no urbandevelopment in this place until 1768, whenitwasdeclared as the
center of commerce in theregion and overtheyearsbecamethe capital of Iceland. Accordingto popular history, itwasfounded in 870 byIngólfurArnarson, whoisalsobelieved he waswhodecidedto lay thefirstfoundations of thecity in that place. ThenameRaykjavikisderivedfromanIcelandiclanguagephrasemeaning "SmokyBay".
Accordingtosomesurveys, Reykjavikisone of thecleanest and safestcities in theworld. Reykjavikis a citygovernedbythecitycouncil and themembers of thatcouncil are directlyelectedbycitizensovertheage of 18 whoinhabitthe place. Thiscouncil has a total of 15 memberselectedthroughthemethodknown as open list.
WhyshouldyouvisitReykjavik? Thereis no betterwaytogettoknow a country thanbyvisitingthe capital city, thereyouwillknow a little more abouttheaverageIcelandiclifestyle, thearchitecture of itsbuildings, itstouristsites and itspeople. Despitebeing a verycoldclimate, itspeople are as warm as itshotsprings, forsure, you'll be amazedtoknowtheorder and cleanlinessexisting in Reykjavik, one of thesafest places ontheplanet.
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