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Spring is upon us, and as it does every year, it’s making way for new color inspirations and trends in the world of fashion.
Spring is upon us, and as it does every year, it’s making way for new color inspirations and trends in the world of fashion.
The hottest trending colors for jewelry and accessories are already in and Spring 2015 is going to be decadent in a royal array of blue and light purple hues, with just a hint of coral and orange tones. Be prepared to bring out the pastels and make it work. Just make sure to hit up the creamery when mixing your colors, so you’re not turning violet, Violet!
With so many color choices to stay on top of this season, it’s a wonder how a girl can decide and keep up her wardrobe with the changing tides. A new handbag, a statement necklace, or maybe sunglasses?
These are all fine options, but of course the perfect accessory to go with any outfit is a watch – it’s both fashionable and functional. Watches are offered in a variety of styles, such as chunky or skinny, as well as colors, not only on the face but also the band.
They can have a metallic finish, a punch of pastel, rock all the rhinestones, etc. Plus, you’ll never be late to your latest engagement – unless you decide to be fashionably late that is!
Fossil watches come in multiple trending color offerings, both on the face and the band – with the ability to choose to bling or not to bling. Because that really is the question, right? The company also offers sets which come with a plethora of different colored leather bands that can easily be switched out to match your outfit or your mood.
Their latest set comes with 30 straps in different colors and patterns, most within the deliciously cute pastel range we are all craving this season – so you get more bang for your buck, as the watch can be worn everyday no matter what color your outfit.
Or, if you are over the whole matching color scene, something with a hint of rose gold would be so in and also catch the eye!
Scarves are another great option – as they are versatile in how they are worn and can also come in a multitude of colors and styles just perfect for the season.
Although not interchangeable like the aforementioned watch set, scarves are a great way to show off your personality and style without adding any extra bulk to your look.
They are traditionally worn looped around the neck, but can also be used as a head wrap, a shawl, and a plethora or other ways. Infinity scarves have been on trend for the past year now, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are going anywhere anytime soon.
Whether your statement piece for the season is jewelry, a scarf, a new matching mani and pedi, or an interchangeable watch set, make sure your start off Spring in style.
Regardless of if you choose to be a coral crusader, an aquamarine Athena, or a lavender lioness, the most important thing is that you be true to yourself while rocking the latest fashion trends.
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