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Embrace the divine will of Jesus and find peace in surrender, whether through tears or joy, in sorrow or in love. Trust in His guidance and proclaim, "My Lord, Thy will be done!"
376 主阿,照袮旨意 MY JESUS, AS THOU WILT 主阿,照袮旨意,願我能以順服!My Jesus, as Thou wilt! Oh, may Thy will be mine!在袮愛的手裡,凡事我都聽主;Into Thy hand of loveI would my all resign;歷憂或是歷樂,領我沒有歎聲,Thro‘sorrow, or thro‘joy, conduct me as Thine own,助我仍能來歌:主;袮旨意得成。And help me still to say, My Lord, Thy will be done! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(二) 主阿,照袮旨意,莫容我的望星My Jesus, as Thou wilt!Though seen through many a tear,因被淚眼所迷,失蹤或是失明!Let not my star of hope grow dim or disappear;袮既在世痛苦,也曾流淚傷心;Since Thou on earth hast wept, And sorowed oft alone,若須與袮同哭,主,袮旨意得成。If I must weep with Thee, My Lord, Thy will be done! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(三) 主阿,照袮旨意,一切都是美好;My Jesus, as Thou wilt! All shall be well for me;每一變化境地,歡然交袮引導。Each changing future scene I gladly trust with Thee.方寸純全無障,向前直趨天城;Straight to Thy rest above I travel calmly on.或生或死常唱;主,袮旨意得成。And sing, in life or death, My Lord, Thy will be done! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly