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RAILWAYS IN TURKEY. HACER UYARLAR Board Member of UTIKAD. UTIKAD. UTIKAD – Association of International Forwarding and Logistics Service Provider National and International Transportation: Road, Air Sea, Rail and Combined Transportation Logistics Services
UTIKAD UTIKAD – Association of International Forwarding and Logistics Service Provider National and International Transportation: Road, Air Sea, Rail and Combined Transportation Logistics Services NGO withapprox. 400membersand 50,000 directemployment 95 % of Air Transport 70 % of Road Transport 60 % of Sea Transport 20 % of Rail Transport carried out by our members in Turkey
TURKEY “As aStrongBridge Links ContinentsGeographically, Culturally And Economically” GatewayFrom / To : Europe C.I.S. Black Sea East Mediterranean Gulf North Africa
TURKEY’s ECONOMY Turkey is A YoungDynamic Country With Significant Growth Potential • 17th LargestEconomyon the World • 6th LargestEconomywhencompared with EU Countries
RAILWAY NETWORK in TURKEY Total Lines: 12.008 km (Convantional+HighSpeed)
RAIL TRANSPORT Total length of therailways12.008 km 26,7 % is electrified 33,9 % is signallized Privatecompanies can operateownwagons Monthlyblocktraindepartures has reachedto 5700 1000 blocktrainsforinternationaloperations 13 blocktrainroutestoEurope
RAILWAYS INVESTMENTS in 2013 Railway Investment is Increasing Million TL
ROAD RENEWAL 2003 1000 km line was renewed in 2013 Within 10 years 6.525 km of line wasrenewed Linesto be renewed Linesrenewed 2013 OLD NEW
LOGISTICS CENTERS IN TURKEY - TCDD Gelemen/Samsun Yeşilbayır/İstanbul Halkalı/İstanbul Köseköy/İzmit Kars H Bozüyük/Bilecik Gökköy/Balıkesir Sivas Palandöken/Erzurum Hasanbey/Eskişehir Uşak Boğazköprü/Kayseri Kemalpaşa/izmir Türkoğlu/K.maraş Mardin Kayacık/Konya Habur Denizli/Kalkık Yenice/Mersin • In Service • FirstPart is completed • UnderConstruction
HASANBEY-ESKIŞEHIR LOGISTICS CENTER ‘Hasanbey-eskişehir Logistics was Opened on 19 March 2014’
Poti Varna Mersin RAILWAYS PROJECTS in TURKEY Kars-Tiflis Bakü Railway Balo Project Van Lake Train Ferry Batı Ro-Ro – Train Ferry Service Samsun – Kavkaz Train Ferry Tekirdag –Derince Train Ferry
BALO PROJECT UTIKAD: Shareholder of BALO “GreatAnatolian Logistics Organizations Project” Weekly 3 mutualblock train departures byMarch 2014
TRANSPORT MODES WITHIN BALO PROJECT Thecontainerscomingfrom Istanbul andneighbourhoodbyrailwayandfrom Derince byVesselaretreated in terms of theirdestinations in BALO Europe ConsolidationCenter.
INNOVATIONAL FEATURES OF BALO PROJECT To collect the shipments in Anatolia by railway To achieve a new route that passes Bandirma Tekirdag by train ferry To give start scheduled block train services from 10 different points to Europe To use 45’HC containers
KARS - TBILISI – BAKU RAILWAY PROJECT Thefoundation of thepart in Turkeywaslaid on 24 July2008 92% realization of theproject in Turkishsidewasachieved It is planned to complete the project within 2015
TEKIRDAG - DERINCE TRAIN FERRY In order to make the transport from Agean and Marmara regions to Europe and v.v. throughtheshortercorridorbetweentheports of Tekirdağ; Derince and Bandırma, trainferryoperationwill be realized.
Poti Varna Mersin SAMSUN – KAVKAZ TRAIN FERRY Combined transport will be able to be made from Turkey to Russia Ukraine, CIS countries and Middle East
EXPERIENCES OF FORWARDING &LOGISTICS SERVICE • PROVIDERS WITHIN TURKEY REGARDING THE MFT “Batı Ro-Ro – TrainFerry Service” Every 10 days on regular basisforTrainFerry Service BetweenDerince-Odessa / Poti TrainFerryTransportationbytheFreightForwarders’ Companies:
MARMARAY PROJECT “Marmaray was opened on 29 October 2013 and 21 Million 353 Thousand 339 Passengers have been transported in 6 months after opening” RailtunnelunderBosphorus Marmaray project will provide a continuous communication between the Asianwith European continents Linking Europe rail network to Middle East and CIS
CONTENTS A RAIL BRIDGE BETWEEN ASIA & EUROPE There is approx. 75 Billion $ transport volume between Europe and Asia Far East Asia The Central and North Asia Samsun-Kavqaz Kars-Tbilisi-Baku Marmaray Lake Van Crossing Tekirdağ-Muratlı Kurtalan- Nusaybin- Iraq Kars-Nahcevan-Iran South East Asia North Africa TheMiddle East
VIKING TRAIN PROJECT TheBlackSea is connectingwiththeBalticSeabythe “Viking Train” The connection of the Viking Train will be able to be established to Mediterranean, Europe, Middle East and Central Asia via Turkey. It is targeted to connect Europe to Middle East and Cental Asia through TRACECA Corridor in the shortest way. Lastly Bulgaria joined the Viking train route.
VIKING TRAIN PROJECT “Viking Train”, is an important combined transport project which connects the seaports of Klaipeda, Odessa and Illıchevsk between the Baltic Sea & Black Sea and lastly Bulgaria by the railways. TheAdvantages of the Viking Train Low transport price Scheduled train movements, short transit times Secure transport, load safety through the route Facilitation of the customs and border crossing procedures Establishing a connection between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea by the transport systems Reducing the negative effects to the natural environment
SILK WIND BLOCK TRAIN • Route: China - Kazakhstan - Caspian Sea - Black Sea • Countries: • China • Kazakhstan • Azerbaijan • Georgia • Turkey
TRACECA “The New Silk Road” Aim of TRACECA Strengthening of economic relations, trade and transport communication in the regions of the Black Sea basin, South Caucasus and Central Asia owing to active work based on political will and common aspirations of all member-states Member Countries: Armenia Azerbaijan Bulgaria Georgia Iran Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Moldova Romania Tajikistan Turkey Ukraine Uzbekistan
DRAFT COMBINED TRANSPORT LEGISLATION ‘’DraftCombined Transport Legislation’’ servesas a model in Europe General Directorate of Transport of Dangerous Goods and Combined Transportaimstoimproveandregulatecombined, intermodalandmultimodal transport in Turkey UTIKAD makesa hugecontributiontopreparethislegislation PlannedValidityDate : in 2014
CONTACT DETAILS ASSOCIATION OF INTERNATIONAL FORWARDING AND LOGISTICS SERVICE PROVIDERS President : Mr. Turgut ERKESKİN General Manager : Mr. Cavit UĞUR E-mail Address : utikad@utikad.org.tr Web Site : www.utikad.org.tr Phone : + 90 212 663 62 61 Fax : + 90 212 663 62 72 Address : Senlikkoy Mahallesi, Saci Sokak, No:4/F, Florya 34153 Bakirkoy – Istanbul / TURKEY
Thank You Hacer UYARLAR Board Member of UTIKAD