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Removal of IPAS Technical items In ACE2009A. IPAS is supposed to be used for the operational data preparation of ESCAPE. This mainly includes airspace data, weather and flight plans.
Removal of IPAS Technical itemsIn ACE2009A • IPAS is supposed to be used for the operational data preparation of ESCAPE. This mainly includes airspace data, weather and flight plans. • However, along the years many data have been added into IPAS which are purely technical. They should be removed from IPAS because: • They are out of the expected scope of competencies of the IPAS data preparators. • They are provided to the platforms through files which are functionally redundant with existing technical files managed by the ESCAPE deployment team • Author Pascal Pauchet • EUROCONTROL- Tuesday, 05 May 2009 Extracted from document HLA_UR421_07_Removal of Technical items from MASS.doc European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
Technical Data at the wrong place • Several data requested by IPAS in the panels of the <Architecture> data input are purely technical. It means that they correspond to configuration setting of ESCAPE components more than to the definition of data describing an operational scenario. • This document aims to describe the technical parameters currently input in the IPAS panels which will be moved into technical configuration files since ACE2009A.
Area Proximity Warning (APW) • Was removed from IPAS the AREA PROXIMITY WARNINGS panel • IPAS will no longer generate the MAFF “APW_PARAMETERS_FILE.DATA” file
Medium Term Area Proximity Warning (MATPW) • Was removed from IPAS the MT AREA PROXIMITY WARNINGS panel • IPAS will no longer generate the MAFF “MTAPW_PARAMETERS_FILE.DATA” file.
Flight Manager (FM) • Was removed from IPAS the “FLIGHT MANAGER” panel • IPAS will no longer generate the MAFF “FPG_PARAMETERS_FILE.DATA” file.
Track Deviation Monitoring (TDM) • Was removed from IPAS the TRACK DEVIATION MONITORING panel • IPAS will no longer generate the MAFF “TDM_PARAMETERS_FILE.DATA” file.
Interpolated Air Situation (IAS) • IPAS removed the IAS PARAMETERS panel. • IPAS will no longer generate the MAFF “IAS_PARAMETERS_FILE.DATA” file.
ERGO Manager This change concerns the version of ERGO managed in the Ground Synergy database. No evolution was required in the HMI version. • Was removed from IPAS the ERGO PARAMETERS panel. • IPAS will no longer generate the MAFF “ERGO_PARAMETERS_FILE.DATA” file. Remark: the “ERGO_HMI_MAPPING_FILE.DATA” file will continue to be delivered by IPAS.
Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) • The “SHORT TERM CONFLICT ALERTS” panel is kept in IPAS. • The LOOKAHEAD , SAMPLING_STEP and MORE_RESTRICTIVE_PARAMETERS on the STCA panel has been removed from IPAS. • The “Non Masps Vertical Threshold” attribute located in “AREAS” group of the “Short Term Conflict Alerts” panel has been removed from IPAS. As this data is not provided in the MAFF files no other adaptation is required. Nota Bene: The operational configuration of the areas and required separations will remain in IPAS.IPAS will continue to generate the “SOFTWARE_CENTRE_STCA_AIRSPACE_FILE.DATA” file However: IPAS will no longer generate the MAFF “STCA_PARAMETERS_FILE.DATA” file
Software_centre Was removed from IPAS in the “Software Centres” panel the association with: • APW • MTAPW • FM • TDM • IAS • ERGO • STCA Nota Bene: STCA association will be also removed in the “Software Centres” because only ONE STCA will be allowed to be defined in IPAS now; consequently it is not pertinent to give a choice to an STCA association. The association of this single STCA will be automatic.
Surveillance coverage • IPAS has migrated the “SURVEILLANCE COVERAGE” panel from the “Surveillance” menu (button) =>>> to the “Architecture” menu • The “Surveillance” menu (button) has been removed from IPASsince the only one panel (SURVEILLANCE COVERAGE) included in this menu has been moved into the “Architecture” menu. • At EEC the Surveillance data (domains) that are not linked to an exercise will be erased during the migration 8B 9A
Useless IPAS Data • Meteorological data ( <Temperature>, <Humidity> and <Pressure> hidden) • Data link (“APPL. DATALINK / ATC CENTRES” panel removed ) • Controller Working Position (“CONTROLLER WORKING POSITION” panel removed ) • Simulation Projection Point (Centre pointrenamed) • Special SSR Code (“SSR CODES” panel removed from the IPAS “reference” ) • Controller Id in SID and STAR ( “Controller” field removed in the “SID and STAR” panels) • “FAF” point field in the STAR (“FAF” field not generated in the “SIDS_STARS_FILE.DATA”) • Boundary Points ( “BOUNDARY POINT” panel removed) • Runways cleaning (some fields are now hidden) • Let’s see in detail now in the following slides…
Meteorological data The system usage of the meteorological data input in IPAS is not always perfectly clear for the IPAS preparators, it is better for the time being not to display the <Temperature>, <Humidity> and <Pressure> fields in the forecast meteorological panel. • IPAS will hide the <Temperature>, <Humidity> and <Pressure> fields in the “FORECAST METEOS” panel. • IPAS will not fill the <Temperature>, <Humidity> and <Pressure> fields in the AIR and GROUND detailed meteo
Datalink The data input in the IPAS panel "APPL. DATALINK / ATC CENTRES" are not provided at the data generation. In fact they are not expected to be changed. ADS, CMA and CPC are "hard coded" in the data generation. Consequently, the whole panel can be removed from IPAS. • Was removed from IPASthe “APPL. DATALINK / ATC CENTRES” panel from the IPAS Airspace data input. IPAS will carry on providing ESCAPE with the datalink parameters in the ATC_CENTRES_FILE.DATA file when the centres are declared datalink equipped.
Datalink There are also 3 fields which are proposed into the "ATC CENTRES" panel which are not output from IPAS, and so, are useless to the platform: <Country>, <Ground operational mode> and <Address>.They have been removed from the panel. • Was removed from IPAS the following attributes in the “ATC CENTRES” panel: • Country, • Ground Operational Mode • Address
Controller Working Position (1) In the ARCHITECTURE: • The “CONTROLLER WORKING POSITION” panel allows the controller allocation to the CWP. As this association is not required the “CONTROLLER WORKING POSITION” panel was removed from the IPAS Architecture data input. • In the SECTORS panel, IPAS will keep a direct association between CONTROLLERS and SECTORS and consequently will continue to deliver the “SECTOR_CONTROLLER_MAPPING_FILE.DATA” file. (without any CWP association between such as was remove the PILOT panel between SECTORS and the Air WP previously)
Controller Working Position (2) • By way of consequence, the “Create link with CWP” item in the “CONTROLLERS” panel [ARCHITECTURE] menu is removed too.
Sectors cleaning • “THIRD VIRTUAL FREQ and FOURTH VIRTUAL FREQ, Lateral separation, Inferior vertical separation , Superior vertical separation” are removed on the “SECTORS” panel
Simulation Projection Point (Centre point) The goal of this page is to describe the way the “Projection centre point” will be provided to ESCAPE. • The IPAS “CENTRE POINT” panel has been renamed in “PROJECTION CENTRE POINT” panel. • The same “projection centre point” will be used for all ATC Centres (of the current Airspace) Some technical additional information: Currently IPAS only manages one projection centre point whatever the number of ATC centre. For the time being, It was not requested to adapt the IPAS panel so to provide one projection centre point for each ATC centre. • IPAS now generates the MAFF “ATC_CENTRES_FILE.DATA” file including the “Projection Centre Point” attribute. If several ATC Centres, IPAS will fill each ATC centre with the same projection centre point. • IPAS will now switch the projection centre waypoint filled in the “PROJECTION CENTRE POINT” panel in a 2D position (Lat, Long) in the “ATC_CENTRES_FILE.DATA” MAFF file • The CWP component will invoke the “get_atc_centre_descriptor” service in order to retrieve the “projection_point_centre” dedicated to the ATC centre linked to the CWP. • The CWP component will send the projection centre point information to each CWP Eons. • ECHOES will centre its map according to this projection centre point.
Special SSR Code • IPAS shall remove the “SSR CODES” panel from the IPAS “reference” menu. • IPAS will not generate any more the “SPECIAL_SSR_CODE_FILE.DATA file. • All data of the SSR CODES panel are removed Note : Traffic Increase Facility (TIF) of IPAS Art analysis shall not use anymore the SSR CODES data in order to create consistent SSR code. Some technical additional information: • However the Ssr_code and Ssr_mode shall be set in the Flight_Plan_Interpolation_Utilities_bo.ada”. • When an interpolation is built the Ssr_Code and Ssr_Mode shall be retrieved from the current Flight plan. • Ground will adapt the existing documentations (SRD) accordingly • Ground will adapt the “MAFF_Checker” file so to take into account the MAFF file removal.
Controller Id in SID and STAR • The “CONTROLLER” field in the “SID and STAR” panels from the IPAS Airspace data input has been removed. • By way of consequence this removal leads to modifications in the SID/STARIMPORT panels: Reference to “architecture” domain are suppressed from theses panels being useless. • The allocation of arrival and departure flights to a specific TMA controller still exists… • However this allocation isno more defined in the SID or STAR panels, it is now (UR 422) a new mechanism based on a conditional sector allocation defined in the “VOLUMES” block of the SECTORS panel. It is recommended to read document “Mil&TMA_Secto_VolumeSharing_V0.2.ppt” to better know about this new feature)
“FAF” point field in the STAR IPAS previously generated automatically a “FAF” point field in the STAR at the delivery. • On the way it is currently done, this point does not correspond at all to the expected definition of a FAF. • IPAS will not generate any more the “FAF” field in the “SIDS_STARS_FILE.DATA”. This point was in fact the “Touch Down” (TD) point on the runway (threshold) and not the FAF (Final Approach Fix). This FAF point will not appear anymore in the “SIDS_STARS_FILE.DATA” file
Boundary Points • IPAS shall remove the “BOUNDARY POINT” panel. • IPAS shall not generate any more the “SOFTWARE_CENTRE_BOUNDARY_POINTS_FILE.DATA” MAFF file.
Runways cleaning Most of the data describing a runway have been introduced for the use of a COTS “MSAW” server that has been abandoned a long time ago. For the time being, those data are useless and require a significant knowledge to be input. Considering that they might be useful in the future because of the increase of operations done in approach, they should not be removed; However, in order to simplify the data preparation, they might be hidden from the runway input panel and automatically filled with the default values • IPAS will HIDEall Runway fields in the “AIRPORT” panel (in the picture below) • IPAS will always fill the <In use> field with “True” (field being hidden too )
Sector separation removal • IPAS has removed from the “SECTORS” panel the following fields: • Lateral separation • Inferior vertical separation • Superior vertical separation • IPAS will no longer generate those data in the “SECTORS_FILE.DATA” MAFF file. Remark: Those parameters were not read by MASS, but MASS uses some equivalent hard coded • Asas_Vert_Sep_Inf => 1000 • Asas_Vert_Sep_Sup => 2000 • Asas_Lat_Sep => 8.0
END OF THIS DOCUMENT Any Question ? Pascal PAUCHET, EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre (EEC), CND / COE /VI /MB-( V I F ) BP 15, Centre du bois des Bordes, 91222 Brétigny-sur-Orge Cedex, France Tel: + 33. (0) 1.6988.7450 -- Fax: + 33. (0) 1.6988.7352 >mailto:pascal.pauchet@eurocontrol.int web: <http://www.eurocontrol.int/>