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Learn about Bayesian logistic regression, fixed basis functions, and logistic regression models for efficient classification using iterative reweighted least squares. Summary based on Ch. 4.3-4.5 of "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" by C. M. Bishop (2006).
Linear Models for Classification: Ch 4.3~4.5Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning,C. M. Bishop, 2006. Summarized by Seung-Joon Yi Biointelligence Laboratory, Seoul National University http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Contents • 4.3 Probabilistic Discriminative Models • 4.4 The Laplace Approximation • 4.5 Bayesian Logistic Regression (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
3 Approaches for classification • Discriminant Functions • Probabilistic Generative Models • Fit class-conditional densities and class priors separately • Apply Bayes’ theorem to find the posterior class probabilities • Posterior probability of a class can be written as • Logistic sigmoid acting on a linear function of x (2 classes) • Softmax transformation of a linear function of x (Multiclass) • The parameters of the densities as well as the class priors can be determined using Maximum Likelihood • Probabilistic Discriminative Models • Use the functional form of the generalized linear model explicitly • Determine the parameters directly using Maximum Likelihood (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Fixed basis functions • Assume fixed nonlinear transformation • Transform inputs using a vector of basis functions • The resulting decision boundaries will be linear in the feature space (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Logistic regression • Logistic regression model • Posterior probability of a class for two-class problem: • The number of adjustable parameters (M-dimensional, 2-class) • 2 Gaussian class conditional densities (generative model) • 2M parameters for means • M(M+1)/2 parameters for (shared) covariance matrix • Grows quadratically with M • Logistic regression (discriminative model) • M parameters for • Grows linearly with M (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Logistic regression (Cont’d) • Determining the parameters using ML • Likelihood function: • Cross-entropy error function (negative log likelihood) • The gradient of the error function w.r.t. w (the same form as the linear regression model) (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Iterative reweighted least squares • Linear regression models in ch.3 • ML solution on the assumption of a Gaussian noise leads to a close-form solution, as a consequence of the quadratic dependence of the log likelihood on the parameter w. • Logistic regression model • No longer a closed-form solution • But the error function is concave and has a unique minimum • Efficient iterative technique can be used • The Newton-Raphson update to minimize a function E(w) • Where H is the Hessian matrix, the second derivatives of E(w) (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Iterative reweighted least squares (Cont’d) • Sum-of-squares error function: • Newton-Raphson update: • Cross-entropy error function: • Newton-Rhapson update: (iterative reweighted least squares) (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Multiclass logistic regerssion • Posterior probability for multiclass classification • We can use ML to determine the parameters directly. • Likelihood function using 1-of-K coding scheme • Cross-entropy error function for the multiclass classification (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Multiclass logistic regression (Cont’d) • The derivative of the error function • Same form, the product of error times the basis function. • The Hessian matrix • IRLS algorithm can also be used for a batch processing (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Probit regression • For a broad range of class-conditional distributions, described by the exponential family, the resulting posterior class probabilities are given by a logistic(or softmax) transformation acting on a linear function of the feature variables. • However this is not the case for all choices of class-conditional density • It might be worth exploring other types of discriminative probabilistic model (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Probit regression • Noisy threshold model • Corresponding activation function when θ is drawn from p(θ) • The probit function • Sigmoidal shape • The generalized linear model based on a probit activation function is known as probit regression. (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Canonical link functions • We have seen that for some models, if we take the derivative of the error function w.r.t the parameter w, it takes the form of the error times the feature vector. • Logistic regression model with sigmoid activation function • Logistic regression model with softmax activation function • This is a general result of assuming a conditional distribution for the target variable from the exponential family, along with a corresponding choice for the activation function known as the canonical link function. (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Canonical link functions (Cont’d) • Conditional distributions of the target variable • Log likelihood: • The derivative of the log likelihood: where • The canonical link function: then (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
The Laplace approximation • We cannot integrate exactly over the parameter vector since the posterior is no longer Gaussian. • The Laplace approximation: find a Gaussian approximation centered on the mode of the distribution. • Taylor expansion of the logarithm of the target function: • Resulting approximated Gaussian distribution: (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
The Laplace approximation (Cont’d) • M-dimensional case (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Model comparison and BIC • Laplace approximation to the normalization constant Z • This result can be used to obtain an approximation to the model evidence, which plays a central role in Bayesian model comparison. • Consider a set of models having parameters • The log of model evidence can be approximated as • Further approximation with some more assumption: Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Bayesian Logistic Regression • Exact Bayesian inference is intractable. • Gaussian prior: • Posterior: • Log of posterior: • Laplace approximation of posterior distribution (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Predictive distribution • Can be obtained by marginalizing w.r.t the posterior distribution p (w|t) which is approximated by a Gaussian q(w) where • a is a marginal distribution of a Gaussian which is also Gaussian (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/
Predictive distribution • Resulting variational approximation to the predictive distribution • To integrate over a, we make use of the close similarity between the logistic sigmoid function and the probit function Then where • Finally we get (C) 2006, SNU Biointelligence Lab, http://bi.snu.ac.kr/