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Present perfect tense Předpřítomný čas. Základní škola Jakuba Jana Ryby Rožmitál pod Třemšínem Mgr. M. Hašková Efektivní výuka pro rozvoj potenciálu žáka projekt v rámci Operačního programu VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ PRO KONKURENCESCHOPNOST. I have been to. I haven´t been to. Have you ever been to…..?.
Present perfect tensePředpřítomný čas Základní škola Jakuba Jana Ryby Rožmitál pod Třemšínem Mgr. M. Hašková Efektivní výuka pro rozvoj potenciálu žáka projekt v rámci Operačního programu VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ PRO KONKURENCESCHOPNOST
I have been to I haven´t been to Have you ever been to…..? Berlin Madrid Rome Paris Prague Bratislava Venice Amsterdam Viena London
I have eaten I haven´t eaten Have you ever eaten …..? kangaroo meat salmon sushi prawns caviar blood sausage insect tofu black olives shark mussels calamary pomegranate
I have seen I haven´t seen Have you ever seen …..? Sin City Ice Age Finding Nemo Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Gladiator Ratatouille Indiana Jones The Green Mile Titanic Bridges Jones´s Diary Brair Witch Project Harry Potter The Shawshank Redemption
I you we they he she it Stavba fráze • sloveso • příčestí minulé • nepravidelná slovesa-vlastnítvar • (been, eaten, seen) • pravidelná slovesa-koncovkaed • (played, worked, started) have has Zápor: I you they we haven´t příčestí minulé he she it hasn´t
Nepravidelná sl.: infinitiv-minulý tvar-příčestí minulé Která z těchto slovesných tvarů jsou minulé tvary a příčestí minulá těchto sloves? begivegohave hearmake meetread see takewinwrite gone were seen been was saw won heard met taken gave written made read went had given took wrote
Doplň příčestí wonkept growndonefallenswamflownwalkedrungsungspokendranklostridden 1. Have you ever ……….. in a lottery? 2. Have you ever ……….. on a camel? 3. Have you ever ……….. a 20-km-long distance? 4. Have you ever ……….. your ID? 5. Have you ever ……….. outside in winter? 6. Have you ever ………..Ginger Ale? 7. Have you ever ………..off a bike? 8. Have you ever ……….. in public? 9. Have you ever ……….. a pet? 10. Have you ever ……….. a crossword in English? 11. Have you ever ……….. your own vegetables? 12. Have you ever ……….. someone’s doorbell and then ran away? 13. Have you ever ……….. spoken in English on the street? 14. Have you ever ……….. on plane?
Present perfect (předpřítomný čas) zkušenosti z dějů, které se staly před přítomným okamžikem – nesdělujeme kdy, se tak stalo I have never worked on a farm. I have been to Spain. novinky = změnu přítomnosti – děje, u nichž je podstatný důsledek pro přítomný okamžik He has won in a lottery. They have found gold. She has moved. popis děje, který již nějakou dobu trvá – neskončil I have lived here all my life. Past simple (minulý čas) minulý děje, které již v přítomnosti nepokračují - často zmiňujeme, kdy se staly I worked in Prague last year. Určení času: in 1998 last week last summer holidays when I was little when we came popisujeme-li detaily nějaké události I have met Miss Jason. We travelled on the same plane to Chicago. It was in July, I think. Použití časů
Read the text: I work as a guide for a company that organises rainforest holidays here in Costa Rica. I've lived in this country for three years and I love it. I've worked in two other Central American countries and I had a great time in both places, but this country is very special. It's sometimes quite difficult because most of our guests have never been in a rainforest before. But they always say it is the best holidaysthey've ever had. Last week one of the quests got lost and we found him after 5 hours. I havejust been to San Isidro to pick up a guest from the hospital. He was bitten by a snake he found in his room. He's ok now and he'll have a good story to tell his friends when he gets back home. upravený text z učebnice Face2face, C. Redston&G.Cunningham, CUP
The best experience they´ve ever had They´ve never been to the rainforest before…. I´ve worked for two other CA countries… I´ve lived here for 3 years. I´ve just been to SI….. the tourists PAST NOW Sam
Present Perfect TensePodrobnější přehled použití • Minulé děje, jejichž důsledek/ výsledek je podstatný/důležitý pro přítomnost (vyjadřuje spojitost s přítomností • Obvykle děj nedávný • Používá se pro oznamování zpráv nebo novinek • I´ve broken my watch. I don´t know the time. • Ow! I´ve cut my finger. • Typická příslovce: just, lately, yet, already, recently, lately 1.
2. • Děje, které začaly v minulosti a pokračují do přítomnosti (vyjadřuje se spojitost/souvislost s minulostí – nezajímá nás, kdy se co stalo, ale že tento děj přetrvává) • I´ve lived here for three years. • He´s played the flute since he was seven. • Typická příslovce: since, so far, in my life, still, for • Často se používá pro vyjádření, jak dlouho něco trvá/pokračuje (např. s výrazy How long….?) • How long have you known Mike? Since we were 12.
3. • Vyjádření dosavadní zkušenosti (co někdo zažil, dělal až doposud ve svém životě) • I have visited England twice. • He has never been to Australia. • I´ve worked for two other companies. • We´ve never met Mr Cooper. • Často se používá s neurčitými časovými výrazy: ever (někdy, kdykoliv až do teď),never, before, in my life, so far • Používá se s výrazy: the first, the second, the third…time • It´s the fist time I´ve travelled on a plane..
Have you ………. to anyone in English? Did you ………. any DVDs last months? Have you ………. what to do this weekend yet? How long have you ………. the other students in the class? Did you ………. for the last summer holiday? Have you ever ………. a really bad luck? Is it the first time you have ……….French in a language school? Příklady použití předpřítomného a minulého času Doplň sloveso ve správném tvaru: have study speak decide rent know go away
Have you ………. anything good on TV today? Have you ………. on any long trips lately? Did you ………. anything special with your friends at the weekend? How long have you ………. your mobile phone? Did you ………. any emails yesterday? Have you ………. at the vocabulary list for this lesson yet? Is this the first time you´ve ………. the Present Perfect Tense.? Doplň sloveso ve správném tvaru: see study look be have do get
Zdroje obrázky: www.iiepassport.org/cities/berlin.jpg madrid2008.bolognapromoters.net/.../madrid1.jpg traveldk.com/dkimages/0-venice_master.jpg www.gumbopages.com/.../images/prague.jpg www.shanatinglipton.com/.../02/amsterdam.jpg www.poreuropa.com/.../2008/04/viena-kak.JPG www.worldphotopage.com/.../bratislava_1.jpg codertoys.com/posts-images/pomegranate.jpg iusedtobethin.files.wordpress.com/2008/03 www.wingyipstore.co.uk/pictures/content1441 http://flickr.com/photos/macati/1441743244/ http://www.tradlessons.com/?page_id=5 Essentials for Educators Smart Notebook učebnice Face2face, C. Redston&G.Cunningham, CUP