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Join us for a webinar covering important reminders, Q&A session, and updates on assessment administration. Get valuable information and tips for a successful testing environment.
Informal DTC Webinar January 11, 2017 Welcome! Thank you for joining us. We will begin shortly.
Intro to the Format • Overview • ODE-provided Quick Reminders + Topics (25 min.) • ODE & DTC Question/Answer Session + Sharespace(25 min.) • All questions will be addressed during the Q/A section. We will provide each Webinar PowerPoint here: http://oregon.gov/ode/educator-resources/assessment/Pages/Assessment-Administration-Resources.aspx
Before We Begin… To ask questions, use the question or click the “raise box or click the “raise hand” icon.
Quick Reminders • OAKS Science/Social Sciences Window Opened 01/10 • Extended Assessment Braille & Large Print Order Window Closes 01/13 • ASL Accommodation must be set in TIDE by 01/19 • ELPA21 and Smarter Balanced ELA and Math Windows Open 02/07 • Extended assessment Administration Window Opens 02/16
Impropriety Form • New online form • Positive feedback thus far • Requests for 2017-18 • Allowing a way for STCs to complete unofficially
2016-17 Test Administration Manual Updated • Following the launch of ODE’s new website on December 20, 2016, the 2016-17 Test Administration Manual has been updated to include corrected URLs. Please note that the Test Administration Manual is now located at http://www.oregon.gov/ode/educator-resources/assessment/Pages/Assessment-Administration.aspx. • In addition, the updated TAM includes the following revised dates for ELPA21 (see the Dec. 8, 2016 issue of the AA Update for more information): • Revised ELPA21 data delivery dates (Section 9) • Revised ELPA21 statewide test window (Appendix A) • Revised “late exit” date for determining ELPA21 eligibility (Appendix B)
Weather-related Closures and School-level Test Windows As described in Section 5.2 of the Test Administration Manual, schools may not administer the Smarter Balanced math and ELA assessments until at least sixty-six percent (66%) of the school’s annual instructional days have been completed. While schools that have experienced a weather-related closure may choose to delay the start of their school-level test windows, this will remain a local decision. ODE will not require schools to recalculate their testing dates as a result of weather-related closures. Similarly, if schools extend the school year to compensate for weather-related closures, they may consider as a local decision whether to extend their school-level test windows as long as all testing is completed within the statewide test window.
Collection of additional data points for ORExt ODE plans to collect the primary and secondary (if applicable) eligibility codes as well as accommodation codes (maximum of six) to enhance our efforts in identifying who is participating in the Oregon Extended Assessment as well as to review the kinds of accommodation supports being utilized for each student and in relation to the various eligibility categories. For this school year (2016-17), providing this data is voluntary--with a plan to require Qualified Assessors to provide this data next school year (2017-18). Specific information and guidance has been sent to all QAs and QTs regarding this additional data collection effort.
Developing a Supportive Testing Environment Keep in mind the scope of influence and that student experience is influenced by adult behavior and language Testing should be approached as any activity within your school and is influenced by the established school culture Prior to testing, explaining testing environment expectations and restrictions (e.g. scripted TA language) to students Support positive behavior through relevant rewards
Question & Answer *Intentionally left blank*
Sharespace Topics I am going to have a professional development session for my teachers on using the SBAC practice, tutorials, etc. and making sure students get to practice using the supports they will be given while they practice. I would love for advice, ideas, key things to make sure to share with teachers. This is a PD in early February - not the formal SBAC training.
Sharespace Topics This is my first year as a DTC and I’d like to know how other DTC’s are conducting the mandatory STC and TA trainings. I’m looking for best and efficient practices.