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PRIVA is a participatory tool for vulnerability and adaptation assessment, integrating hazard and risk analysis with a focus on developing adaptation strategies in the context of climate change. It helps identify urgent needs and design activities and projects for both short and long term solutions. The tool aims to address barriers and enable policy reforms for effective climate change adaptation strategies.
A Tool for Adaptation Planning especially in NAPA Development Paul V. Desanker Penn State University/Miombo Network (Vice-Chair, UNFCCC LDC Expert Group, LDC Negotiator (Malawi); AIACC Project AF38) desanker@psu.edu; www.geog.psu/geclab www.africaclimatechange.org www.miombo.org etc
PRIVA ... • Participatory … Rapid Integrated Assessment … of Vulnerability … and Adaptation (PRIVA) • Mix of process, tools (such as GIS for data processing and display and models) PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Guiding Questions for this Session • 6. Climate Change and the Development Agenda • What are the implications of climate change vulnerability for development? – obvious • Should adaptation be integrated into development? Why and How? – No, development should be integrated into or with adaptation • What are the obstacles to integrating climate change adaptation into development? How might they be overcome? – see above, development is national policy issue, adaptation to climate change is an international policy issue PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Need for a paradigm shift … • Consider a (real) maize study …GCMs …maize models …lots of simulations and output data …2 years later … PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Need for a paradigm shift … • Conclude that maize production and so food security is sensitive to climate variability especially erratic rains – some of the GCMs scenarios projected wetting, others drier conditions ... PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Bear in mind … • GCM scenarios are not predictions! They are projections of what might happen if the drivers of that scenario were in effect …. PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Need for a paradigm shift … • That study then recommended adaptation options as follows: • Need to adopt drought resistant cultivars • Manage water better to withstand erratic rains • Switch to crops other than maize PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Now the question is … • Are these conclusions and adaptation options informed by the 2-year modeling study of potential impacts of different GCM projections? PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Need for a paradigm shift … • Clearly we need to look at adaptation differently …. • We still need the impact assessment studies, no doubt, but not to directly inform adaptation (esp those based on scenarios) PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Need for a paradigm shift … • One of the missing pieces is of course how to put the results of the scenario assessments in the context of what might actually happen • The various uncertainties in the climate system and the assessments themselves notwithstanding PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Enter the NAPA Idea and PRIVA • In summary, we believe you can identify (some) major needs for adaptation by an informed interaction with stakeholders in relation to their experience and livelihoods • Then you can design approaches – activities and projects to address the urgent needs, in terms of immediate actions versus longer term approaches …including policy reforms, enabling activities, removal of barriers, etc PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
NAPA under the UNFCCC • National Adaptation Programme of Action for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) • Designed to implement Article 4.9 of the FCCC that relates to LDCs • LDC Fund created under the convention with voluntary contributions from Annex II countries • LDCs negotiated this programme and designed the methods for doing NAPAs, etc, with active participation of many experts and agencies • Implemented under the GEF, and has gone from idea in 2000 to full programme by COP-7 in Nov 2002 PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
PRIVA • One method for approaching NAPA development PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
NAPA Process (from NAPA Primer, Desanker et al. 2003) PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Conceptual description of PRIVA • Semi-formal description of vulnerability and adaptation • Integrates hazard and risk assessment, functional relationship of systems to climate, thresholds, adaptive capacity etc • Analytical solution likely, but can solve/resolve semi-quantitatively (using participatory approach) PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Overall Vulnerability in PRIVA • Overall Vulnerability = V(hazard); hazard (eqn 1) • where the function , of individual vulnerabilities, V; can be one of the following: , , , or ; or the minimum or maximum function; multidimensional, complex function, etc • V is vulnerability of a system to a particular climatic hazard (with an associated risk) PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Overall Vulnerability in PRIVA • Overall Vulnerability = V(hazard); hazard (eqn 1) • Without loss of generality, the above is applied to a given place-specific system (in terms of goods or service) or human community • Systems can be population of region/country/community; can be a ‘goods or service such as Food Security, Water Security, Energy Security, Life (survival and/or quality of life), etc • This is applied for every climatic hazard or select hazards based on perceived criticality for domain PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Components of Vulnerability • Risk of climatic hazards or climate threats • Impact Potential • Sensitivity to a given hazard • Coping Rangeof system • Depending on how system is related to climate • Coping Ability • Function of determinants for a given hazard PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Linking impacts to vulnerability in PRIVA • V(climatic hazard) = F{Risk (climatic hazard) ; Impact Potential (Sensitivity (hazard)Coping Range(system_f(climate)); Coping Ability (determinants|hazard))} (eqn 2) • Analytical solution likely, but can solve/resolve qualitatively using participatory approach with (semi-) quantitative inputs in components PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Steps in PRIVA for Eqn 2 • Step 0: Choose scale of analysis anytime (in terms of systems and spatial scales under consideration) • Can be all sectors, whole country or subset of these • Can also apply for groups of ‘connected’ countries in a region (e.g. countries sharing a big river basin) PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Steps in PRIVA for Eqn 2 • Identify national policy goals and activities that will guide analysis • For example, goal of ensuring food security in sections of society, eradication of poverty • Specific targets: vision documents, or regional/global goals such as MDG .. PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Steps in PRIVA for Eqn 2 • Step 1: Describe system as a function of climatic factors in terms of reduced form impact models for systems, quantitatively where possible • But can be descriptive based on past experience or local knowledge PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Steps in PRIVA for Eqn 2 • Step 2: Identify climatic hazards for region/system • And describe risks associated with these climatic hazards for place (select critical risks), based on probabilities if possible or using descriptive models • Descriptive – stand guided by the IPCC TAR: in terms of how extremes will very likely get worse PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Steps in PRIVA for Eqn 2 • Step 3: Calculate/”simulate” partial differentials in terms of how climate is likely to change (in broad terms – globally, regionally and not through location specific scenarios) to understand threshold exceedance, break points; and so sensitivity of system to hazard, and so define coping range. “Simulate” through participatory approaches PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Describing system as a function of climatic factors to estimate vulnerability • Can develop a probability model for yield falling below the critical threshold • Can also represent the probability of the climate variable (temperature, moisture, etc) • Then combine these two to create a measure of risk for the catastrophic event of y<y_crit (e.g. food shortage …. With respect to climate …) • Simulate to develop response surfaces … apply user thresholds to define vulnerability PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Steps in PRIVA for Eqn 2 • Step 4: Characterize coping ability as function of social-economic determinants at particular place and timeframe with respect to hazard • Step 5: identify interventions (adaptation activities) to manipulate this equation 2 as follows. PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Framing Adaptation in PRIVA in terms of Eqn 2 • V(climatic hazard) = F { Risk (climatic hazard) ; Impact Potential (Sensitivity (hazard)Coping Range(system_f(climate))); Coping Ability (determinants|hazard) } Define adaptation to minimize (to zero even) through any of the following: • By reducing the risk associated with hazards by manipulating components of risk • (Removing/reducing hazard through mitigation is outside domain of analysis for the LDCs) • Reduce impact potential through manipulation of the system dependence on climate (cropping manipulations for instance) • By increasing coping ability (e.g addressing key determinants such as poverty, access to financial resources, etc) • Carry out above in a multi-dimensional analysis or less effectively by addressing only one or some of the components PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Framing Adaptation in PRIVA in terms of Eqn 2 • Idea in NAPA is for a participatory process involving stakeholders to identify key systems for consideration in the context of a particular development goal or target • For example, if we concluded food security would be significantly affected, we can explore pathways for achieving food security taking into account the rapid assessment of the climate threats • Then can apply consensus building or MCA or other method to rank needs and interventions PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Applying PRIVA to NAPA • This rapid assessment approach has been advocated for use in planning adaptation in LDCs in the context of urgent and immediate needs • Semi-quantitative approaches are used, sometimes descriptive to overcome lack of data • Method fine-tuned with broad participation of experts from LDCs and those of the UNFCCC LDC Expert Group (LEG) • Applied in 4 regional workshops (worldwide for LDCs) by the LEG (along with various agencies and groups and other methodological inputs) PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Applying PRIVA to NAPA • Current knowledge and experiences with climate (variability, extremes etc) sufficient to go through steps using participatory approaches for all LDCs • No expectation that NAPA activities will identify or address all adaptation needs especially long-term needs • NAPA to address the transition period between recent past/present climate and future changed climate PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
ClimateChange Extremes and Coping Range Current Climate Changed Climate? Climatic Attribute (X) Time(years) Current Coping Range Transition period – NAPA domain PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Cascading or nested spatial scales • Apply PRIVA in successive spatial scales until issue is manageable – in relation to stakeholders, or in terms of funding limitations • For example, apply at national level to identify/select most vulnerable regions and systems or sectors or communities (“hotspots”) • Can then re-apply PRIVA for the selected regions • Iterate until can identify clear actions (adaptation activities) that are easily implementable and address specific communities/locations (action-orientedness, etc) PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Cascading or nested spatial scales • In fact, PRIVA approach can be applied at any scale, from global, regional, national, sub-regional to community level depending on the stakeholders PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Summary – grand challenge • Formal description of vulnerability in terms of climate, impacts, coping (adaptation) to allow rigorous testing and such. • Tools for adaptation need to be based on some formulation of vulnerability and adaptation. Impact assessments by themselves are not adaptation assessments. Is some kind of a decision framework the link between the two? • PRIVA is attempting these, and the approach can be applied at any scale PRIVA: Tool for NAPA
Further information • NAPA Primer (funded by CIDA, with contributions from AF38) • Thinking and evolution of the NAPA through efforts by the UNFCCC, the LDC Group, the LEG and IA’s and numerous scientists is gratefully acknowledged. Usual disclaimers apply. PRIVA: Tool for NAPA